Beiyang 1917

Chapter 103

Chapter [-] Fighting Tigers Up the Mountain——

"How can it work? Our company has invested a lot of money to sign a contract with your Chinese company, and the deposit has been paid! How can this stop!" French Minister Kant was a little anxious blowing his beard!

"Mr. Kant, this matter is not urgent. Although tonight is not a formal negotiation between the ministers of the four countries and the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, everyone who can talk is here. Let's explain all the issues of mutual concern first, and then see How about seeing if the answers given by each other can be satisfied by the other party or a third party?"

Wang Geng took out a cigar, rubbed it lightly, and said with a smile.

"I agree with Mr. Wang Geng's suggestion! Otherwise, it would be too inefficient for everyone to chatter and talk about it!" Japanese Minister Lin Quansuke is obviously a quick-tempered guy, and he felt that Wang Geng's words were exactly what he wanted.

"Deputy Minister Xia, what do you think?" The seasoned British Minister Zhu Erdian stroked his mustache and asked the slightly neglected Chinese Foreign Minister with a smile.

"No problem, Wang Geng is the protagonist tonight. I'm just helping him to build a bridge, and I'll be a temporary guest interpreter, if necessary. I suggest that Mr. Zhu Erdian, who is highly respected, be the Chinese diplomatic representative and the ministers of the four countries. What do you think of the host of the consultation meeting?"

Xia Yiting is not stupid, Duan Qirui has been shaking Tang Hualong and his olive branch for almost half a year. In terms of unification of force, Xia Yiting may not fully accept Duan Qirui's proposition, but as a senior diplomat, participating in the war and as soon as possible The benefits that participating in the war can bring to China on the international political stage are obvious, and he unswervingly supports Premier Duan on this point.

To say that Tang Hualong and Xia Yiting have never made a clear statement to defect to the Prime Minister, to a large extent, Xu Shuzheng, a native of Jiangsu, is really domineering and difficult to get along with. The birth of Wang Geng made Xia Yiting's eyes shine. Having realized that Xu Shuzheng is far from enough for the Anhui Department and him, Xia Yiting feels that his prospects after joining Duan Qirui will be brighter than before.

Xia Yiting's proposal won the approval of everyone, Wang Geng took a look at this guy, and felt that the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs is really a person who knows how to wink, who can bend and stretch all sides, and his thoughts on trying to win him over in the future are even deeper.

"Okay, my old Zhu will use Paul's land to be your host again!" British Minister Zhu Erdian said with a smile.

If the Minister of Foreign Affairs Wu Tingfang is present, the host of the secret consultation on qualifications should be the Minister of Foreign Affairs of China. Now Xia Yiting and Wang Geng are obviously too young, especially Wang Geng is too young. At this time Zhu Erdian, the oldest diplomat, came out to preside over it, which couldn't be more appropriate!

In fact, the 65-year-old Zhu Erdian has played such a host role countless times during his 40 years of experience as a diplomat in China. He can be regarded as an old friend of the Chinese people and an old friend of ministers from various countries!

"French Minister Kant's question: When will labor recruitment and dispatch resume? Well, this is also the first question that the British government pays attention to! Alexander, do you have any questions?" Zhu Erdian took out a small notebook and pen from his pocket , While asking, he started writing in a hurry. The old man is obviously a careful person.

"In addition to the issue of labor dispatch, the second is when the Chinese government will be able to join the war! There are no other issues for the time being!" French Minister Alexander Kant waved his hand.

"Well, that's a good question. The British government is also very concerned about when China can officially join the war! Well, the problems of Britain and France are very simple. The first issue is labor dispatch, and the second is when China can join the war. We need the exact time and It's not just evasion!" Zhu Erdian raised his head to look at Japanese Minister Lin Quanzhu.

"Japan's first concern is the reasons and motives behind the transfer of the 16th China's mixed brigade from Langfang to Nanyuan. The second concern is when China will be able to join the war. Can the government persuade the president and Congress? The third concern is China. -When will the 500 million yen borrowed by the government in the name of preparing for the war at the beginning of the year be repaid! If the Chinese city government has been procrastinating not to participate in the war, the Japanese government will demand to take back the loan!" Lin Quanzhu quickly expressed Japan's concern question.

Wang Geng and Xia Yiting frowned when they heard this, and they were cursing in their hearts, this little devil's eating is too ugly, how dare a fruit eater threaten people like this?

Zhu Erdian seemed to be used to the behavior of the Japanese, smiled slightly, and wrote down the three questions Lin Quanzhu asked in his small notebook, then raised his head to look at American Minister Rui Enshi,

"Paul, is there any problem with the United States?" The British and American family, the United States is now the biggest creditor of the Allies, and Rui Enshi, the American envoy, seems to be the one who speaks the most among the envoys of several countries.

"The U.S. government pays attention to when China can participate in the war, and how much substantial help it can provide to the Allies if it participates in the war!" Rui Enshi said succinctly.

Zhu Erdian wrote it down seriously, then turned to Xia Yiting and Wang Geng and said,

"Do you have any concerns with the Chinese government?" Zhu Erdian looked at Xia Yiting and Wang Geng alternately.

Wang Geng and Xia Yiting looked at each other, and Xia Yiting rushed to say, "Speak, Superintendent Wang, I'm all ears!"

"The Chinese-government is concerned about how much economic and military assistance the United States and the Allies can provide if China declares its participation in the war, so that China's participation in the war can play a practical role, not just stay on morality and formalism!"

Zhu Erdian wrote it down sternly, then raised his head with a smile and said, "It seems that except for the trivial concerns of Japan, the problems of other countries are similar. How about it, who will answer first?"

The issues of mutual concern among countries all revolve around the theme of participating in the war. The difference is that Japan and China are more pragmatic and directly set conditions, while Britain and France are more pragmatic. Anyway, Britain and France are stuck in the quagmire of the Western Front in the European War at this time. , is the object of assistance and not others. It is impossible for Britain and France to provide assistance in reverse.

It is said that the five countries have informal and secret consultations. In fact, Britain and France are the ones who passively ask for help, while China and the United States are the ones who intend to lend a helping hand. Japan is watching how to get a share of the benefits from it!It is China and the United States that contribute people, and the United States and Japan contribute money and equipment. Britain and France really have no say at this time.

Wang Geng and Xia Yiting looked at each other. Xia Yiting hesitated to speak. Although the cabinet had made some progress in promoting participation in the war, it was still a long way from convincing Li Yuanhong and the Congress. He didn't know Wang Geng's self-confidence Where did the arrogance and arrogance come from? Could it be that this guy and Xu Shuzheng have already created something behind their backs in just a week?

"Since I am the supervisor of the preparatory office for participating in the war, I will answer the questions of the Japanese envoy!" Wang Geng lit the cigar in his hand, took a good puff, and said with a smile.

"All ears! I would like to hear more about it." Lin Quanzhu leaned forward, and at the same time took out a small notebook and half a pencil from his pocket, ready to record.

According to Wang Geng's request, the entourage and interpreters of the ministers of various countries did not enter the hall, but waited in other rooms of the private room.

"The transfer of the 16th mixed brigade is entirely China's internal affairs. I don't need to answer, but I met you for the first time, so I don't pay so much attention to some things. The first reason for the transfer of the 16th mixed brigade from Langfang to Nanyuan It’s because I don’t want to run between Beijing and Langfang!”

Wang Geng narrowed his eyes and looked at Lin Quanzhu.

"Why is this? Superintendent Wang is still in charge of the 16th mixed brigade?" Lin Quanzhu really didn't know that Wang Geng was also the brigade commander of the 16th mixed brigade. He only knew that Feng Yuxiang was dismissed from the post of brigade commander not long ago, but how could he know that the brigade Someone replaced the long position so soon?

"I forgot to tell everyone that Wang Geng's other title is Major General Counselor of the Ministry of the Army, and concurrently serves as the brigade commander of the 16th Mixed Brigade!" Xia Yiting said while drumming at the right time.

"Suoga! Major General Wang is really young and promising!" Lin Quanzhu was taken aback, this guy even brought soldiers with him?No wonder Wang Geng has a more heroic spirit than Xia Yiting, a scholar.

"What about the second reason?" French Minister Kant asked anxiously.

"The second reason is naturally because I am the supervisor of the preparations for the war. The 16th mixed brigade was transferred to Nanyuan to prepare for the formation of the army as soon as possible. Of course, it depends on how much help I can get from you as the supervisor of the preparations for the war. Minister Lin Didn’t you just clamor to get back the 500 million yen loan, if that’s the case, let alone the participating army, even the 16th Mixed Brigade might have to be disbanded on the spot!”

Wang Geng said unhurriedly, "But when the time comes, we will definitely notify the envoy as soon as possible. Who knows if the homeless soldiers will flock to the Japanese embassy in Dongjiaomin Lane to ask for an explanation or something!"

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