Chapter 822 Encounter

Because he was not sure how long she would stay, Quan Jing asked Uncle Zhou to go back first.

Before getting out of the car, Quan Jing put on a mask.

Although there are not many people who can come to the headquarters of KH Siyuan, it is a big brand after all.

Xiang Qian "solved" wave after wave of people who greeted him, but he couldn't help being irritable before he got the person he wanted to meet.

He took out his mobile phone and was about to ask where he was when a soft female voice fell into his ears: "Brother Qian."

Looking back to Qian, he saw a young girl with ponytail standing behind him.

Looking carefully, who else could this be his little cousin?

Xiang Qian's frown was slightly relaxed, and he breathed a sigh of relief: "I said, little princess, why did you arrive? If it is later, your brother Qian's head may not be saved."

Quan Jing squinted and smiled: "Where is such an exaggeration."

Xiang Qian didn't tell her too much: "Let's go, brother will take you in first."

This is not Quan Jing's first visit to KH Siyuan, but it is also the first time she stepped here after entering the entertainment industry.

The furnishings inside are still familiar.

Xiang Qian took Quan Jing directly to the storage room on the fifth floor.

When he came to a warehouse manager, Quan Jing saw what Xiang Qian had said to him, and then the man took out an exquisite box.

I don't know if it was Quan Jing's illusion, but she always felt that the other party was looking at her.

Obviously she didn't even take off her mask, so people shouldn't be able to see anything from such a long distance, right?

Before she could think too much, Xiang Qian came over with the box: "Neng, you want 'encounter'."

Quan Jing blinked, said "Thank you, brother Qian", opened the box, and took a look.

The inner ring of the watch is gold, and it is inlaid with silver diamonds or gold diamonds around it. It sparkles under the sunlight.

The outer ring is pure black, very high-end atmosphere.

Quan Jing put the empty box in Xiang Qian's hand without being unfamiliar at all, took the "encounter" watch, and put it on her wrist.

The watch ring retracted automatically, Quan Jing turned his wrist, the more he looked at it, the more satisfied he became.

After a while, she took off the watch and put it back into the box: "I want this one!"

Xiang Qian raised his eyebrows and asked tentatively, "Quanquan, this watch... are you planning to give it to your uncle?"

Quan Jing tilted her head, a little confused, so: "Daddy? He doesn't lack watches."

Xiang Qian: "..."

Seeing her holding the box with joy on her face, a thought flashed through Xiang Qian's mind.

But, after thinking about it, he shook his head again.

How is it possible, how big is the circle...

After not seeing each other for a long time, Xiang Qian proposed to take her to eat delicious food at noon.

Quan Jing: "Okay, but Brother Qian, I have to send the tea to my uncle first. Neng, this is it."

With that said, Quan Jing took out a brand new unopened tea bag from her bag.

Xiang Qian put the tea bag back into Quan Jing's bag: "Don't worry about him, let's go, brother will take you around."

Quan Jing: "???"

So, Xiang Guohuai happily waited for Quan Jing to bring him tea, but when he got off work, he didn't see anyone.

It was Xiang Qian who took Quan Jing around and took her to eat French food.

After sending him back to Quan Zhai, he returned to the company.

At that time, Xiang Guohuai was in his office.

Seeing him coming back from the outside, he subconsciously asked, "Have you seen the circle?"

Xiang Qian responded lightly: "I see."

Xiang Guohuai continued to ask: "What about the girl?"

Xiang Qian took off his suit jacket: "Oh, I sent her back."

Xiang Guohuai: "???" So, his tea was withheld by this kid?
(End of this chapter)

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