Middle-aged love

Chapter 569 "Long Plan"

Chapter 569 "Long Plan"

When they got home, the children immediately gathered in Jinxuan's bedroom, without the company of adults at all.It turned out that the puppy they were talking about was an electronic pet dog.

Xu Limin couldn't wait to turn on the TV, she was watching a Korean drama, so she had no time to talk to Gu Xia.From her point of view, Gu Xia is her uncle's friend, so she doesn't need to worry about it.

Gu Xia couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed seeing these people "taking their places" and only herself standing stupidly in the living room.

Wang Dajun is quite satisfied,
"Gu Xia, let's go up and have some tea," Wang Dajun said.

This is Gu Xia's second visit to Wang Dajun's home.Involuntarily, she recalled the situation when she first came to his house...
Gu Xia's face darkened involuntarily, and her steps up the stairs felt a little heavy.

Of course Wang Dajun also noticed Gu Xia's expression, in fact, he also thought about what happened last time.But it's useless to regret now, fortunately, there is still a chance to make up.

Gu Xia was a little confused, and followed behind Wang Dajun in a daze. When Wang Dajun opened the door, she followed in.

After Gu Xia came in, Wang Dajun hurriedly closed the door and locked it.

Only then did Gu Xia realize that this was Wang Dajun's bedroom, and she panicked inexplicably.
"Didn't you say you want tea?"

Wang Dajun didn't answer her, but took Gu Xia into his arms and whispered,
"Drinking tea at night makes you prone to insomnia",
At this time, Gu Xia's mind was blank, Wang Dajun's hard chest, powerful arms, and his unique aura all made Gu Xia a little distracted.

For a while, Gu Xia even forgot to resist, and just let Wang Dajun hold her, not knowing what was wrong.

Wang Dajun's hot lips fell on Gu Xia's forehead, and Gu Xia woke up at this moment, struggling to escape from Wang Dajun's confinement,

"Let go of me, don't do this,,,",
At this time, how could Wang Dajun let go, he made a very experienced booing gesture,
"Keep your voice down, don't let the children hear",
When mentioning the child, Gu Xia was a little dazed, almost at the same time, Wang Dajun kissed her lips with experience...

Gu Xia instinctively wanted to push him away, but she couldn't exert any strength, so she could only bear it passively.

When Wang Dajun found out that this woman who had given birth couldn't even kiss, he was a little confused. What's going on?
The real situation is that Gu Xia has a cleanliness obsession, and when she was in love with Ge Jianwei, she never let him kiss her.Besides, they haven't been together many times, so Ge ​​Jianwei has always believed that Gu Xia is indifferent, saying that she is sick.

Gu Xia also instinctively rejected Wang Dajun's kiss, but she couldn't push it away.However, soon, she stopped resisting, Wang Dajun's skillful teasing, she actually responded.

After an unknown amount of time, when Gu Xia was limp all over, Wang Dajun made further moves.

At this time, Gu Xia also woke up a lot,


Wang Dajun held Gu Xia's blushing face in his thick hands, and he stared at Gu Xia with burning eyes. Under Wang Dajun's domineering and aggressive gaze, Gu Xia was defeated, she hurriedly lowered her head and refused to go. To see him,
"Wang Dajun, no,,,"

"How can a man stop at this time?",
Then he bowed his head and kissed,
"No, children,,,,", Gu Xia said in a panic, and Wang Dajun couldn't help laughing when he heard that she was worried about this.
"Don't worry, I locked the door..."

"I'm not,,,,"

Gu Xia couldn't say the following words, in Wang Dajun's domineering kiss, Gu Xia completely gave up resistance,,,.

(End of this chapter)

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