The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 813 Mrs. Yu loves little fairies

Chapter 813 Mrs. Yu loves little fairies
[Hey, hey, have you noticed the name of Mrs. Yu's donation?It turned out to be a circle! 】

[Circle?Isn't that the nickname of the little fairy? 】

【Ahhh, why do I feel that Mrs. Yu spoils little fairies? 】

【Upstairs, you are not alone】


Countless people flooded into JY-Yu's Weibo.

Some people even just to see his donation receipt.

2000 million!

Knowing that JY-Yu is rich, but he didn't expect that he would donate 2000 million without even blinking.

Also posted a post saying "follow the steps of the little fairy"?
Some artists' real names are sour.

What kind of luck did Quan Jing go?He actually attracted such a big fan!

Youchuang Comics Studio.

Chief Editor's Office.

Kong Xiao is busy with work, and from time to time he has to arrange recommendations from his subordinate authors.

During this period of time, because the big brother's update has been online, Chu Bawang didn't make it difficult for him.

It's just that the boss has been too low-key recently?

Just as he was thinking about it, someone knocked on the door of his office.

Kong Xiao frowned: "Come in."

The assistant Xiao Wang rushed in quickly, panting heavily, and said repeatedly: "Editor-in-Chief, quickly check Mrs. Yu's Weibo!"

Kong Xiao quickly logged into Weibo while asking what happened.

Assistant Xiao Wang briefly talked about JY-Yu's donation.

After Xiao Wang finishes speaking, Kong Xiao will click on the main page of JY-御.

Seeing the latest Weibo post, his eyes widened.

He pointed at the computer screen, speechless in shock: "This, this, this..."

Assistant Xiao Wang: "..." Chief editor, didn't I tell you just now...

Without saying a word, Kong Xiao picked up his mobile phone and made a call.

The phone rang for a while before it was picked up.

A cold voice suddenly entered Kong Xiao's ears: "What's the matter?"

Kong Xiao choked.

God knows, he just wanted to ask the boss what was going on out of conditioned reflex.

However, when he really heard the voice of the boss, he didn't know what to say.

Maybe he didn't make a sound for a long time, but Nangong Yuting said once again: "Is there something wrong?"

Kong Xiao, who has been in contact with Nangong Yuting several times, of course knows that this is the rhythm of being impatient.

He quickly turned a corner and mentioned the start of filming of the TV series "You Under the Starry Sky".

Of course, Qiao Shuai hasn't discussed this matter with him in detail yet.

The main reason is... the manga is still being serialized, so even if you want to shoot, you can only shoot the first half.

However, Nangong Yuting was not clear about this, and really thought that "Starry Sky" was about to start filming: "It's about casting again?"

Kong Xiao let out an "ah", and answered vaguely.

In fact, he was very disturbed.

Just as he was thinking wildly, Nangong Yuting said coldly and sharply: "I still say that."

Kong Xiao: "Uh..." What should he say?

Suddenly, Kong Xiao had a flash of inspiration: "By the way, boss, next week, I'm going to give you an all-channel promotion, and something new..."

He was only halfway through when Nangong Yuting interrupted him: "Look for Feng Xun."

Kong Xiao froze instantly: "Oh."

Xiao Wang, the assistant who saw his editor-in-chief talking to Mrs. Yu all the way: "???" Who am I?where am I?What am I doing?
It's the first time I know that the editor-in-chief is actually so...cowardly in front of Mrs. Yu.

Assistant Xiao Wang lowered his head, holding back a smile, for fear that he might not be able to hold back.

After all, it is the person by his side, and Kong Xiao doesn't know what the person is thinking.

He waved his hand with displeasure: "Go down, don't you want to work?"

After a while, the assistant Xiao Wang left the office.

(End of this chapter)

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