Beiyang 1917

Chapter 134

Wang Geng called the Duan Mansion again and found out that the old man was there in the afternoon, so he planned to go to the Duan Mansion to talk to the Prime Minister about the Ministry of Finance and the Bank of China. This guy agrees or not, since he stands up to stand up for Lu Ding and the Bank of China, he can't back down on this matter, so he can just work on Lao Duan.

Putting down the phone and about to go out, Zhang Zizhong, the company commander of the guards, stood up and stood at attention, "Report to the supervisor, I have something to say!"

Wang Geng turned around and saw that Zhang Zizhong's mouth was covered with blisters. Obviously, he was very angry these days, so he smiled and said, "Zhang Lianchang wants to eat more vegetables and fruits. Didn't we just pay the salary in arrears? I still have to spend my money! What can you say?"

"Report to the supervisor, as your guard commander, I have an opinion!" Zhang Zizhong said with a blushing face.

"What's your opinion? The love between men and women has never changed since ancient times. If you persuade the supervisor not to go to the brothel, you should stop talking as soon as possible. Have the singing guards singing the three major disciplines and the nine points of attention? Just speak kindly and make a fair deal!" Wang Geng first gave Zhang Zizhong was vaccinated!

"Report to the supervisor, as your guard commander, I must know your daily whereabouts in advance, so that I can better arrange guards and vigilance. First, and second, I have surveyed the surrounding terrain in the past two days. On the one hand, the building of the Women's Normal University can overlook our whole mansion, which is a huge hidden danger to the safety and security of the supervisory mansion." Zhang Zizhong said sternly!

"I should tell you about the whereabouts. I will tell you naturally. The Superintendent's Office is not made of mud and grass. The thief is either the Superintendent's Office's opponent, or you, Company Commander Zhang. I'm afraid it will not be easy to defeat me with bare hands!" Wang Wang Geng looked up and down at the tall and serious guard company commander in front of him, and nodded secretly in his heart, this guy has entered the role.

"I don't dare to fight with the supervisor. The supervisor is concerned with the well-being and future of the entire army. How can he easily fight with others? What's more, bullets are more powerful than fists at this time. The supervisor is a brass head and an iron arm. He must guard against hidden guns." It's not easy!" Zhang Zizhong shouted unconvinced.

"Are you worried that someone will shoot me from the upstairs of the Women's Normal University? Who dares to be so bold? Do you have any tricks for a long time?" Wang Geng was not afraid of someone shooting from a high place next door, but he was worried about the weather. It's gradually getting warmer, and there are more than one girl in the room in my backyard, and it's not a big deal to be peeped into the spring.

"Beizhi has already arranged lookout posts at the high corners of the walls around the mansion, but it's hard to guard against it. Although the trees in the house are tall and green, but if you want to, you can still observe the situation in the courtyard through the gaps. Believe that, I'm just afraid to block all the windows of the building of the Women's Normal University!" Zhang Zizhong's idea is also bad enough, because this will seal the windows of other people's houses.

Wang Geng didn't speak, and waved his hand to signal Zhang Zizhong to follow him. He walked into the yard and looked east. Sure enough, the small building on the west side of the four teaching buildings of the Women's Normal University happened to be on the east side of his house. It's not too far away, and the rows of windows and panes of glass can be seen clearly without binoculars.

Zhang Zizhong took out a hand-painted map from the purse carried by the guard beside him, pointed to explain the buildings around the house to his supervisor,

"Look at the supervisor, to the south is our main entrance and Shifuma Street, and 100 meters to the east are the four buildings of the Women's Normal College. The main reason is that the windows of the west building are potentially dangerous. The west of our house is the wall and the building. Xiaohe, north of it is East Blacksmith Alley, which is surrounded by walls and houses on both sides, with no entrances and exits, north of Blacksmith Alley is Xidanhanhan Alley, and north of it is West Chang'an Avenue."

Wang Geng nodded his head and did not speak. Zhang Zizhong's hand-painted drawings were very clear and marked the distance. It turns out that his house is 80 meters wide from east to west and 150 meters deep from north to south. The royal mansion has a system, with the front hall and the back sleeping. In terms of area, it is the largest royal mansion among Yuetuo's descendants, and the east and west are two courtyards each. The scale is really not small, and it feels much bigger than when I moved in the first day. .

"I don't think it's necessary to seal the windows of other people's houses. Is the open space here the playground of the Women's Normal University? Just plant a big tree in the middle to block the view. Is the East Blacksmith Hutong in the north also patrolled?" Wang Geng Looking at the map intently, he asked.

"A shift is arranged to be responsible for patrolling, and shifts are changed every two hours. There are two groups of light and dark sentries at the four corners of here, here, and here. There is a shift sentry at the gate, and a sentry in the second gate is behind the gatehouses on both sides at any time. Standby." Zhang Zizhong apparently surrounded the Supervisory Office like a watertight situation.

Wang Geng glanced at the map, turned around and looked at the main hall, which was the first to enter the yard, pointed to the windows on both sides and said, since you want to turn this house into a fortress, you might as well arrange a group of machine guns in the windows on both sides. Those houses should be empty.

Zhang Zizhong was overjoyed when he heard the words, rubbing his hands together and said, "I also have this idea, just because I'm afraid of disturbing the guests who come in the future, so I'm hesitating whether to mention it to the supervisor! If the supervisor thinks it's feasible, I think the machine gun can be placed directly on the attic of the front hall , take out the machine gun nozzles in each of the four directions, and you will be safe when the time comes!"

"Day! You have a good idea. According to your supervisor, you will be under the threat of your machine gun every second in the backyard. Don't you want to rebel?" Wang Genghu threatened with a face.

"Hey! Supervising... the conscience of heaven and earth... the commanding heights... the wider the field of vision, the better! How dare the humble officials and guards peek at what's going on in your house!" Zhang Zizhong was tongue-tied, cold sweat dripping down his face, and the fellow fell down I really didn't think about violating the supervisory authority.

"Prepare for a rainy day. In this way, the machine gun fire team can be set up in the attic of the front hall, but it must be hidden. The people entering and leaving must be strictly registered. No guards are allowed to go up and down alone or on duty. Two people must be in a team. The passage for going up and down should be located in the In the unremarkable room, the passage room must also be guarded by a special person. In addition, the nozzle can only be opened in the south and east-west directions, and it is not allowed to open in the direction of the inner house in the north, let alone peeking!"

Wang Geng suppressed his laughter and ordered, Zhang Zizhong stood at attention and readily agreed!

"The family situation and social background of each guard in the guard should be re-examined. Don't make too much noise, but the more detailed the information, the better. You, the company commander, must know the current position of each guard. Understood?" Wang Geng ordered in a low voice.

Zhang Zizhong hurriedly agreed in a low voice, Wang Geng thought for a while, called Zhang Zizhong over, and instructed in the ear of his captain of the guard, "Let me release the plainclothes guard posts on the opposite side of Shifuma Street and at both ends of the road, small merchants and peddlers It’s best to cover with shoe repairs or something, so I might as well go to a team of plainclothes to pull a rickshaw nearby, and I have to know in advance if a fly flies over!”

Zhang Zizhong nodded and agreed, then turned around and said with a bitter face, "Supervisor, I'm afraid I don't have enough manpower to do this! Can't you always go out with only Xia Shan and the two guards?"

Wang Geng punched the captain of the guard on the shoulder, and scolded with a smile, "Do you think that the supervisor is afraid of death so that you arrange the guards and realms as if you are facing an enemy? I am teaching you how to train soldiers. By the way, this one of yours Guard Company, everyone has to learn to drive a car for me within a month! Those who can’t learn will be directly removed from the list!”

"Yes! I obey the order!" Zhang Zizhong stood at attention, but he was crying in his heart. Is it so easy to learn to drive?For a moment, I had no idea.

"I need to get through the fixed-line telephone calls as soon as possible. In addition, all the secret posts are changed to plain clothes. The military police battalion and guard company of the teaching regiment, your company must have the awareness of guarding the headquarters, and the awareness that one man should be in charge of the guards. , according to the arrangement just now, you can still have at least one platoon of mobile troops left. Let me think about it... Well, don't let them idle, let them change into plain clothes, and play a game of cat and mouse in two groups. Familiarize yourself with the terrain on the surrounding streets, and practice tracking and anti-tracking by the way!"

Wang Geng slapped his head and gave Zhang Zizhong another order, Zhang Zizhong nodded in agreement.

Wang Geng came up with an idea in a blink of an eye, "Send another squad to go to the Chongwenmen tax office to guard the checkpoints with the military police company every day to collect taxes, pay more attention to the people entering and leaving, and if you see suspicious people, you can stop them for questioning or follow them. The squad in my class must have good military discipline and high spirits. In addition, I will send another squad to the police station to find the cooperation of the police, and check the situation of all permanent and temporary residents within one kilometer nearby, including small towns. A hawker shop or something!"

"Hey! Yes! But the supervisor, I'm afraid there are not enough manpower!" Zhang Zizhong couldn't help but shouted!

"Is there not enough manpower? It will be enough when you become the battalion commander of the guards. Before that, you can find a way to arrange it yourself. I don't need so many guards to follow. Your guard company with 126 soldiers should be enough to train! If one class doesn’t work, then six people and half a class will be used separately. By the way, the Presidential Palace, the Dongjiao Minxiang, and the major restaurants and teahouses in the capital will spread your eyes and ears to me. We don’t necessarily need our guards for this, you can. Find gangsters in the society to act as eyes and ears, and spend money to go directly to the old duan to set up accounts, and the funds are sufficient, of course, this matter cannot be rushed for a while, but it must be done."

Wang Geng messed up the mandarin ducks, and assigned the intelligence work to his captain of the guard. Zhang Zizhong's forehead was sweating. How did his guard become a spy company?He didn't dare to object, so he had to agree honestly, while thinking about how to ask the chief of staff for help later.

Seeing that he couldn't think of anything else for the time being, Wang Geng waved his hand, took Xia Shan and went directly to Duanfu in Cangnan Hutong.

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