Chapter 781
Looking at the nanny car parked in front of him, and the face that came into view.

Quan Jing: "..."

She rubbed between her brows, feeling a little headache.

In the nanny's car, Chu Hansheng raised his eyebrows: "Xiaoquanquan, get in the car, what are you still doing?"

Seeing that the little girl didn't get in the car for a long time, Chu Hansheng said deliberately: "If you don't get in the car again, I'll call my aunt..."

Hearing this, Quan Jing instantly became furious.

She jumped into the car like a kitten, patted his arm as before, and kept saying: "Why are you like this! You know how to scare me with Mommy, are you naive? I saying you……"

While talking, Quan Jing suddenly realized something.

Turning his head a little stiffly, he met two pairs of astonished eyes.

She smiled awkwardly but politely, raised her hand, and said hello: "Hi."

In the next second, she reflexively stayed far away from Chu Hansheng, sat down obediently, and wanted to explain something, but she also knew that the scene just now would become more chaotic if she explained it more, so she might as well pretend nothing happened.

I was hypnotizing myself in my mind, when Chu Hansheng's words rang in my ears: "Xiao Quanquan, that's my manager Jiang Tao, you can call him Brother Tao, and the person next to him is my assistant Xiao Ding."

Then I heard Chu Hansheng continue to say: "Brother Tao, this is Quan Jing, my little cousin."

Quan Jing noticed that he deliberately emphasized "my family's" and was puzzled.

After a while, a relatively young and unfamiliar male voice sounded in the carriage, and he let out a sigh of relief: "Oh, little cousin, I thought it was the girlfriend you were talking about behind my back."

Having said that, Jiang Tao couldn't help but look at Quan Jing.

Quan Jing: "???"

She tilted her head, looked at Chu Hansheng, and asked silently: What do you mean?
Having been exposed, Chu Hansheng coughed in embarrassment: "Then what, brother Tao, send Xiaoquanquan back first. Xiaoquanquan, where are you going? I will send you off."

Having already sat in, it is meaningless to talk about getting out of the car now, Quan Jing said directly: "Diyi Academy."

Chu Hansheng snapped his fingers: "That's it. Old Wang, Diyi Academy."

After he finished speaking, he realized in shock: "Wait! Diyi Academy?"

Quan Jing looked innocent.

Chu Hansheng: "..." What has he missed in the past few years?
Xiao Ding, who had been silent all this time, said in a low voice at this moment: "Brother Sheng, can I... ask the little fairy to sign for me?"

With a sudden sound, everyone in the carriage looked at Xiao Ding.

Quan Jing didn't expect that he could meet a fan by taking a "free ride".

Before Chu Hansheng could speak, she agreed with a smile: "Yes, where do you want to sign?"

Xiao Ding was very excited: Oh, the little fairy is so gentle, and her voice is so nice!
Satisfied, he asked Quan Jing to sign on the phone, and Xiao Ding was overjoyed.

Seeing his nympho look, Chu Hansheng was ashamed.

Jiang Tao only looked calm on the surface, but his heart was not calm.

Quan Jing is actually Chu Hansheng's little cousin?

He often saw things about Quan Jing on Weibo.

At that time, he thought to himself, what kind of girl actually has such a high degree of attention.

But just now... the first second I saw Quan Jing, I had to admit that he, an old man who was almost 40 years old, couldn't hold back his little heart.

This girl is so beautiful!
If it weren't for the fact that his artists got along with her too easily, and it was basically Chu Hansheng who was looking for something to say, he would really doubt whether she was the same as those artists who wanted to climb up...

(End of this chapter)

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