The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 819 Did You Offend Him?

Chapter 819 Did You Offend Him?
"Aw~ sister! You actually abandoned your dearest brother! Did you have a dog outside behind my back..."

Quan Lin's howl fell into Nangong Yuting's ears word for word.

Nangong Yuting narrowed his eyes, and an indistinct evil smile flashed across his eyes.

Very well, this kid first called him an old man, and now he is called a dog. He really thought he wouldn't dare to do anything to him, right?
There is a red light ahead.

Nangong Yuting leaned closer to Quan Jing, and his low voice fell into Quan Rin's ear impartially: "Quanquan, where do you want to go during summer vacation?"

Before Quan Jing could make a sound, Quan Rin on the other end was the first to speak: "Well, you Nangong Yuting, I knew it was you! Tell me, where do you want to abduct my sister! I warn you, don't think that If you are stupid, I dare not hit you, uncle, I..."

Quan Jing had a headache, why did her Fat Rin look like a cat with its hair blown out.

She tilted her head slightly, and silently asked the man beside her: Did you offend him?

Nangong Yuting spread her hands innocently.

Quan Rin beeped on the phone for a long time, his throat was a little dry, he coughed, and called out "sister" aggrievedly.

For a 19-year-old boy, pretending to be so pitiful, Nangong Yuting was at a loss for words.

Quan Jing was used to Quan Rin like this, so she said sweetly, "Fat Rin, you go back first, I will say hello to Mommy."

Quan Rin pursed his mouth: "Okay then, come back early!"

Quan Jing: "I know."

After hanging up the phone, Quan Jing saw Nangong Yuting looking at her with something wrong, she looked down at herself, and found nothing wrong.

She blinked her eyes twice, innocently: "What's wrong with you?"

Nangong Yuting opened his mouth, and just in time, a horn sounded from behind.

The green light is on.

He drove on.

After passing a turning intersection, a slightly deep male voice sounded in the quiet carriage: "Quanquan, do you think that our age gap is too big..."

The man who guides the world in various decisions in the mall, now has a great sense of powerlessness because of his age.

Indeed, in the eyes of outsiders, he is 12 years older than Quan Jing, and he feels like an old cow eating young grass.

But only he knows in his heart that no matter in the past, now, or even in the future, his heart beats only for her!

Quan Jing was taken aback by the sudden heavy topic.

All along, Nangong Yuting has been very kind to her, so good that she wondered if she was too peaceful.

Because, compared to him, she never seemed to have done anything to him.

I didn't know it before, but now that I think about it, he silently paid a lot behind the scenes.

If he didn't want to say it, she didn't ask either.

When he wants to say something, he will naturally pour it all out.

All she can do is trust him and respect him!

As for the age difference he mentioned, she felt that as long as they truly love each other, these are not problems.

Moreover, Daddy and Mommy are not so worldly people.

Quan Jing sorted out these thoughts, and tilted her head to look at him playfully, with a bright smile, like a star in the sky.

She said, "No."

Those three simple words suddenly crashed into Nangong Yuting's heart.

Seeing the smile on her face, he pursed his lips and smiled, his ink pupils were full of tenderness.

Yes, his girl has always been so different.

Before eating, Nangong Yuting took Quan Jing to the Milky Way Bay.

The last time she came, she was hurriedly called to the company by Han Dongqing before she could play.

This time, he deliberately asked someone to clear the venue so that she could have fun.

(End of this chapter)

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