The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 797 Digital Album

Chapter 797 Digital Album
Star Culture.

Qin Jing's lounge.

Because of the good response at the Qingmang Music Festival, Qin Jing's popularity has rebounded a lot.

After all, he debuted for more than ten years, and still has a fan base.

Song Zhen also accepted many endorsements and activities for her.

Qin Jing is much better than before, and Song Zhen is more dedicated to her work arrangements.

No, she just received another call.

On the sofa, the well-behaved Qin Jing took her mobile phone and logged into the trumpet to browse Weibo.

When she found nothing interesting, she quit.

Not long after, Song Zhen came over after hanging up the phone.

I don't know what the other party said to her, but she still has a smile on her face at the moment, obviously in a good mood.

Song Zhen: "Qin Jing, Mr. Liu from Xinyan Home called me just now, saying that he hopes you can represent their new product - Yarongni."

"Home of New Face" Qin Jing has heard that her skin care products are relatively well-known in the industry, but they are also quite expensive.

Generally, the female stars who can endorse her skin care products are those top-notch actresses, and it is the first time to find a female singer like her.

In this way, it is not difficult for Qin Jing to understand why Song Zhen has such an attitude.

Qin Jing nodded: "I always listen to my real sister."

Song Zhen smiled more sincerely: "Okay, then I will arrange it and sign the contract later."

Qin Jing: "Okay."

learn from mistakes.

Qin Jing kept a low profile and didn't tell her fans that she was going to endorse Xinyanjia's skin care products. Instead, she took a selfie and asked Song Zhen for instructions before posting on Weibo.

Qin Jing V: [Rare leisure time (picture jpg)]

As soon as the Weibo was posted, many crystals instantly reposted, commented, and liked it.

As soon as Qin Jing refreshed, she saw a lot of messages.

She picked out a few old fans who had been with her for a long time, replied a few words, and then put away her phone: "Sister Zhen, I'm going to practice singing."

Song Zhen continued busy with his work without raising his head: "Okay, let's go."

When Qin Jing was approaching the door of the lounge, her footsteps stopped.

In just a second, she raised her lips and walked towards the singing room.

While Quan Jing was busy studying, Han Dongqing was not only busy with the first anniversary event, but also kept an eye on the progress of the album.

Of course, since Quan Jing is still just a rookie, this time, the company made a digital album for her.

At that time, when the finished album comes out, fans can directly purchase it online on authorized music websites.

An album with only three songs in it.

However, for a new singer like Quan Jing, it was already a kind of encouragement.

This is what she worked hard for!
In addition to staring at the progress, Han Dongqing also reminds Quan Jing every day that even in school, don't forget to practice.

At the first anniversary celebration, she will sing live...


After a few days of production, the first digital album is out!

This day, Friday.

Quan Jing will go back to the dormitory after lunch.

"When I grow up……"

The bell rang, very clearly in the silent space.

Quan Jing picked up the phone and saw "Sister Han" jumping on the screen. She seemed to think of something, and immediately swipe to answer: "Sister Han!"

Han Dongqing was taken aback for a moment, responded, and told Quan Jing the good news: "Quan Jing, your digital album is finished. I discussed it with the company's senior management, and it will be sold on the 24th..."

Quan Jing blinked: "Number 24?" Isn't that next Monday...

Han Dongqing: "Yes."

The reason why she made this call was firstly to tell Quan Jing that the digital album was ready, and secondly, to warn her that her first anniversary celebration was coming soon, and there should be no mistakes.

Quan Jing is very obedient: "Sister Han, don't worry, I will always remember what you said to me."

(End of this chapter)

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