Chapter 858

After hanging up the phone, Quan Rin was still a little dazed.

What is this man doing?
Simply inexplicable!
That's his sister, okay?
The aggrieved Quan Rin sent his sister a message as usual, and there were a lot of knocks.

Afterwards, he continued to busy himself with the matter at hand.


"The appearance when we first met..." The familiar bell rang.

Quan Rin took the phone, glanced at the phone screen, and noted "his own sister".

He smiled and closed his eyes, and swipe to answer.

The "sister" on the lips has not yet called out, but a strange male voice came from the other end of the phone: "Sorry for the inconvenience, the owner of the mobile phone was in a car accident, and we are rushing to the central hospital for treatment, please inform me The relatives of the owner of the mobile phone, let them..."

Before the words on the other end were finished, Quan Rin stood up abruptly, full of disbelief: "What did you say? Say it again!"

Quan Rin pursed his lips tightly, and the hand hanging by his side trembled slightly.

He didn't believe it, how could his sister have a car accident?This is absolutely impossible!

When the man said it again, Quan Rin didn't even have the courage to listen.

The phone banged on the table.

The movement was a bit loud, which disturbed the colleagues on the side.

Looking at Quan Rin's appearance at this moment, his eyes were red, as if he was about to cry or not.

Colleagues looked at each other, not knowing what happened.

In the next second, Quan Rin picked up his phone and was about to leave, but he still had a bit of reason and knew to ask the minister for leave.

Before the matter was clarified, he couldn't let his old man know about it.

Otherwise, with the temperament of the old man's daughter, I don't know what will happen...

Therefore, when Zhang Zhicheng asked him what the matter was, Quan Rin only said "it's a private matter, it's not convenient to disclose it".

After leaving the company, Quan Rin drove all the way to the city center hospital.

On the way, Quan Rin, who had calmed down a little, remembered the phone call Nangong Yuting made to him.

Could it be...

The original one-hour journey was shortened to half an hour by Quan Rin.

After parking the car, he ran all the way to the hospital.

Somewhat at a loss, she caught a nurse and asked, "Where is the person who just got into a car accident? Where did he go?"

It's not that I haven't seen a family member of a patient who is as anxious as Quan Rin. The nurse comforted him patiently: "Calm down first..."

Just as he was talking, an ambulance stopped at the entrance of the hospital.

Afterwards, the medical staff carried two people out on a stretcher. One had broken glass on his back and could only lie on the stretcher.As for the other, except for a little pale face, there is no major problem for the rest of the time.

Quan Rin glanced over there, and instantly recognized that it was Quan Jing and Han Dongqing!

For a moment, he froze in place.

There was only one thought left in my mind: his sister had a car accident...

It wasn't until someone pushed him that he suddenly came back to his senses, and cried miserably: "Sister!"

Quan Rin chased after him, his legs were a little weak.

What the hell happened?Didn't they sign the contract?How could there be a sudden car accident!

Until Quan Jing and Han Dongqing were pushed into the operating room, Quan Rin was stopped outside.

With his back against the wall, he slowly squatted on the ground with his head in his arms.

at that time.

The scene of the car accident.

Police are taking notes on witnesses.

At this moment, Nangong Yuting was driving by and accidentally caught a glimpse of the license plate number of the scrapped Bentley.

After driving 100 meters forward, he slammed on the brakes.

Nangong Yuting held the steering wheel with both hands, her eyes were deep.

If he remembers correctly, that license plate number is... the car of Quanquan's agent!

Nangong Yuting raised his head and looked over there through the car rearview mirror.

It was Quan Rin's words that echoed in his mind.

"My sister went to sign the contract with her agent."

Nangong Yuting's thin lips parted lightly...

(End of this chapter)

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