Chapter 878

On the fifth day after the photo incident of Mu Yunchen and Quan Jing in the same frame broke out, Yin Xiaoyu received a call from a stranger.

The other party said that he was a manager of a certain clothing industry, and felt that she met the selection criteria of their company's spokesperson in all aspects, so he asked her to sign the contract this Sunday.

Yin Xiaoyu didn't believe it at first.

After she inquired again and again, and learned that the endorsement was arranged for her by the company, she immediately agreed happily.

Today, she picked out a very elegant dress, put on a delicate makeup, called a car, and headed to her destination.

Before arriving at the destination, the car broke down suddenly.

The driver looked apologetic: "I'm sorry, girl, this car broke down..."

Yin Xiaoyu looked at the time, and there was still an hour before the time she had agreed with someone.

But she was still a long way from her destination, and it was obviously unrealistic to let her go.

What's more, in order to make a good first impression, she wore ten centimeter high heels today!
She acted like a baby to the driver master with a sweet voice: "Master, can you think of a way? I'm a little girl, and it's not easy to take a taxi here."

Master driver: "This... that's fine, I'll think of a way."

After waiting for more than ten minutes, the problem has not been resolved.

Yin Xiaoyu asked the driver how the situation was while looking at the time.

Under the big sun, the driver was also very irritable.

At the beginning, he explained a little to Yin Xiaoyu's question, but later on, he simply ignored it.

Maybe it was too hot, so the driver went back to the car.

Seeing that time was running out, Yin Xiaoyu frowned slightly, took out a piece of one hundred yuan cash and handed it to the driver: "You don't need to look for it."

After the words fell, she stepped on her high heels and got out of the car.

After walking for a while, Yin Xiaoyu seemed to feel that this way of walking was slower, so she simply took off her high heels.

With high heels in one hand and a bag in the other, she jogged towards her destination.

If she turned around at this time, she would find that the driver who said that the car had broken down picked up the phone and made a call: "Boss, it's fixed."

The other party didn't know what to say, the driver nodded and bowed, and then drove away.

Yin Xiaoyu walked barefoot for more than half an hour, and finally arrived at her destination.

Professionalism allows her to smile decently even though she has traveled so far.

She put on the high heels again, straightened her clothes, showed a smile that she thought was very ladylike, and walked towards the open door.

But she still overlooked one point...

The high temperature outside directly melted her makeup.

Her exquisite makeup made her look like an old lady at the moment.

As a result, when she went to the front desk and told people that she was here to sign a contract, the front desk looked at her inexplicably: "Miss, did you... go to the wrong place?"

Yin Xiaoyu imitated Quan Jing and tilted her head: "No."

Front desk: "..." This man is so contrived!
Just then, a man dressed fancy came out.

Seeing Yin Xiaoyu over there, the man patted his little heart exaggeratedly: "Oh my god, I was scared to death. Where did this old lady come from, so ugly!"

The front desk held back a smile, and said word by word: "This lady said that she came to the company to sign the contract."

The man had a question mark on his face: "What? Just her? Let's forget it."

Listening to the two of you talking to each other, Yin Xiaoyu was a little confused.

She took out her phone and looked at the address.

Make sure she's in the right place...

(End of this chapter)

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