The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 881 Flashback Shooting

Chapter 881 Flashback Shooting
10 number.

07:30 pm.

Grapefruit Satellite TV broadcasts the TV series "Where I Can't Meet You" on time in prime time.

Su Ziyu shot in flashback.

For example, one second before, the camera tells people that the hero and heroine are together, but the next second, the camera turns to the time when the two did not know each other.

Played three episodes first.

As expected of a famous director, every frame is a perfect picture.

Including the interaction between the male and female protagonists, whether it is the logical connection of the screenwriter or the post-editing...

In all of them, people can't find the slightest mistake.

The only thing that makes fans dissatisfied... I am afraid that there are too few episodes, they can't get enough of it!
So, that night, countless topics related to "Where I Don't Meet You" surged on Weibo.

From the acting skills of the hero and heroine to the plot in the play, there are more or less small discussions on everything.

Of course, the one with the highest degree of discussion is the original author - JY-御.

From the announcement of the TV series to its premiere, JY-Yu Leng did not show up on Weibo.

Fans who knew that their wives seldom log in to Weibo all responded to Kong Xiao and asked him to help pass the news on their behalf.

In fact, Kong Xiao did see the "enthusiasm" of netizens.

It's just that he can't contact the boss at all now!
It can be said that since the end of last month, he suddenly couldn't find anyone.

He called the boss's landline several times, but no one answered. When he called Feng Zhe, the other party was always busy, and he didn't know what he was busy with.

Fortunately, Feng Xun was in charge of the boss's update, otherwise, he really didn't know how to explain it to King Chu.

He pretended to be dead as if he didn't see what the netizens said about Aite, but he kept contacting him in private.

He tentatively called Feng Zhe.

I thought it would be as busy this time as before.

Unexpectedly, thirty seconds later, someone answered: "Hello, how are you?"

Maybe it's because there are too many calls, almost as soon as there is free time, Feng Zhe answers the call, and there is no time to see who it is.

After finally someone answered the phone, Kong Xiao didn't care about 21, and said a lot: "The assistant of the boss, it's me, Longya, I want to ask you, can you contact the boss now? I Called him several times, but he wasn't there..."

Upon hearing Long Ya's voice, the corners of Feng Zhe's mouth twitched.

When the person finished speaking, he said in an orderly manner: "That's it, Mr. Long Ya, the boss has more important personal matters now, so there is nothing important, you'd better not disturb him."

In the past, maybe the boss could still look at Miss Quan Jing's face, be merciful, and not care about it.

But now, Miss Quan Jing is still unconscious.

I'm afraid that anything that makes the boss leave Miss Quan Jing is a waste of time!
Kong Xiao didn't know what Feng Zhe was thinking, and was afraid that he would find no one after he hung up the phone, so Kong Xiao said anxiously: "It's just a matter of course, assistant boss, please help me to tell the boss a little bit. Just fine!"

Feng Zhe: "..."

After a long silence, he said lightly, "Okay, what do you want me to convey to you?"

Kong Xiao was overjoyed, and quickly said: "The premiere of the TV series "Where Can't Me Meet You" is here. If you have time, you can go to Weibo to promote it."

Feng Zhe: "???" Propaganda?Isn't this a matter between the company and the artist? What does it have to do with your boss?
He thought so, so he asked.

Kong Xiao was taken aback, scratched his head, and roughly mentioned what the fans said to Feng Zhe.

The corners of Feng Zhe's mouth twitched, saying that he would find time to talk to Nangong Yuting.

After a few more words, the two ended the call.

(End of this chapter)

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