The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 805 It's Nice to Have an Uncle

Chapter 805 It's Nice to Have an Uncle
After "harassing" the seventh aunt and the eighth aunt, Quan Rin did not play games with his mobile phone for the first time, but followed the sales of his sister's new album in real time.

It's a pity that the official data is only counted once every 24 hours.

He just stared at it himself.

Staring at him in the background of the Mango Music app made his eyes sour, so Quan Rin put down his phone and went to rest for a while.

By the way, I also charged my phone.

Xu's nerves were too tense, and Quan Rin fell asleep while lying down.

I don't know how long it took...

"Fuck! It collapsed again!" Roommate Zhou Hao swears, waking Quan Rin up.

He rubbed his eyes in a daze, and subconsciously asked, "What's broken again?"

Zhou Hao didn't raise his head: "Mango Music APP, I can't get in."

When Quan Rin heard this, he hurriedly took the phone and logged in.

Sure enough, as Zhou Hao said, the system crashed and he couldn't get in.

He scratched his head and took a look at Weibo.

With just one glance, the first thing he noticed was his special pass.

However, his specialty is only that he admires God.

Quan Rin's eyes lit up, he forgot his purpose of entering Weibo for a moment, and clicked into the Weibo of his admiration first.

Mu Yunchen V: [Children's new album is very nice (link)]

Staring at that "little friend" for a second, two seconds...

Quan Rin: "Damn!"

Zhou Hao, who was wondering that he couldn't listen to the little fairy's new song, heard Quan Rin's call, and couldn't stop complaining about him: "Fatty, what's your name?"

Quan Lin ignored him, but secretly sent a screenshot of Mu Yunchen's Weibo to his sister.

After Quan Jing finished his homework, his phone kept beeping.

She picked it up and took a look.

Fat Rin: [picture jpg]

Fat Rin: [Sister!look! 】

Fat Lin: [Mushen is helping you promote it]

Fat Lin: [Wow, Mushen is so warm]

Fat Rin: […]

Quan Jing clicked on the screenshot sent by Quan Rin, and was taken aback.

Uncle Yunchen helped her to promote her in his busy schedule?
She exited the chat window with Quan Lin, found Mu Yunchen's WeChat, and sent a message there.

Then I went back to her silly brother.

Mu Yunchen, who was filming far away in Los Angeles, just got off the set when he learned from Xiaoyu that Quan Jing released a new album today.

Posting on Weibo was purely a temporary act of his, and he didn't know that there were a lot of people on the Internet promoting it.

Therefore, after receiving the little girl's "Thank you, Uncle Yunchen", he replied calmly: "It's a little effort."

Quan pursed his mouth.

Yes, it was a piece of cake for him, but for a newcomer like her who hadn't established a firm foothold in the entertainment industry, it was a great favor.

No matter what, she accepted Uncle Yun Chen's love.

In the future, she will repay him!
She is a good child who knows how to repay her kindness.

Thinking of this, Quan Jing unconsciously raised the corners of her lips and smiled brightly.

It's nice to have an uncle...

She thought so in her heart, but she didn't know that she quickly typed out what was in her heart.

When she came back to her senses, the message had passed for more than 2 minutes and could no longer be withdrawn.

Quan Jing: "..."

After staring at that sentence for a long time, Mu Yunchen didn't reply anymore.

Quan Jing only hoped that the other party was too busy and ignored her message.

Otherwise, she would be really embarrassing!

10 minute later.

Ding dong.

Quan Jing was shocked.

Lowering his head, he saw Mu Yunchen's reply.

Quan Jing: "!!!"

I saw that there was a new message on the top of the screen.

Mu Yunchen: [My honor]

Quan Jing put the phone on the square table, put her face in her hands, blushing...

(End of this chapter)

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