Middle-aged love

Chapter 514 Not sure about the condition?

Chapter 514 Not sure about the condition?
At ten o'clock in the morning, Hou Lao came over.

For Shen Juan, Hou Lao is a relative, so seeing Hou Lao, Shen Juan's eyes couldn't help turning red.

Hou Lao stroked Shen Juan's head kindly,

"Girl, don't worry, I'm confidently telling you that so far, I haven't had any disease that made me 'helpless'. Chinese medicine is more profound than you imagine,,,",
When Guo Junhuai heard that Mr. Hou had arrived, he immediately came down from the study upstairs, and happened to hear what Mr. Hou said just now.If he didn't know Hou Lao's medical skills, Guo Junhuai would really suspect that this is a liar,

Is Chinese Medicine Really So Mysterious?Guo Junhuai was suspicious, but he really didn't know much about Chinese medicine.

Guo Junhuai respectfully leaned down to the old man, stretched out his hands and shook hands with the old man, and then said,
"Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Hou",
Hou Lao smiled slightly,
"It's not hard, come and sit down, I'll take your pulse first."

When checking the pulse, Hou Lao looked very calm, but soon, his face became serious, and his brows could not help but frown slightly. What's going on? From the pulse condition, there is no major problem?
A few minutes later, Mr. Hou's expression became more and more confused, so that Shen Juan felt something strange about Mr. Hou. She thought Guo Junhuai was seriously ill.

Waiting for the old man to let go of Guo Junhuai's hand, Shen Juan immediately asked,
"Grandpa, how is it?"

Hou Lao shook his head,
"Judging from the pulse condition, there is nothing serious about Junhuai's body?" Hou Lao did not hide his doubts. Guo Junhuai's heart suddenly became cold. If there is no cause, then there is no cure.

Thinking so in his heart, but there was no expression on his face. Hou Lao kept bowing his head in thought, and didn't notice Guo Junhuai's expression.

Hou Lao meditated for a while, and then said,

"Junhuai, I really haven't diagnosed any major problems with your body. Of course, there are still some problems, but they are not too serious. Let me prescribe a prescription for your body first. Let's recuperate. However, to be on the safe side, let's go to my father tomorrow and ask him to give you another diagnosis.

"Ah, grandpa, your father? Then he lived a long life?" Shen Juan asked in amazement,
Hou Lao was prescribing a prescription. Hearing what Shen Juan said, he chuckled.
"He is 94 years old, but he is in very good health, and occasionally he will come out for consultations,,,," Mr. Hou explained.

It turns out that Hou Lao's hometown is not in Guanzhou, but he is from Anzhou, more than 100 kilometers away from Guanzhou.The Hou family is a family of traditional Chinese medicine, and their medical skills are well-known. Their ancestors once trained as imperial doctors, and the Hou family is also quite famous in the local area.

Hou Lao is the third child in his family. He studied at the "University of Traditional Chinese Medicine" in Beijing, and was assigned to Guanzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine after graduation.And his eldest brother and second brother are all in their hometown, supporting the Hou family's medical center together.

Hou Lao's father has already retired to the second line, but if he has a difficult disease, he will ask the old man to help.


After Mr. Hou left, Shen Juan was a little sluggish. She believed in Mr. Hou very much. She was full of confidence before he came.

But just now Mr. Hou said that he didn't diagnose any disease. Could it be that Mr. Hou can't do anything about Guo Junhuai's disease?

In Shen Juan's view, Hou Lao said that asking his father to come forward was purely an excuse.He studied medicine with his grandfather and father since he was a child, and went to a university of traditional Chinese medicine. He couldn't diagnose it. His father, an old man in his 90s, how much hope can he have?
(End of this chapter)

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