Chapter 883

Xishi Yuqiao Public Security Bureau.

The sound of steady footsteps fell into the ears of the office worker.

Seeing someone coming, people in the bureau shouted: "Brother Yang."

Si Xuyang nodded slightly, and went directly to the director's office.

dong dong dong.

There was a voice in the office: "Come in."

He pushed the door open and walked in, with a serious and dignified face: "Ju Li, Poisonous Wolf is too cunning..."

The person called Li Ju rubbed his eyebrows, as if he had a headache.

This poisonous wolf is a repeat offender of major fund thefts in the past year.

This person is treacherous and cunning, and is extremely good at disguising. The bureau tried their best, but only learned that he settled down in Nanshi a few days ago.

As for the specific situation, it is unknown.

This was the scene where Si Xuyang went to Nanshi to inquire.

Sheng Ke, a little girl, didn't even give him a chance to explain, so she decided that he was using her from the beginning to the end...

Of course, seeing Sheng Ke was incidental to him, and the main thing was to deal with the poisonous wolf.

He just... misses her a little bit.

Li Ju talked for a long time without waiting for a response. He raised his eyes and noticed that Si Xuyang was in a bad mood.

He reached out and knocked on the table: "Xuyang?"

Si Xuyang came back to his senses: "Ju Li, did you call me?"

It can be said that Si Xuyang was brought in by Li Ju.

In other words, he is Si Xuyang's master.

How could he, the master, not know what the apprentice was thinking.

Li Ju crossed his hands on the desk, raised his eyebrows and looked at him: "Remember that little girl again?"

Li Ju knew that Si Xuyang pretended to date Sheng Ke when he was on a mission.

If Sheng Ke was another girl from an "innocent family background", he would definitely encourage Si Xuyang to go after her.

However, people are born to be their opposites.

Unless one day, Baihutang ceases to exist, and Shengqiang washes his hands in a golden basin...

Otherwise, Si Xuyang and Sheng Ke would never be possible.

How can the police and robbers become a family?
Moreover, from the looks of it now, I am afraid that his apprentice has fallen a little deep.

Si Xuyang came back to his senses, and suddenly heard Ju Li mentioning Sheng Ke, he smiled wryly, silently exposed this, and continued to talk about the poisonous wolf.

After talking with Director Li, he went back to his office.

As soon as Si Xuyang sat down, the phone in his pocket rang.

He took out his phone suspiciously, and when he saw the note name jumping on the screen, he was startled.

Ke Er.

After hesitating for a while, a smile that he didn't know appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he swiped to answer the answer, his eyebrows and eyes curved.

On the opposite side was Sheng Ke's cold tone: "Si Xuyang, come out."

Si Xuyang: "?" Where is he going?
He gave a soft "um", with obvious doubts.

Sheng Ke added: "I'm at the gate of the Public Security Bureau."

Si Xuyang's first reaction was: Is she fighting again?
He went straight out of the office without saying a word, with a nervous tone: "Wait for me, I'll be right there."

However, when he arrived at the gate of the Public Security Bureau, he saw Sheng Ke leaning on the motorcycle calmly.

Si Xuyang was almost not laughed at by her.

That's right, how could he deduce Sheng Ke's words with common sense.

With her skill, it's easy for her not to injure or maim others.

Sheng Ke went to Baihutang, chatted with Sheng Qiang for a while, and then rode to the Public Security Bureau.

The matter between her and him should be settled.

Looking up at the sign on the top of the Public Security Bureau, Sheng Ke smiled indifferently, and his eyes fell on Si Xuyang: "It will delay you for 3 minutes."

Si Xuyang looked at her with the same smile on his face as before.

Sheng Ke frowned, turned away, and didn't look at him...

(End of this chapter)

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