The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 773 This World Is Really Small

Chapter 773 This World Is Really Small

This year's Qingmang Music Festival was held in the Music Theater.

At this moment, two-thirds of the people in the performance hall, which can accommodate tens of thousands of people, are seated.

The moment Quan Jing stepped in, all eyes were on her side.

No matter those who have seen her or those who haven't seen her, they can't help opening their eyes.

The noisy voice in his ears suddenly quieted down, and Chu Hansheng, who was listening to music with headphones, raised his head inadvertently.

His eyes fell on Quan Jing at the door, and he stood up abruptly.

His movements were so abrupt that some people came back to their senses.

Even Quan Jing looked at him.

Isn't that familiar face the Chu Hansheng in her memory!
Quan Jing secretly sighed: This world is really small.

In the surprised eyes of everyone, Chu Hansheng took off his earphones, put his hands in his pockets, showed a joyful smile, and ran to Quan Jing's side quickly.

Then, everyone watched Chu Hansheng flick Quan Jing's forehead very familiarly: "Xiao Quanquan, why did you come here?"

Quan Jing: "..." This guy, she will bear it if he calls her circle, what's the matter with adding "little"?

Also, why is he still the same as when he was a child, he likes to make fun of her.

Chu Hansheng, the son of her distant cousin, after all, she should call him brother.

It's just... this person is too incomprehensible, he doesn't look like an older brother at all.

In front of so many people, it was really hard for Quan Jing to talk to him, so he could only whisper what the two of them could hear: "Brother Han Sheng, the timing is not right, if you have anything to say, we will talk about it later."

Then, Chu Hansheng saw Quan Jing smiling sweetly at him.

I know that Quan Jing has been beautiful since he was a child, but in recent years, he has become more and more proficient in the music scene, and the chances of going home are pitifully rare, let alone seeing his little sister.

Therefore, Chu Hansheng was also surprised to see him here.

Chu Hansheng, who was immersed in Quan Jing's smile for a long time before he came back to his senses, looked again, and there was no sign of Quan Jing in front of him.

He turned around, searched in the crowd, and finally found Quan Jing at No. 12 in the fourth row.

Chu Hansheng: "???" The little girl is also here to participate in the music festival?
Before he could figure out why, an indifferent voice sounded behind him: "Get out of the way."

Chu Hansheng turned his head, and the moment he saw Mu Yunchen, he opened his mouth, "Mu" for a long time before he called out: "Mu Mu Mu...Mu God!"

Mu Yunchen gave an extremely indifferent "Yes", then skipped him, walked to his place, and sat down.

Chu Hansheng: "..."

Seeing Mu Yunchen, some young people at the scene couldn't contain their excitement.

In comparison, Quan Jing was much calmer.

Chu Hansheng came to his senses belatedly, shook off his leather jacket, and sat back in his chair gracefully.

Of course, if he ignored the way he looked at Mu Yunchen, he would still be quite calm.

Quan Jing, who clearly captured this scene, flashed doubts in his mind.

Strange, why did Han Sheng look at Uncle Yunchen like that?

However, the reality did not give Quan Jing a chance to think too much.

Ten past ten.

The rehearsal program began on the spot.

For a while, the performance hall was very lively.

Crowds of people gather together.

In order to take a step closer, many people went to seek advice from experienced seniors.

Quan Jing looked left and right, and suddenly wanted to change the dress first...

Before Quan Jing could take any action, Pei Lingfei and Cai Jingyuan came to her one after another.

"Xiao Quanjing." Two voices sounded.

When Quan Jing turned her head, she saw two people she was familiar with.

She smiled slightly, and called sweetly: "Mr. Ling Fei, Mr. Cai."

(End of this chapter)

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