Chapter 861
After paying the fee, Quan Rin came back and saw the man standing against the wall at a glance.

Nangong Yuting leaned against the wall with his arms folded and his head closed, but if you look carefully, you will find that his thick and dense long eyelashes are trembling slightly.

For a moment, Quan Rin didn't know what it was like.

Originally, when someone robbed his sister, he always had the illusion that his beloved toy was robbed.

No matter how much he admired him, he couldn't resist his sister's place in his heart!
But now, when he didn't know, people seemed to have anticipated his sister's accident before him, and were even so nervous.

No matter what, he is still 19 years old. There are some things that he has never experienced, but he knows everything he should know.

Although I don't know how this person captured his sister's heart, but because he cares so much about his sister, he can barely pass the test.

Nangong Yuting opened his eyes, and saw Quan Lin's eyes drooping slightly in front of him, and he didn't know where his mind was drifting.

He said in a low voice, "Have you paid the surgery fee?"

Quan Rin came back to his senses: "Yes."

As he said that, he handed the payment list and the card to Nangong Yuting, and continued: "I sent you the money through WeChat, please accept it."

Nangong Yuting didn't look at it, but silently put away the card.

As for what Quan Rin said, he pretended not to hear it.

He wasn't so stingy that he had to figure out even a little surgery fee so clearly.

What's more, Quan Rin is still her younger brother...

Seeing that Nangong Yuting couldn't count, Quan Lin tilted his head slightly, a little puzzled.

Before he could ask a question, the door of the operating room opened.

He rushed over in a hurry, with a nervous look on his face: "Doctor, how is my sister? Is she okay? She..."

Crackling words came out of Quan Rin's mouth.

The leading doctor was hit by him and took two steps aside.

Doctor: "Young man, calm down first, and let me tell you slowly."

Quan Rin's hand holding the doctor's white robe trembled slightly, and his eyes fell on the stretcher cart that had just been rolled out.

Seeing the person on the stretcher, not only Quan Rin, but also Nangong Yuting beside him couldn't help but lose color.

Quan Jing, who was wearing a patient suit, was lying there quietly with her eyes closed and an oxygen mask on.

Without the lively appearance of the past, at this moment, she has lost all vitality.

Quan Rin even pounced on him, yelling in a broken voice, "Sister!"

Of course, he was quickly pulled over by the doctor, and raised his chin towards the people beside him: "Send the person to the ICU ward."

When Quan Lin heard this, trembling slightly, he turned his head and grabbed the doctor's arm: "Doctor, what do you mean? Why is my sister in the ICU? What happened to her! Tell me, tell me!"

The doctor sighed: "I'm sorry, during the operation we found that the patient's brain had a blood clot the size of a fingernail, which was also the direct cause of the patient's coma. In addition, a lot of glass shards were embedded in the patient's back, and the wound was infected. The spinal cord is damaged... As for when the patient will wake up, it may be a few days, it may be months, and it may be..."

Quan Lin silently accepted the doctor's words: "It is very likely that my sister will not wake up for the rest of her life, is it?"

Doctor: "Yes."


A movement caused Quan Rin and the doctor to look over at the same time.

However, Nangong Yuting clenched his hands into fists and slammed them hard against the wall, his eyes were fierce.

The doctor stepped forward: "Sir, this is a hospital, you..."

Before he finished speaking, the doctor swallowed subconsciously when facing Shang Nangong Yuting's cold black eyes.

The look in this man's eyes is terrifying.

(End of this chapter)

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