The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 846 Seeing Your Wife

Chapter 846 Seeing Your Wife
Office of the Chairman.

Quan Tianxiang just hung up a business phone call, when a new message popped up on WeChat.

He clicked in and found that it was a link.

He didn't look carefully and sent a "?" directly.

Then there was a wave of people posting "Chairman" and "President Quan". Seeing this, he felt a little headache, so he withdrew and left it alone.

Originally, today is Sunday, everyone can rest.

However, during this period of time, the company has been catching up with the progress of a cooperation project, so Quan Tianxiang arranged for manpower to be on duty on weekends and to take days off afterwards.

Everyone understands and doesn't complain.

After all, Quan's Group has good treatment, high wages, and orderly division of labor. Everyone cooperates with each other, and there will be no chaos at all.

However, with high-intensity work, everyone also needs to rest.

Unexpectedly, it was this rest that almost caused a big mistake.

Fortunately, the chairman didn't care about it, otherwise, they would definitely have their bonus deducted!
JY era.

The bored Xia Houye slumped on the sofa and checked Weibo.

After swiping, he saw Quan Jing's video.

He clicked on the release directly.

The ethereal voice belonging to Quan Jing instantly resounded in the lounge.

Xia Houye closed his eyes and listened carefully.

After the song was over, he still couldn't recover for a long time.

After a while, he saved the video, clicked on the WeChat brother group that he hadn't entered for a long time, and sent the video to the group.

Xia Houye: [@御出来看你妻子]

As soon as the news was released, Nangong Yuting was not blown out immediately, but Qi Feibai and He Yixuan were blown up instead.

Qi Feibai: [What's the situation? 】

He Yixuan: [eating melon expression pack]

Afterwards, the three chatted in the group.

Qi Feibai was stunned when he learned that Quan Jing made a "provoking" trending search in a calm manner.

No, his artistes also hang out in the circle, so why isn't it like my sister-in-law, who is always a hot search?
You must know that it will cost a lot of money to buy hot searches.

The three chatted for about ten minutes, and the real master finally appeared.

Nangong Yuting: [? 】

Qi Feibai replied in seconds: [@御Please climb the stairs by yourself to see your wife]

He Yixuan parroted Xia Houye: [@御请求楼套,看到你妈妈]

Nangong old house.

Nangong Yuting didn't go to the company during the rare weekend.

Grandpa Nangong went downstairs and saw the figure sitting on the sofa, and rubbed his eyes, thinking he was wrong.

The father and son looked at each other for less than a minute, Nangong Yuting silently withdrew his gaze and continued to look at the document in his hand.

Grandpa Nangong: "..."

After Nangong Yuting finished processing the documents, he saw the news in the WeChat group.

The video was uploaded by Xia Houye and the others. He only knew that someone liked him, but he didn't know what was said.

He typed a "?" habitually, only to see Qi Feibai's reply.

Climb upstairs to see him... Wife?

Nangong Yuting was not stupid, he obediently climbed the stairs for the first time.

When he saw the video of Quan Jing, he clicked on the video and heard the girl's familiar voice, he unconsciously squinted his eyes.

The girl in the video is wearing a light blue dress, with long curly hair and rosy skin.

However, at the end, when she saw the girl's red eyes, Nangong Yuting pursed her lips tightly, her eyes were distressed.

When the video finished playing, he inadvertently touched the screen, and the latest news popped up in the group.

But he ignored what they said, and directly called Quan Jing.

Next to my ear, there is a mechanical female voice: "Sorry, the phone you dialed has been turned off, please dial later..."

Nangong Yuting frowned, turned off the phone?

(End of this chapter)

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