80s small fortune bag

Chapter 119 Sea King Ginger Fish

Chapter 119 Sea King Ginger Fish
Before noon, all the vegetables brought by Jiang Niqiu and Sun Fugui were sold out, and there were still many people who heard the news and came to buy them but failed to get them.

"Young man, will you still sell this dish tomorrow? My wife is pregnant with a child, and she can't eat anything after vomiting these days. I'm so anxious. I heard from the neighbors that you can buy baby spinach here. It's better to hurry. If I didn’t catch up, it’s all because of my bad legs.”

Jiang Niqiu comforted her and said, "Don't worry, it will be sold the same tomorrow, and I will be there by the time it gets dark."

Hearing what he said, the woman repeatedly said that she must come early tomorrow, and the others left when they saw that there was no more food.

"Uncle Jiang, it's really profitable selling vegetables this winter. I made more than 60 yuan in total. I'm going to build one next year!"

It's actually not difficult to build this vegetable greenhouse, but the difficulty is that you can't buy that kind of thick plastic. Jiang Niqiu got rid of Shen Zhou's help to buy it in the provincial capital.

The other is the sump pump.

Sun Fugui has no money and can't afford it now, but Jiang Nixiu gives him a lot of money every month, so he can save enough money to buy plastic next year.

As for the water pump, it's okay not to buy it, but it's a big deal to waste some energy carrying water. Anyway, he also imagined that Jiang Nisha would build so many big sheds.

The two closed the stall and wandered around the county for a while. Jiang Nixiu bought some things for the family, filled the empty wheelbarrow and buckets, and went to Qian's house to pick up Jiangyu.

When winter comes, there are more colds and fevers, as well as the diseases that the old people suffered from when they were young, which makes the Qian Family Medical Center have almost an endless stream of patients.

Mr. Qian was afraid that the patient would pass on his sickness to Jiang Yu, so he let her play in the backyard. Anyway, Grandma Qian wanted to watch her grandson, one child and two children.

Seeing Jiang Nixiu came back, Jiang Yu got up from the big dog, ran towards him with open arms, and called "Daddy".

The big yellow dog of Qian's family stood up and shook its fur. It spread its four paws and wanted to chase Jiang Yu and continue playing with her, but it was caught by the rope.

"Father, the little brother of Grandpa Qian's family is really fun, and the big dog is also fun! Dad, let's raise a dog too, shall we?"

The big yellow dog in Qian's hometown is an ordinary native dog, but it is relatively large and very alert. According to Qian's family, this dog is very smart.

Although the dog was on a leash and she was very close to Jiang Yu, Grandma Qian was still afraid of what would happen if she got hurt, so she hugged her grandson and watched from a distance.

"My dog ​​is a bitch, and it happens that there are puppies in her belly. If you want to raise one, you can take one away when it is born." Grandma Qian said.

"Father, let's raise it, shall we?" Jiang Yu tugged at his sleeve and acted like a spoiled child with all her might.

As long as she acts coquettishly well, father will definitely be no match for her!
Jiang Niqiu doesn't like or dislike cats and dogs, but the people in the village used to be hungry, so where can they get leftovers to feed dogs?

But raising a dog can take care of the nursing home. With so much money saved at home, Jiang Niqiu is also afraid of attracting thieves. In addition, after Jiang Tao and the others go to school, Jiang Yu is always listless and no one plays with her. Raising a dog It's also very good.


Jiang Yu cheered, "Daddy is so kind, Xiaoyu likes Daddy the most!"

Just this sentence, Jiang Niqiu didn't know how many times he had heard it.

To Wei Dahua, it was "I like the godmother the most".

Facing Jiang Tao, it was "I like my sister the most".


It has become her catchphrase, but why, everyone is very happy by her coaxing.

"Thank you Grandma Qian for giving me a puppy, Xiaoyu likes Grandma Qian the most!"

Lo and behold, here we go again.

Grandma Qian smiled, "I like Xiaoyu the most too!"

I don't know what kind of ecstasy Jiang Yu gave the Qian family. I heard that I won't have lunch at their house, so I'm leaving.

Mr. Qian pulled Jiang Yu into the room, secretly rummaged through the deepest part of the tea jar, found a few pieces of candy and stuffed them for her, "It's hard to come here, take it quickly, don't let your grandma Qian see it, or ask for it again." scolded me."

He loves sweets, but in winter he suffers from asthma, and sweets tend to produce phlegm. Even though he is a doctor, he knows that he should eat less sweets, but he still can't quit, so he always hides two sweets and eats them secretly.

The two left the room as if nothing had happened. Grandma Qian took the scarf and put it on for her. While putting it on, she stuffed biscuits for her, "If you're hungry, eat it on the way. Alas, this is not enough to fit between your teeth. I'll get you some milk later." point!"

Ginger Fish: "..."

Her teeth are not that big.

Then, Mr. Qian's son and daughter-in-law also ran over and stuffed her with ebony plums and hawthorn slices without saying a word.

"Grandpa Qian, Grandma Qian, Uncle Qian and Aunt Qian, Xiaoyu will miss you all!"

Jiang Yu sat on the small cart and said goodbye to the Qian family. She would come over tomorrow, but she acted like Jiang Nixiu was trying to snatch other people's children. Look at the door.

Jiang Yu hugged those snacks, and the little adult sighed, "It's really not easy for Xiaoyu to divide a heart into four parts. But Qian's grandparents, uncles and aunts, Xiaoyu like it very much, and it will make anyone sad." not good."

It's so hard to balance this liking without making them jealous of each other!
She hugged the snacks tightly, she also likes them very much, they are all the heavy love of grandparents, uncles and aunts!

Jiang Yu was sitting sideways, and Jiang Niqian looked at his daughter's worried face, which was both strange and funny.

How can her heart be divided into four parts, more than eight parts, and everyone she provokes likes her. Could this be the distress of being an emperor when there were too many beautiful women in the harem in ancient times?

Fantasizing about Jiang Yu wearing a yellow dragon robe, worrying about going to sleep with Beauty Qian or Beauty Jiang today, Jiang Niach shivered, which was a bit scary.

Because Jiang Niqiu and his wife left early in the morning, and they were not Jiang Weimin's kind of person who shouted at the whole village after making some money, Jiang Weimin and Xu Hong were even more unwilling to let Jiang Niqiu destroy their prestige, so for a while, the village Unexpectedly, no one knew that his vegetable greenhouse had already grown vegetables.

But Jiang Weimin and Xu Hong returned home much later than usual, and Mrs. Jiang asked, but even if she didn't ask, the two would still talk.

"What, it's just that old shed that really grows vegetables?" Mrs. Jiang was still happily counting how much money she made today, but when she heard the news of the thunderbolt from the blue sky, the money in her hand suddenly became unsatisfactory.

Sitting on the kang, Jiang Weimin said while soaking his feet in hot water, "I went to see it myself, why didn't I come back late today? His business is much better than ours. We have to wait until he sells out. business is getting better.”

"Xing'er, Xing'er, come here!" Mrs. Jiang shouted, scratching her neck.

Jiang Xing was so frightened that she shuddered, and lifted the door curtain to reveal her face, with a flattering and apprehensive smile on her face.


"Xing'er, tell grandma, did you have any dreams again? Why is your third uncle really tossing out green vegetables?"

She lowered her head and shook her head, shrinking into a quail. After hearing Jiang Weimin's words in the outer room, she knew that maybe she was going to have a bad life again.

"Useless things, your mother has been tired all day, go and wash your clothes for your mother!"

Because of Jiang Xing's idea of ​​starting bean sprouts, she has not been asked to do laundry and cooking these days, and Mrs. Jiang is very kind to her.

She touched the rough and chapped back of her hand, said oh, and resigned herself to doing the laundry.

If you don't wash it, it will only make Mrs. Jiang even more angry.

(End of this chapter)

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