The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 885 He's Too Difficult

Chapter 885 He's Too Difficult
It was 52:[-] p.m. when Han Dongqing arrived at Quan's Group.

After parking the car, she walked to the front desk and asked politely: "Hi, can I trouble you to call Quan Rin for me?"

Hearing the voice at the front desk, he smiled formulaically: "Okay, please wait a moment."

As a qualified front desk, not only must serve every guest who visits the company thoughtfully, but also memorize the name and appearance of every employee in the company.

After all, for a big company like Quan's Group, all the couriers sent are signed by the front desk.

Not to mention, compared to when he first came here, Quan Rin has already shed all the fat, and is gradually running towards the handsome guy...

It's just that the people I see every day, at first glance, haven't changed much.

The front desk is very familiar with calling the hotline of the technical department.

It was Quan Rin who answered the phone: "Hello, Quan Rin from the technical department."

Front desk: "Quan Rin, there is someone looking for the front desk."

Quan Rin was slightly taken aback.

Glancing at the time, it was past five o'clock, who would come to the company to look for him?
Although he was puzzled, he still responded: "Okay, I'll come down right away."

5 minute later.

Quan Rin, who got off the elevator, walked slowly to the front desk. When he found that it was Han Dongqing who was looking for him, he felt that there was something wrong with his sister, so he quickened his pace a little, and shouted at the person's back: "Han Dongqing sister."

Han Dongqing turned around, and when she saw Quan Rin walking towards her, she was taken aback.

Is this still the Quan Rin she has seen?

Today, Quan Rin is wearing a loose gray T-shirt and gray cropped pants.The original double chin is gone, and the flesh on the face has shrunk a bit...

The former fat and round boy is now a slightly fat boy.

Seen from a distance, Quan Rin's whole personality is extraordinarily youthful and handsome.

Han Dongqing was quite surprised, she pointed at Quan Rin: "Quan Rin, why..."

Quan Rin scratched his head: "It's nothing, I just want to work out suddenly."

Han Dongqing: "..."

Quan Rin took Han Dongqing to the waiting room on the side, and helped someone pull out a chair, motioning for her to sit down, and he pulled out the chair next to him: "Sister Han, what's the matter with you coming to see me?"

Speaking of this, Han Dongqing regained her seriousness, and got down to business: "The Queen Wenying called me today."

Quan Lin raised his heart for a moment, and swallowed: "My mother... what did she say?"

Han Dongqing: "She asked me to take good care of Quan Jing."

Quan Lin pursed her lips and frowned.

He knew that Han Dongqing shouldn't be looking for him just because of this.

Sure enough, she continued to say: "I was wondering if you could find a suitable opportunity to tell your family about Quan Jing's coma."

Quan Rin opened his mouth, and finally closed it, but he still didn't speak.


For more than a month, he used his sister's mobile phone to send messages to his family members from time to time.

But there are always times when you can't take care of it.

Even... He was afraid that he would be exposed at some point.

At that time, his parents will give him the label of "not reporting what he knows", and he will not know how to complain about the grievance in his heart.

Without the protection of his elder sister, he is like a swallow alone in the sky, not knowing the way home.

Quan Rin was mad inside, but he still said dullly: "I see, I'll figure out a way."

Han Dongqing patted him on the shoulder: "Good boy, call me anytime if you have any questions."

Quan Rin: "Okay."

Watching Han Dongqing leave, Quan Rin returned to the technical department somewhat dejectedly.

Let him tell Wen Shuwan and the others the truth?Didn't this kill him?
He is not his sister.

Ah, he is so difficult!

(End of this chapter)

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