The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 850 Fairy Sister

Chapter 850 Fairy Sister
"As for Mei Lai's clothing store..." At this point, Han Dongqing couldn't help but look at Quan Jing before continuing, "When Ms. Zhang heard that you were going to endorse her clothes, she agreed without saying a word."

Thinking of Zhang Meilai's reaction at that time, Han Dongqing couldn't help reaching out and touching his nose.

Quan Jing blinked her eyes, not surprised at all.

After exhorting Quan Jing a few words, Han Dongqing said solemnly: "Quan Jing, I will not ask too much about the relationship between you and Ms. Zhang, but you have to remember that business matters are business matters, and private matters are private matters."

Quan Jing pursed her lips: "Sister Han, I know all about this. The reason I chose Mei Lai's is because I don't know much about those cosmetics, so..."

Han Dongqing got up, walked to Quan Jing's side, and patted her on the shoulder: "You just need to be clear in your heart."

Luhe Road, Chinatown.

Today's Chinatown is extraordinarily lively.

Especially now that it's summer vacation.

It's just a pity that it is so difficult for those pure water workers who go to work to meet the little fairy at the door!

01:30 in the afternoon.

One after another, vehicles drove into Chinatown.

Those who knew about the road show of "Emperor Nine Phoenix" were all very excited.

In the car, one figure after another got out of the car.

Except for the directors, most of the remaining leading actors are students of the drama school.

Pure passers-by are not familiar with them.


Quan Jing's figure fell into everyone's eyes.

Today's Quan Jing is wearing a one-shoulder small fresh shirt, paired with ripped jeans, and a pair of white canvas shoes, very youthful and lively.

She just showed up, and those who have seen her or those who haven't, can't help but gasp.

Hiss~ so beautiful!

Walking to Zhao Xingang and the others, Quan Jing smiled sweetly and greeted them one by one.

Shi Xiwen stepped forward and hugged her: "You are beautiful again."

In the crowd, a child suddenly called out.

"Ma Ma, I saw Sister Fairy!"

This soft sentence awakened the consciousness of many people.

It wasn't until they saw Quan Jing on the stage that someone realized that this beautiful girl is a star.

After Zhao Xingang's talk, even people who didn't know the situation knew Quan Jing's name.

When it was Quan Jing's turn, she greeted everyone at the scene generously: "Hi everyone, I am Quan Jing."

The group of people below applauded respectfully.

Even pure water fans shouted: "Little Fairy, you are the best!"

On the stage, Quan Jing smiled brightly.

It was also yesterday's "Drunk Beauty" that was too popular, and everyone was looking forward to Quan Jing's singing again.

Without spoiling everyone's interest, Quan Jing sang again.

The difference is that today there is accompanying music.

However, this does not prevent everyone from listening.

The a cappella is undoubtedly good, but the mixed singing with accompaniment seems to have more feeling.

In the silence of the scene, a soft and waxy child's voice came: "It sounds good, it sounds good~"

The childish applause made Quan Jing on the stage stunned for a moment.

Looking again, there was a soft and glutinous bun on the stage at some point.

The little girl ran up to Quan Jing on short legs, and hugged her: "Sister Fairy~"

Quan Jing was stunned, for a moment he didn't know what to do.

The child tilted his head, somewhat puzzled why Quan Jing ignored her.

The child's mother took the child away and apologized embarrassingly: "The child is not sensible and has caused you trouble."

Quan Jing chuckled: "It's okay, she's cute."

A little episode, the road show is still going on...

(End of this chapter)

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