Chapter 888 It's Just a Name
Quan Rin is not someone who likes to show off.

Even if his colleagues gossip again, he just laughs it off.

Sitting opposite Quan Rin was a fat guy.

During this period of time, he just watched Quan Rin change from a fat body weighing more than 180 kilograms to what he is now. He silently lowered his head and squeezed the fat on his stomach, and asked for advice seriously: "Xiaoquan, can I May I ask you something?"

People in the company like to add a small in front of the last name.

Therefore, everyone in the office called Quan Lin Xiaoquan.

Although it sounds weird, it's just a title.

Quan Rin nodded slightly: "Yes, what's the matter?"

The fat guy looked a little embarrassed: "Well, how did you lose weight?"

The fat guy's name is Tang Ye. Because of his excessive obesity, he is rejected by many blind date girls.

Even though his family's conditions are not bad, but now many girls care more about external conditions.

But they overlooked one point, no matter how handsome a person looks, it can't represent people's hearts.

Some people, who look like men, do dirty things behind their backs.

What's more, you are picking on others, and others are picking on you.

What is the trouble?
People, only when they get to know each other, will they know what kind of character they are...

Quan Rin was taken aback, obviously he didn't expect Tang Ye to ask him this.

But his fitness is not something shameful, he said very simply: "I, after work, go to the gym to exercise, you can try it, the effect is not bad."

Tang Ye's eyes lit up, and he blurted out, "Which gym?"

Quan Rin: "Fengxing Gym."

As the word "Fengxing" came out of Quan Lin's mouth, Tang Ye shrank his head: "Fengxing..."

He knew about this gym, and it was said that it cost a lot.

With his salary, he might not be able to spend it three times a month.

Of course, even if it is high consumption, the owner of the gym does not force you, it is all voluntary.

Quan Rin didn't hear the disappointment in his words, and nodded with a smile: "Yes, if you want to go, I can introduce you."

Tang Ye waved his hand, smiled, and continued to work with his head down.

If someone kindly recommends it to him, it's hard for him to say that he can't afford it?
That's so embarrassing.

After work.

Tang Ye, who had just come out on a small electric donkey, looked up and saw Quan Rin leaving the company in a car.

He looked down at his little eDonkey, shrugged, and rode away.

Popular gym.

When Quan Lin arrived, Qin Fang was busy.

After saying hello to someone, he went to the changing room to change into his sports clothes, and then walked to a treadmill.

After this period of training, Quan Rin has controlled his weight at 150 jin.

This was the result of Quan Lin's restraint under Qin Fang's supervision.

Otherwise, this guy doesn't know how much he will lose weight.

Training is inherently gradual.

Even if you are anxious to lose weight, you can't hurt the fundamentals of your body.

Besides, what do boys want to be so thin?
Every time Qin Fang used this sentence to block Quan Rin, he would push back: "I don't know who always made fun of me for being fat."

Qin Fang: "..." He is really strong enough to take care of this brat's affairs!
Speaking of which, isn't that little girl Quan Jing in the entertainment industry? What kind of fanfare is this kid doing?Is the entertainment industry so easy to mess with?

They are so familiar, Qin Fang naturally has something to say.

Hearing him mention this suddenly, Quan Lin's eyes drooped, but he pursed his lips and said nothing.

Of course he knows that the entertainment industry is not easy.

But that was nothing compared to his sister's dream!
(End of this chapter)

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