The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 844 "Drunk Beauty"

Chapter 844 "Drunk Beauty"

When it was Quan Jing's turn, the young people outside the court screamed continuously.

With yesterday's precedent, Zhao Xingang and his party were not surprised at all.

What's more, even if Quan Jing's popularity is removed, just looking at her face will cause screams.

In today's society, there are too many people who look at their faces!
Maybe it's because there are a lot of pure water among the young people at the scene today, and everyone calls for Quan Jing to sing a song.

After all, Quan Jing has made more achievements in singing than acting.

Quan Jing's kindness is hard to get rid of, but he doesn't know what to sing for a while.

Zhao Xingang took this opportunity to say: "Quan Jing, I will sing the episode you wrote."

Except for Shi Xiwen, no one knows Di Jiuhuang better than Quan Jing.

In this drama, every character has an exclusive BGM, and as the heroine, Di Jiuhuang is of course no exception.

Quan Jing is not only skilled in singing, but also talented in arranging music.

For this reason, Zhao Xin had just discussed with her, and this episode was born.

Quan Jing was slightly taken aback, but the director didn't mind, and she didn't even mind.

She calmed down, adjusted her thoughts a little, and then opened her eyes, and the ethereal female voice rang throughout Xindong Street.

The afterglow is in front of my eyes

Rakshasa Drunk Beauty in Dream

laugh at the unobtainable fate
see you again

There is only one cold moon left

After the song was over, the audience fell silent instantly.

Just listening to the song, various images appeared in their minds.

Some even cried after listening to it!

When singing the song "Drunk Beauty", Quan Jing imagined herself as Emperor Jiuhuang.

She was lonely and cold, and in the end she was the only one who fell in love with the demon, but in the end that person was not there, and she was left alone in the future.

No matter how hard she overcomes obstacles, breaks through the shackles of the demon world, and returns to the nine heavens, the loneliness in her heart is like the bright moon in the moon palace, leaving only desolation and coldness all day long, which is a bit hurt.

Someone noticed that after singing, Quan Jing's eyes were slightly red.

Then, all distressed words sounded.

"Little fairy, don't cry, we are here!"

"The fairy is crying, it hurts so much."

"Little fairy, be good, the pure waters will always be with you!"


Quan Jing smiled lightly, bright as a flower: "Thank you everyone."

Too much wasted, and I also thought of the Emperor Jiuhuang in the play, Quan Jing couldn't help being moved.

Most of the rest of the stage was handed over to other people, and she sat obediently aside.

Occasionally participate in some small games with fans.


Zhao Xingang and several major protagonists stood together and asked the media to take a group photo.

Immediately, everyone said goodbye in turn.

This road show is over.

Even though the fans are reluctant to part, what should come will still come.

Quan Jing waved goodbye to them, even in the nanny car, there were still people pushing forward.

Afraid of hurting them, Quan Jing rolled down the window of the nanny's car, and said with concern: "Everyone, pay attention to safety, don't hurt yourself..."

A group of people surrounded the scene, and the nanny car couldn't move at all.

Sheng Ke's eyes were cold, just as she was about to say something, Han Dongqing, the agent, came out.

After all, she was used to such occasions, so she told the fans about their expectations: "Quan Jing will have new variety shows and endorsements..."

What fans want is nothing more than to know news about idols.

What's more, she is already talking about new variety shows and endorsements.

Not surprisingly, it's only been two days.

That being said, the fans are satisfied.

For a long time, the nanny car avoided the crowd and drove towards the airport...

After passing a traffic light, Chi Yutong came back to his senses, and said embarrassedly: "Well, can you please stop at the intersection ahead."

Han Dongqing glanced back at her, said nothing, and nodded in agreement when the driver looked over through the rearview mirror.


Chi Yutong got out of the car and waved to Quan Jing: "Little Fairy, see you in the new semester~"

(End of this chapter)

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