The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 767 "Gentleman and Scum"

Chapter 767 "Gentleman and Scum"

I don't know if it was Xu Zihang's nerves, but when he saw the first history search, his eyes were straightened, and he almost got angry.

Depend on!This Feng Xun, do you want to despise him like this?
What do you mean by "there is a super annoying guy in the office", ah hey, why is he annoying, he is obviously...

Oh no, there are so many people in the office, why does he have to be seated according to the number?

Having figured this out, Xu Zihang pretended he hadn't seen anything, turned off the computer, and returned to his job.

Because of the charges of "Starry Sky", even JY-御's other works have also increased a wave of data.

No way, JY-Yu's paintings are like those poppies, which look beautiful on the outside, but are very addictive.

Fanquan, Weibo, Space, Moments, and even Post Bars, all the places that can be discussed, there are more or less fans of JY-御, and what they talk about, there is no doubt that it is all about "Starry Sky"...

Two in the afternoon.

Under Wei Dongxu's signal, the assistant released a 5-minute behind-the-scenes footage through the official blog!
Anyway, the TV series was over, and when posting the tidbits, the assistant also pointed out that this was the last benefit, and Aite chose Mu Yunchen and An Yelin.

Although the fans feel sorry, they are still very happy.

Because...they can see idols again.

In the tidbits, Mu Yunchen was as cold as ever, as if he found someone secretly taking pictures, he raised his eyes slightly and glanced towards the camera.

That look is amazing!

Seeing this, many wontons screamed.

Mushen's eyes are simply not too A!
In addition to Mu Yunchen, there are other actors in the crew in the tidbits.

The time is short and it is impossible to capture everyone.

The assistant picked a few actors who played important roles and asked questions, which can be regarded as satisfying the curiosity of the fans.

When the time jumped to 04:36, a beautiful little face came into the camera.

The assistant ran towards Quan Jing while talking.

Looking at Quan Jing under the high-definition lens, his face is full of collagen, and fans admire him.

In particular, seeing Quan Jing being "interviewed" with a look of astonishment, everyone was instantly amazed.

The little fairy is still so cute!
At the end of the video, many people were still unsatisfied.

The tidbits are much more real than TV dramas.

After half an hour.

#《青春有你,无恨》Super Long Behind-The-Scenes Tidbits# The topic was on the hot search list.

Some fans made a screenshot of Mu Yunchen's killer look into an emoticon package, with the text: If you mess with me, you will die!
Surprisingly, the eyes match the words very well.

In an instant, countless people forwarded this emoticon package.

It actually brought up a topic again every minute, called: #朱云晨表情包# New

Xiao Yu, who came across this topic, was a little afraid to look at Mu Yunchen.

Inexplicably, he had an idea in his mind.

If Brother Mu finds out, netizens are making fun of him, I don't know how he will react?
Maybe it was because he was watching too intently, even if he didn't turn his head, Mu Yunchen could still feel his gaze.

Carelessly flipping through a page of the magazine, and just about to speak, Fei Xiang rushed over from the outside in a hurry: "Yun Chen, let me tell you, I just received a call from Director David, and he has a movie in his hand called "Gentleman" "With the Scum", Director David said, he appointed you to play the leading role in this movie, this is the script he sent me, please take a look..."

Mu Yunchen is very familiar with the David director Fei Xiang is talking about, and the two have collaborated several times before.

Seriously, are they still acquaintances?

(End of this chapter)

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