Middle-aged love

Chapter 393 'Picking the nose horizontally and picking the eyes vertically'

Chapter 393 'Picking the nose horizontally and picking the eyes vertically'

Cai Liwei glanced at Shen Juan with a complicated expression,
"Junzi, if it wasn't because of the incompatibility of seniority, I would bow down. The boss has done a lot for me. I was thinking, how can I, Cai Liwei, be able to get help from your noble family!" Cai Liwei said emotionally.

Guo Junhuai got up and pressed Cai Liwei onto the sofa,
"Okay, Liwei, I have no doubt that you are 'virtuous and capable', not to mention, your family's care for Shen Juan is really nothing to me," Guo Junhuai said sincerely .

This will make Shen Juan confused,

"Is there something I don't know about?"

Guo Junhuai smiled and nodded, it was time to tell Shen Juan the truth.

After hearing Guo Junhuai's narration, Shen Juan was completely dumbfounded at the moment, it turned out that Wei Dan is the only daughter of Shao Qingmei from Sanmei Group, my God!This is so surprising.

However, Shao Qingmei is a god-level figure, even after hearing Guo Junhuai's plan, Shen Juan was still very worried.

"Junhuai, is this method ok? I can almost imagine that Shao Qingmei will "pick up Liwei's nose and eyes" and will investigate Liwei thoroughly." Shen Juan said anxiously,

Cai Liwei smiled lightly,
"Do our best to obey the destiny, the boss has done this for me, we have tried our best, as for whether it will be successful, let's talk about it",
Guo Junhuai also appreciates Cai Liwei's free and easy attitude,

"Shen Juan, you don't have to worry too much. I can rest assured that Zheng Yuanqing is doing things. Over the years, all my business has been managed by his team. No matter how much Shao Qingmei checks, Liwei's achievements cannot be erased. Besides, here I didn't know him before. We got to know him because he helped you repay the 500 million debts. This is almost a fact. Zheng Yuanqing's financial transactions in the middle are very concealed. Besides, even if Shao Qingmei finds out something , lending funds between friends is also normal,"
Shen Juan thinks about it, yes, Shen Juan doesn't know that the 500 million is Guo Junhuai's money, Cai Liwei just told her that he has some of his own, and also borrowed part of it. As for how much he borrowed, Cai Liwei didn't say, nor did she. In detail, no matter what, Cai Liwei still has some money in his hands. Thinking of this, Shen Juan felt a lot more at ease,
"Have you bought Liwei's villa yet?" Shen Juan asked with concern,
Guo Junhuai said with a smile,

"Oh, Fenglin Bieyuan",
Shen Juan was startled, no wonder Cai Liwei had such an expression just now, it is the top villa area in Guanzhou, the whole community only has more than 60 units, and it is said that the cheapest one is more than 2000 million.At the beginning Cai Liwei lent her 500 million, that is to say, Guo Junhuai advanced at least 2000 million.But this is nothing to Guo Junhuai, as long as he can help Cai Liwei, everything is worth it. Thinking of this, Shen Juan heaved a sigh of relief.

"That's right. Liwei is only 30 years old. Being able to buy a villa in Fenglin Bieyuan with his own ability has already demonstrated Liwei's strength. In addition, Wei Dan likes Liwei so much, and Shao Qingmei is picky, so what can I do?" ?”

Guo Junhuai said with a smile,

"Well, that's what I thought too. The villa has already been bought, and we bought two together. From now on, Liwei and we will be neighbors in the community," Guo Junhuai said with a smile,

"Ah, we also bought a villa?" Shen Juan exclaimed,
"Yeah, let's do a good job of renovating it. Cheng Cheng has grown up. He should have his own space. The villa has a courtyard and a room for the nanny. The private space is relatively hidden. The most important thing is that in the future, Liwei's parents will Wouldn’t it be convenient for you to come and live with them?” Guo Junhuai knew that Shen Juan had deep feelings for Cai Liwei’s parents.

(End of this chapter)

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