Middle-aged love

Chapter 564 I Can Understand, But I Can't Accept It

Chapter 564 I Can Understand, But I Can't Accept It

But at this moment, Wu Bin was most concerned about --- is the one just now really Shao Qingmei's son-in-law?
Seeing Wu Bin hesitate to speak, Cheng Zhijun smiled and said,
"Xiao Wu, what do you want to ask?"

Seen through by the boss, Wu Bin was a little embarrassed, he coughed lightly,
"Boss, the one just now..."

Cheng Zhijun smiled slightly,
"Oh, that's him",
"Then,,,, then, why does he live here?" Wu Bin was even more puzzled,

Cheng Zhijun thought for a while and said,

"His real home is in Fenglin Bieyuan,"

Wu Bin suddenly realized that it was so!

Two days later, Cheng Zhijun went to work.

Now Wu Ziyue was scared, what happened?She also asked someone to ask, but she didn't ask anything.

If you want to ask Grandpa Zhao, how can you ask? , she couldn't open her mouth.

After thinking for a long time, Wu Ziyue decided to call Cheng Zhijun.Wu Ziyue himself couldn't figure out why the two of them had come to this situation when they were fine.

Wu Ziyue proposed to meet, but Cheng Zhijun agreed after thinking about it. It would be good if he made it clear.

The two met in a coffee shop.Cheng Zhijun arrived first, and he waited at the door for a while before Wu Ziyue came over.


After the two sat down, no one spoke for a while.

Wu Ziyue couldn't hold back anymore, she opened her mouth first,

"Zhijun, that matter was actually a misunderstanding..." Wu Ziyue was about to take the initiative, she knew very well that it was impossible for Cheng Zhijun not to know what was going on, so she wanted to 'explain'.

Cheng Zhijun waved his hand indifferently,

"Ziyue, don't talk about it. I know what's going on, and you know better. It's meaningless to talk about it now. Besides, I'm not really angry with you. The occurrence of this incident makes you even more angry. I know it's really not suitable between us."

"Zhijun, that's not the case. I was too angry, so I told my grandpa about it. My grandpa doesn't know what's going on, so it's like this? After I heard about it, I quickly asked my grandpa, and he said He was also a little angry, so he told Grandpa Zhao...", Wu Ziyue said anxiously, in fact, she never thought that the relationship between them would end, she thought, on her own terms, Cheng Zhijun should not be willing to leave her .

This time, although she went too far, she thought that Cheng Zhijun would definitely forgive herself if she offered to apologize.

Cheng Zhijun didn't interrupt her, but listened to her quietly.It's just that he was even more disappointed at this time. At this time, she was still 'babbling'.

Wu Ziyue talked a lot, and at the same time introduced Grandpa Zhao's identity. Of course, she did it on purpose, and hoped that Cheng Zhijun would recognize the reality and not break up with her.

After Wu Ziyue finished speaking, Cheng Zhijun said calmly,

"Ziyue, at the beginning, I really wanted to marry you. I have experienced an unfortunate marriage, so I cherish you very much... But now, I also understand that we are really not suitable. Stand From your point of view, I can understand that you don't want your friends to know that I was married, but I can't accept it. I told you that my expectations are not high. Anyway, I have a certain financial foundation. Then just go to work safely and steadily. After we get married, we will have another child, and then our family of four will live happily, which is what I expect,,,"

Wu Ziyue lowered her head and said nothing. She was really scared at the moment. In fact, she didn't want to break up. She knew that she loved him too much, and her expectations for him were getting higher and higher. That's why she asked later.

(End of this chapter)

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