Middle-aged love

Chapter 384 Get the 2 Marriages You Want?

Chapter 384 The Second Marriage That Each Takes What It Needs?
Feng Yalin stirred the coffee silently, after thinking about it, she asked,

"Director Guo, may I know the 5%?,,,,",
"The holder is Gu Xia", Guo Junhuai answered swiftly, Feng Yalin was slightly stunned, but she understood in an instant, since Gu Xia was allowed to hold it, it meant that Gu Xia must be involved in it, it seems that Shen Juan is in Helping Gu Xia, Feng Yalin nodded solemnly, and said after a while,

"Director Guo, Shen Juan, based on this, I am willing to cooperate with you as much as you give Fengxin Network", Feng Yalin said sincerely,
"Yalin, from what you said, business is business," Shen Juan said, and at the same time gave Guo Junhuai a deep look, thinking that he only knew that Guo Junhuai was very good at work, but he didn't expect that he was also good at business. Think about yourself , It’s not worth mentioning. Guo Junhuai was very happy when he received the admiring look from his little wife. Shen Juan has always been like this since he knew that he was Mo Shan, but the feeling of being admired by his wife is really comfortable.

"By the way, you two don't tell Gu Xia about the 5% of the shares for the time being, and tell her after we have finalized this matter." Guo Junhuai was very thoughtful. Is Gu Xiakong happy?

Feng Yalin said very interestingly,

"Let Shen Juan tell Gu Xia about this, I say it's inappropriate,"
Guo Junhuai understood and didn't say anything.

After talking about the business, Feng Yalin left, she had to discuss the agreement with Sister Qin immediately.

Feng Yalin was very excited at this time, she called Sister Qin when she got in the taxi, and reported the situation briefly.Unsurprisingly, Sister Qin fully agrees. For a small company like theirs, cooperating with Moshan Media is nothing short of pie in the sky. 44% of the shares is already a lot. With Moshan Media as the external support, they only need to do a good job in service maintenance, and then wait for the money.

After making the phone call, Feng Yalin fell into deep thought. In fact, she was still fantasizing about asking her cousin to chase after Gu Xia. Even if Gu Xia brought her children to match Hu Peidong, it would be more than enough.But, now,,,, Gu Xia owns the shares of this new company, so Hu Pei is even more unworthy, hey, the fate between people!Feng Yalin didn't know if Gu Xia knew it or not. Gu Xia's refusal hit Hu Peidong hard at the beginning, and Hu Peidong sank for a while because of it. Later, he came to his senses, but it would be difficult if he wanted to catch up. Soldiers.


Wang Dajun has always been vigorous and resolute in his work, and soon sent the agreement to Gu Xia.

Gu Xia was a little speechless when she saw the "prenuptial agreement" sent by Wang Dajun. She hasn't agreed to it yet. Isn't this guy too confident?

That being said, Gu Xia had to think carefully.After thinking about it, she still decided to bring this agreement to Wei Dan.

Gu Xia didn't go to the law firm, but invited Wei Dan to the coffee shop opposite the law firm.

Gu Xia knew that lawyers were very busy, and Wei Dan was no outsider, so she said it bluntly,

"Wei Dan, it's like this. A colleague of mine, like me, is also married for the second time. She is about to get married recently, but the other party wants to sign a 'prenuptial agreement' with her. Second marriage? Yes, she is worried about whether the content of the agreement is legally valid? She knows that I have consulted a lawyer when I divorced, so I want to ask me to come and consult." Gu Xia tried to speak calmly, she didn't want Wei Dan to see this matter clues.

(End of this chapter)

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