The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 756 Dad, You Hit Me Again!

Chapter 756 Dad, You Hit Me Again!
Outside the car window, the shadows of pedestrians and vehicles kept receding.

Quan Jing didn't know what to think of, and suddenly sighed.

Quan Rin, who was sitting by the side, glanced at his sister suspiciously.

Just about to speak, a WeChat notification sounded.

Quan Rin watched Quan Jing slowly withdraw his thoughts, took out the phone from his bag, and looked down.

Yu: [Take you to a place on weekends]

Unaware that his younger brother was looking at him, Quan Jing subconsciously bent his lips, and replied with the word "yes".

As soon as she sent her message, the other party responded in seconds: "What are you doing?"

The smile on the corner of Quan Jing's mouth became even brighter.

Quan Rin, who saw this scene in his eyes the whole time: "???"

He is not stupid, except for Nangong Yuting, he can't think of another person who can make his sister show such a stupid look.

Nima, that old man really wants to rob him of his sister!

Thinking of this, Quan Lin secretly exited the game page, clicked into WeChat, and started bombarding Nangong Mo.

These uncles and nephews are the same stuff.

The innocent Nangong watched the series of messages silently: "???" This fat man is having another convulsion?
Accustomed to Quan Rin's occasional madness, Nangong Mo simply ignored him.

Seeing his sister chatting with someone all the way, Quan Rin became even more depressed.

Sure enough, the female university is not allowed to stay!
Boys, emotions come and go quickly.

What's more, if there are games to play, Quan Rin can't care about other things.

While waiting for dinner, Quan Rin took the opportunity to play a few rounds.

Quan Tianxiang, who was sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper, saw him like this, got up, walked forward, and patted his head with one hand: "Just play, you know how to play, have you finished your homework?"

Quan Rin: "???" Why didn't he know there was still homework?
Responding belatedly, Quan Lin howled: "Dad, you hit me again!"

Quan Tianxiang patted him on the head again: "What? I can't hit you yet, don't forget that I am your old man."

Quan Rin: "..."

Wen Shuwan came over, glanced at the father and son, sat gracefully on the sofa beside her, and asked softly: "Fat Yuan, it's a new semester, how are you doing at school?"

Quan Rin shrugged: "That's it."

Afterwards, Wen Shuwan asked him a few more questions, and Quan Rin answered them all.

Compared with Quan Tianxiang's simplicity and rudeness, Wen Shuwan is more persuasive.

After all, it was her son, and she understood the general idea after just such a heart-to-heart talk.

After dinner, the family went for a walk.

The neon lights at night are very shining.

Four figures walked under the light, stretching the figures very long.

Quan Jing walked in front holding Dian Dian, and Quan Rin chased behind.

The siblings were laughing and playing, just like when they were young.

Quan Tianxiang and Wen Shuwan, who were walking behind, looked at this scene and smiled at each other.

The children are all grown up, and in a few years, they should retire.

After returning from a walk, Quan Rin hurriedly went to the bathroom on the first floor to wash his hands, then sat on the sofa, turned on the TV, and put it on Yuzu Satellite TV.

He raised his hand and glanced at the time on his watch.

18: 49.

There is still more than half an hour before the broadcast of the show he admires God.

Fearing that staying in the living room would mean another talk, Quan Rin said "I'll go back to my room to take a shower first", and then went upstairs slowly.

Seeing him like this, Wen Shuwan smiled softly: "This child..."

Quan Jing arranged the dots and came to the living room.

Sweetly called out: "Daddy, Mommy."

Seeing their precious daughter, Quan Tianxiang and Wen Shuwan immediately forgot about Quan Rin.

The same as asking Quan Rin just now, Wen Shuwan took Quan Jing's hand and asked again.

(End of this chapter)

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