Beiyang 1917

Chapter 128

"Why not? The war in Europe is raging, and the United States and Japan are making a lot of money from the war. At the moment, some capital has no place to invest. Since our domestic funds lack liquidity, isn't it just a matter of time to introduce foreign capital?" Wang Geng asked puzzled. road.

"Hey! Brother Wang! My Superintendent Wang! Don't tease the old brothers. Who doesn't know that foreign-funded banks are strong, and private capital in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, especially financial capital, mostly started as compradors for foreign-funded banks and foreign firms in the early days. , well aware of their capitalism, it is absolutely not feasible to introduce foreign capital into China's state-owned banks. Well, the wealth accumulated by the domestic banks with great difficulty is not enough for others to torment!" Song Hanzhang said a lot with a bitter face.

Wang Geng's idea really startled the three of them, and Lu Ding also shook his head and objected,

"Brother Wang, I have never heard that the National Bank has foreign capital participation, let alone foreign capital control. This means that my economic lifeline has been handed over to the foreign devils. Go for the sake of being compradors and dog legs for foreigners!"

Zhang Jiaao blushed even more, his lips trembled and he couldn't speak. If the Bank of China was deprived of the controlling stake by foreign capital in his hands, then he would call himself a warrior who would not submit to the Beiyang government. National bankers and heroes?

Wang Geng slapped his head, knowing that he was a little too hasty. If the Bank of China was just a commercial bank, it would be fine, but now it has assumed the role of the National Bank together with the Bank of Communications. The financial world will not stand up after stepping on a hundred feet, and then all the big hats of betraying sovereignty will probably be taken away. No wonder Lu Ding, Song Hanzhang and Zhang Jiaao were shocked when they heard the words!

"Okay, I know what your concerns are, but the factory owners or bankers in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, when they started their businesses, most of the first pot of gold they accumulated was earned from foreigners as compradors, of course, in the end it was from themselves I earned it from my compatriots! But how can I say that the salary and monthly salary dividends are also distributed by the boss of the foreign company?" Wang Geng smiled and eased the atmosphere.

"Of course it's different. This is not how it is calculated. The Chinese earn money and then use it to invest. Of course it is considered domestic capital, not foreign capital!" Zhang Jiaao said seriously.

"Okay, that's fine. The Manhattan Industrial Bank in New York is controlled by me, Wang Geng. Since I am a Chinese, can the Manhattan Industrial Bank's investment be considered my investment? I will subscribe and underwrite the rest of the Chinese investment. The bank shares are ready! Brother Zhang, you can safely and boldly raise shares, and I will subscribe for the part less than 1000 million! Is this all right?"

Wang Geng said his plan, what can he do if he doesn’t do the business delivered to his door, he is preparing for the war and supervising it, and in the future, he will deal with the issuance of public bonds and the business of borrowing money from the big powers, so that the fat and water will not flow to outsiders, since Lu Ding Be it, Song Hanzhang, Zhang Jiaao, and Feng Gengguang, if you want to find a new helmsman and captain for the broken ship of the Ministry of Finance and the Bank of China, who else is more suitable than yourself?

Anyway, the old Duan would never think that he was recruited by the Southern Party members with sugar-coated bullets. Wang Geng believes that Duan Qirui will never be fooled or worried about this. For him, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Finance, which the Southern Party members have always controlled, will be of great service to Lao Duan and the Anhui Clan!

Wang Geng said that he would use his Manhattan Industrial Bank to underwrite the remaining shares, which surprised Lu Ding, Song Hanzhang, and Zhang Jiaao. Didn’t this guy say that the threshold for an American investment bank is only 500 US dollars, so how could it be enough to underwrite the remaining shares? Zhang Jiaao can raise up to 500 million yuan in the Bank of China shares, and the remaining [-] million or so?

According to the current US dollar exchange rate, at least 100 million US dollars is enough. Wang Geng, a young Chinese who just graduated from West Point, has already saved a million-dollar net worth in the United States?These days, even having a million dollar net worth is quite impressive, let alone a million dollars, how many millionaires are there in the entire United States?

"Brother Wang, if the capital is controlled by Chinese people, of course it cannot be counted as foreign capital. It must be counted as our Chinese capital. It's just that the capital raised by Song and Zhang in Jiangsu and Zhejiang is at most 500 million, and you have to underwrite the remaining 500 million... ...Wouldn't that be enough for nearly a million dollars?" Lu Ding came back to his senses, and excitedly grabbed Wang Geng's hand and said.

If Wang Geng is really worth a million dollars, damn, what are you waiting for next year, let me get engaged to him today, and get married directly when she turns 16 next year, and let her be the mistress of the Wang family. In case Wang Geng is really a million-dollar millionaire... Lu Ding was thinking about it, and felt that the air in the room was not enough.

Song Hanzhang and Zhang Jiaao also stared wide-eyed, especially Zhang Jiaao. If Wang Geng was not talking big, he had already earned a million dollars in the United States at this age. Zhang Jiaao felt that the experience he was proud of was nothing like this guy. Fabio, the gap is too big, the fourth young master of the Zhang family felt overwhelmed for a moment, his face flushed, and he also felt that the air in the room was not enough.

"It's not surprising. In the United States, a millionaire is not considered a rich person. No amount of money is enough to spend in a war. You are all leaders in the domestic banking industry. Brother Zhang, please return the proposed articles of association to me. I have a complete copy, you mentioned that the general meeting of shareholders elects directors and supervisors, and the government has a good way of appointing the chief executive and vice president among the executive directors. Although it is difficult that the chief executive and vice president can only be removed by the general meeting of shareholders, there is a chance to solve it if you think about it!" Wang Geng waved. waved his hand.

"The most important point is that like in the United States, the printing of bills must be done through the issuance of national bonds in the future, otherwise the banks will always advance money to the Ministry of Finance, and even the best-run banks can't resist such a toss!" Song Hanzhang glanced at Lu Ding , categorically.

The Director of the Department of Taxation and Taxation of the Ministry of Finance spread his hands and called out to Qu, "Don't look at me too much, Song, what right does my little director have to let you print money indiscriminately? Wang Geng has to go and talk to the Prime Minister about it. Isn’t it possible for the big powers to agree to postpone the Boxer’s indemnity? If the Ministry of Finance can slow down this breath, it will definitely pay back the shortfall owed to you within five years!”

"Behind the country's credit is strength. The European War forced European countries to abandon the gold standard. China's silver standard system will have to be reformed sooner or later. Before that, as Wang Duban said, the sooner the country is unified, the better. Now the military governors everywhere It is said that local taxes are not paid at all, and military bills are printed without authorization to collect people’s wealth. The central government’s finances are all supported by salt taxes, tariffs, and loans. .

"Don't worry, you are all the pillars of the country. Whether it is the Ministry of Finance or the Bank of China, I will leave it to you to take care of it. What I said will never change. Brother Zhang, you can raise shares at a scale of 1000 million yuan. , but I suggest that you can organize a capable team. In addition to Beijing, Tianjin and Shanghai, cities such as Wuhan, Guangzhou, and Chengdu also have to go. The private capital in Jiangsu and Zhejiang is well developed. You can even post the prospectus to the township level! 1000 million is not enough I'll underwrite the part!"

Wang Geng nodded to Zhang Jiaao with a smile, and the fourth young master of the Zhang family nodded when he heard the words. Zhang Jiaao sighed that Wang Geng's pride and courage were not as good as this!

At this moment, Lu Ding, Song Hanzhang and he gradually believed that Wang Geng really had a way to get 100 million US dollars to underwrite the remaining shares. Of course, whether it was all Wang Geng's own funds, these people subconsciously did not want to go deeper , anyway, everyone recognizes Wang Geng, and his wealth and future are entrusted to this guy who doesn't know whether it's Adou or Sun Quan. Now the big guy is going nowhere!

If Wang Geng could really hold 500 million yuan of Bank of China shares, he would definitely be the largest shareholder. With such a powerful endorsement, Song Hanzhang and Zhang Jiaao looked at each other for a while, feeling proud in their hearts. Lu Ding, if this guy hadn't patted his chest and said that Wang Geng was worth a gamble, why would everyone have so many unexpected developments and discoveries in Wang Geng tonight?

"The prospectus can be posted not only at the township level, but in my opinion, the warlords in various regions are not doing their own thing. This prospectus is posted in every provincial capital of each province, so that those warlords and their families can also come to buy shares!" Lu Ding eyeballs After a turn, I came up with another idea.

"Old Lu is right. Warlords from all over the country are like grass-headed kings in troubled times. They each lead the coquettish for three to five years, but there is no good channel for maintaining and appreciating the value of private money. Bank of China, as the largest Chinese bank with the most outlets, has With the background of the Ministry of Finance and the National Bank, the private money of these warlords and their families can at least be used to exchange some shares!" Song Hanzhang slapped his thigh and shouted!

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