Middle-aged love

Chapter 358 The Identity of the Writer Mo Shan?

Chapter 358 The Identity of the Writer Mo Shan?
Seeing that something was wrong, Shen Juan immediately asked,

"What business do you want with Guo Junhuai?",
"Oh, it's something about work." Feng Yalin felt that there were so many people, it was a bit inappropriate to say it.As soon as she looked up, she realized that everyone was looking at her very strangely.

Feng Yalin didn't take Cai Liwei's cough seriously just now. With Cai Liwei's impetuosity, it's normal for her to choke on drinking water, but now, why are everyone looking at her like this? , she looked at Wen Qi again subtly, and found that he was drinking tea in a vague way, but the expression on his face,,,, she hurriedly turned her head and asked Gu Xia beside her,

"Gu Xia, do you all know Guo Junhuai?",
Gu Xia glanced at Guo Junhuai, seeing him nodding to her, she smiled and said,
"Of course, he is Juanzi's husband who is far away in the sky and right in front of us!",
"Ah", Feng Yalin exclaimed, she looked at Guo Junhuai in embarrassment, and found that Guo Junhuai was still sitting there calmly, with a faint smile on her face, and she smiled when she received her eyes asking for help ,

"I'm Guo Junhuai, what do you want from me, tell me?"

Feng Yalin felt that her brain was not enough, it went too smoothly, but did she really want to say it?

"Well, can I come to your office and talk about it? After all, it is a matter of work." Feng Yalin was a little embarrassed, but Guo Junhuai didn't mind. He glanced at everyone, and then said,
"There is no outsider in the people here today, it doesn't matter, just speak up if you have anything to say."

Seeing that Guo Junhuai was serious, Feng Yalin revealed her purpose of coming to Guanzhou.

It turned out that Feng Yalin was an editor of a magazine, and later applied to an online literature editorial department.Last year, an old screenwriter born in the [-]s pulled her out to work alone, and they created a new online platform.But with a new company and a new platform, it's really hard to gather popularity. She got to know some inside news by accident: the writer Moshan is from Guanzhou, and he is the director of the Guanzhou Planning Bureau.So she immediately ran to Guanzhou, just to get acquainted with this great writer, hoping that Moshan writers could post an article on their platform, even just writing a comment on the homepage would be of great help to their website, after all, Moshan's Too much fame, a lot of toner.

After listening to Feng Yalin's narration, Guo Junhuai laughed,

"Student Feng, where did you hear this news? I'm Guo Junhuai, but I've never known the writer Mo Shan!",
Feng Yalin was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly raised her head. At that moment, she noticed Wen Qi's eyes looking at Guo Junhuai.Feng Yalin's heart that had been cold just now warmed up again.But on the face he put on an angry look,

"I'll go, that bastard, cheated me of ten thousand quick money",
"What's going on?" Shen Juan asked with concern.
"That guy said it was inside information, and he charged me [-] yuan for the information." Feng Yalin looked frustrated, Cheng Zhijun hurriedly comforted,

"Forget it, if you lose money and avoid disaster, you can use money to buy a lesson. Don't think about it. By the way, where is Hu Peidong now? We haven't contacted for a long time."
Cheng Zhijun's words quickly diverted Feng Yalin's attention.

The meal was very lively, Cai Liwei would have energized the atmosphere, plus Feng Yalin.Especially when I mentioned those embarrassing things in school, I really laughed.

It was almost eleven o'clock in the evening when it ended, and Cai Liwei asked the people in the hotel to arrange a driver in advance.Li Liang had come early, Guo Junhuai and Shen Juan left first, Wen Qi didn't drive when she came, so she also took a taxi and left.

(End of this chapter)

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