Beiyang 1917

Chapter 144 The Organization and Amazing Firepower Participating Army

"Paul, without guns or cannons, the Chinese participating troops can't go abroad. The military industrial strength of the United States is second to none in the world. You have made no less than 200 million rifles for the British. How much ammunition do I need for my ten divisions? 20 rifles?" Wang Geng insisted unmoved.

"Gun, [-] American recruits enter the boot camp every day, how do you calculate that the rifles produced in the United States are enough?" Rui Enshi said with a wry smile.

"Paul, it took me a lot of talking to persuade the Prime Minister and the Ministry of War to use American equipment for the Chinese troops participating in the war. , if the Chinese army starts to gradually change to American equipment, you will not see how much follow-up benefits will be brought to the increasingly close economic and trade exchanges between China and the United States? Are you forcing me to use Japanese [-] guns? Then my soldiers will not be able to go to the European battlefield!"

Wang Geng looked at the armrest of the chair and said impatiently.

"Gun, don't talk too much about it. You asked for so many arms and equipment, but you asked the U.S. government to pay the arsenal in real money. When you can repay the loan, the day lily might be cold. It’s too early for the U.S. to make money from the arms trade between China and the U.S.! You’re just working for nothing now!” Rui Enshi shouted not to be outdone.

"The Chinese went to Europe to participate in the war, and they accepted the unified command of the U.S. military. In other words, the Chinese were working hard for you Americans on the front line. You don't intend to ask us to bring our own shotguns to follow you to death? We promised to buy your arms and equipment in the name of borrowing with the six-year five per cent long-term national debt as a guarantee. Who do you think took advantage? Let me say that we don’t pay a penny at all. When the European War is over, the world will be peaceful. This ammunition is worthless, and it will be returned to you when the time comes!"

Wang Geng was obviously playing a rogue, and the American Minister Rui Enshi's face flushed with anger, and he patted the armrest of the chair and shouted, "Wang Geng, you are too much, don't think I don't know, you plan to post This batch of national debt has been mortgaged to Japan in exchange for a loan of 3.8 million yen, and now one daughter and three marriages are used as collateral for the US war loan, you are a typical behavior of carrying rice with empty sacks!"

"Come on, the loan from Japan is 3.8 million yen in real money, and the loan from the United States is directly offset by the discount of arms and equipment. You have made a big difference between the production cost of arms and equipment and the market price. Not to mention that the loan itself has an interest of [-]% per annum!" Wang Geng countered not to be outdone.

"Tch, don't pretend I don't know. Japan's loan of 3.8 million yen is not all real money. My intelligence channel tells me that at least half of it will be used for investment and development of new railways and coal and iron mines in China. You promised to give priority to the purchase of Japanese machinery and technicians! How can the quality of Japanese machines compare with those of the United States? The quality is inferior and the price is high, how many tricks are there?!" Rui Enshi obviously did his homework, At this moment, they are also fighting each other without giving an inch.

Wang Geng blushed when he heard the words. He did not expect that what the delegation had just discussed with Japanese Minister Lin Quanzhu yesterday would reach the ears of the American Minister today. It is estimated that the Japanese Legation must have many American eyes.

"Paul! Since China does not intend to use Japanese-style arms and equipment, it is a normal balance to buy some of their civilian machinery and equipment. Otherwise, why would the Japanese government be willing to lose such a large piece of fat in the arms trade to your American firearms merchants? where?

I am clearing obstacles for you in the United States. Besides, the railway, coal mine, iron ore and copper mine equipment are bought from Japan. Aren’t we planning to purchase the munitions and ordnance production equipment from the United States, as well as oil exploration and drilling? equipment!In comparison, the United States has obtained the potential greatest benefits in China! "Wang Geng explained in a slow tone.

"Un, you know that railway construction and prospecting and mining along the railway are the big ones. No matter how popular the arms trade is, it will be useless after the European War is over. Maybe many arsenals will have to close down and lay off workers, but railway mines In case of a huge profit, it can be exploited for at least several decades before the resources are exhausted, so in comparison, it is Japan, not the United States, that has gained the biggest advantage in borrowing money for this war!"

Rui Enshi was obviously familiar with the usual methods of imperialist economic aggression and plunder, and shook his head against Wang Geng's point of view.

"Paul, let me ask you a question. Which country is the most economically powerful in the world right now? After the European War is over, which country will be the most powerful?!" Wang Geng turned around and asked.

"Of course it's the cooperation of the United States! USA! Needless to say!" Rui Enshi proudly raised his chest, and there was no need to hide it in front of Wang Geng. Momentum is visible to everyone!

"Paul, can you understand my painstaking efforts in advocating that all the troops participating in the war and the squadrons in the future be equipped with American equipment?" Wang Geng lowered his voice and stared at the American minister and asked.

"The U.S. has excellent weapons and equipment. In addition to Japanese equipment, China has nowhere to purchase equipment from Britain, France, Russia and Germany, and the participating troops in the European battlefield have to accept the unified command and logistical support of the U.S. military. If you choose Japanese It's a joke to equip and arm the army!" Rui Enshi said with a smile while rubbing his head.

"Wrong! Because I strongly advocate the friendship between China and the United States to jointly build the future of the Asia-Pacific region. This is why I choose American equipment. China has no ambitions or plans for the United States. China and the United States have no conflicts of strategic interests or potential conflicts." The reason is that the unification, rise and development of China will provide a broad market and stage for American funds, products and technologies. When necessary, Chinese and American soldiers will fight side by side in the same trench as before. Can you understand what I mean? "

Wang Geng looked at the private secretary next to him who was hard at work writing, smiled and waved his hands, saying, don't record this paragraph!The beautiful secretary blushed, hesitated for a moment, and scribbled out this passage in the notebook!

The U.S. minister was startled when he heard the words, and looked suspiciously at the expression on Wang Geng's face. As a senior U.S. Far Eastern affairs representative and minister to China, this guy couldn't understand what Wang Geng said. Guy, it's not easy to change your mind, it's clear that it's just to show yourself:

The Chinese-government will become a strategic partner of the United States in the Asia-Pacific region rather than an adversary in the future. So, who is the adversary?Obviously, the island country that claims to be the most powerful country in Asia is the potential competitor of the US Pacific strategy!

This young man of heaven, a rising star in China's political and military circles, has far-reaching strategic thinking!Ryan said heartily.

The whole of China’s foreign war loans are 3.8 million yen for Japan and 2 million U.S. dollars for the United States. The collateral is the six-year six-percent ten-year war bond issued by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of China. Of course, more than half of the yen loan is taken Railway and mining equipment offset, while loans to the United States were mostly offset by discounts on arms equipment and arsenals, automobile factories, aircraft factories, oil refineries, and oil exploration and drilling equipment.

The establishment of Wang Geng’s model army for participating in the war was adjusted to one division governing three mixed brigades, and each mixed brigade governed three infantry regiments, one artillery regiment, one armored reconnaissance battalion, one engineer battalion, and one supply battalion. The teaching regiment is basically the same, except that the artillery battalion of the regiment is changed to an artillery company.


The reason for the formation of mixed brigades is that Wang Geng's purpose is to transfer independent combat capabilities from divisions to brigades. Each mixed brigade can independently complete combat tasks in one direction, and the establishment of the three mixed brigades is fully comparable to that of the Beiyang Army. The combat power of the two brigades of the division has almost doubled.

In addition to the three mixed brigades, the future division also has a heavy artillery regiment, equipped with 54 155-caliber heavy howitzers, and will govern a regiment-level motorized special operations detachment, including a tank battalion, an armored battalion, A motorized reconnaissance battalion and a special operations battalion.

If the model army participating in the war is fully staffed in the future, it will have almost the same number of people as a division of the US military with 28000 people, and its firepower will be even stronger.

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