Beiyang 1917

Chapter 162 The Butterfly Effect's Benign Response


The huge benefits brought to China by participating in the war are beyond doubt, but the price that China will pay for participating in the war has not been seen at all. The Southern Party members, who account for a relatively large number of members of Congress, are actually divided because of their positions and statements before and after participating in the war. There are several factions. The Southern Party, the largest party, only accounted for 45%, followed by the Progressive Party organized by Lao Yuan, followed by the Department of Transportation and the Department of Research.

Participating in the war won unprecedented conditions for China. The issuance of the new central yuan, which was fully supported by the big powers, especially the United States, loosened the financial constraints on the government and the people of the whole country. The innovation of the army in the relationship between the military and the people is refreshing. The three major disciplines and the nine points of attention are not just military songs sung on the lips, but are implemented in all the daily military life of officers and soldiers.

No matter how many enemies the Prime Minister and his Anhui faction, as well as Wang Geng and Xu Shuzheng have made inside and out, the combat effectiveness of this new type of army, which has been compiled and expanded in more than three months, is still unknown. But in terms of weapons and equipment, logistical support, treatment of officers and soldiers, and more importantly, strict military discipline, it can be called the first in the history of the Republic of China, and it can be called impeccable!

While Wang Geng was busy managing his own affairs, all political forces in the country were doing their best to prepare for the by-election and re-election of members of Congress in August. The current Congress is still the National Congress. It was the first Congress after the founding of the Republic of China.

On August 1912, 8, Yuan Shikai, the interim president, promulgated the Organization Law of the Republic of China Congress, the Law on the Election of Members of the Senate and the Law on the Election of Members of the House of Representatives enacted by the Provisional Senate, and established a temporary agency to handle the affairs of the Congress. Bureau".According to the "Republic of China Congress Organization Law", the Congress is divided into two houses: the Senate and the House of Representatives.

The National Congress of the Republic of China was banned by Yuan Shikai because of the Second Revolution, and it was restored after Li Yuanhong came to power last year. At this moment, the senators and the House of Representatives have basically the same functions and powers, except that the Senators are composed of representatives elected by the provincial councils and mainly represent various political forces, while the House of Representatives One elected House of Representatives is established for every 80 people in the population to represent the will of the people.

The establishment of the Republic of China was only six years old, and the presidential system and the responsible cabinet system were entangled all day long. The "Provisional Constitution" formulated by the temporary senators mainly composed of southern party members was originally intended to establish a presidential system. As a result, Yuan Shikai was bound to be elected president. Then he changed the presidential system in the original "Outline of the Organization of the Provisional Government of the Republic of China" to a cabinet system, trying to make Yuan Shikai a vacant president.

As a result, in the years when Yuan Shikai was president, the cabinet system was constantly changing from "detached cabinet"-"party cabinet"-"responsible cabinet"-"outline cabinet", and finally evolved into a cabinet system with four different types, that is, the president appoints the prime minister. The prime minister is responsible for forming a cabinet. If the House of Representatives approves a new cabinet, the prime minister and the current government will be formally established. Otherwise, the cabinet members will be continuously adjusted until they pass the deliberations of the parliament, or the prime minister will voluntarily give up forming a cabinet, and the president will appoint a new prime minister to form a new cabinet.

The prime minister can also submit a motion to the president to dissolve the House of Representatives. After the president agrees, the president can dissolve the House of Representatives if it is submitted to a two-thirds majority of the senators for approval.Conversely, the House of Representatives can also propose a no-confidence motion against the cabinet and the prime minister. If two-thirds pass, it will be submitted to the president to order the dissolution of the cabinet. If the president does not agree, it can submit a motion to dissolve the house of representatives like the senators. Balance and containment between parliament and parliament.

There are 22 provinces in the country, each with 10 senators; Inner and Inner Mongolia, Tibet, and Qinghai each set up elections to elect 27, 10, and 3; another 8 are elected by the Central Society; 6 were selected.According to the statutory quota, there are 274 senators in total.Modeled after the American system, one term is held every six years and elections are held every two years to maintain its metabolism. One-third of the senators are re-elected every two years, and a lottery is used to determine who needs to participate in the re-election.

The number of members of the House of Representatives is determined according to the population of each region.Every 80 population elects one member of the House of Representatives, but each province has at least 10 members of the House of Representatives, and small provinces with a population of less than 800 million are also elected.Only Mongolia, Tibet, and Qinghai have the same number of senators and representatives. Among the 22 provinces, Zhili (now Hebei) has the largest population, with 46 members of the House of Representatives.Provinces with the least population, such as Xinjiang, Jilin, and Heilongjiang, each elect 10 representatives.

The number of other provinces varies.The term of office is three years, with one election every three years.The election is divided into primary elections and re-elections. There are many regulations. According to the statutory quota, there are 596 members of the House of Representatives nationwide.There are a total of 841 members of the Senate and House of Representatives.

Earlier, between early December 1912 and March 12, members of the Senate and House of Representatives were elected across the country in accordance with electoral laws.There are more than 1913 million registered voters, accounting for 3% of the country's population.The elected members mainly include political activists, freelancers, and former officials of the Qing Dynasty. Among them, about 4000% of the members belong to the Southern Party, which is the largest party in the Congress.

The first Congress of the early Republic of China actually opened on April 1913, 4, and was adjourned following the Second Revolution. It was formally dissolved by Yuan Shikai in January 8, and then announced by Li Yuanhong on June 1914, 1. Restoration, reopened in Beijing on August 1916, 6, until today, August 29, 1916, exactly one year after the resumption of Congress, and it was also the first time that one-third of the senators were re-elected every two years.

In view of the "Provisional Constitution" and the intervention of the butterfly Wang Geng by the National Congress in the early Republic of China, the "restoration of Zhang Xun" and "the dissolution of the Congress by Li Yuanhong" did not appear, so the "law protector" initiated by Sun Dapao should have appeared. The "Movement" has no chance to appear at all, and the parliament is still the main battlefield for the competition of various forces in the country.

In fact, with the continuous growth of the Chinese army participating in the war, the war of protecting the law has never appeared. Therefore, under the restraint of Duan Qirui and the patience of Feng Guozhang, at least in the eyes of outsiders, Beiyang is stronger than before and still united. The best An example is that Wu Peifu of the direct line served as the commander of the third division of the participating army, and actually replaced Wang Geng as the agent of the Suiyuan capital.

After Zhang Zuolin made so many things happen, the position of Jilin Governor was still not given to Zhang Zuolin by the old Duan. Instead, he transferred Li Changtai, the Eighth Division of the Zhili Faction stationed in Tianjin Machang, to Jilin. The power of the Zhili Faction was still maintained.

To say that Beiyang is more united and stronger in the eyes of outsiders, a more convincing example is that among the third batch of American munitions arriving at the end of July, Wang Geng, the war supervisor who put the armed forces as the first priority, actually had a big hand After a while, the Ministry of the Army allocated enough Springfield rifles, squad machine guns, and Browning heavy machine guns to equip a mixed brigade from the third batch of American aid, and allocated American equipment capable of arming a mixed brigade to the garrison The third division of Cao Kun in Baoding!

The southern partisans were divided into two factions of support and opposition on the issue of participating in the war earlier. When China successfully participated in the war and reaped huge benefits, it expanded the only loose international political environment in the past and effectively improved China's international status. After political status, the reputation of those who strongly opposed it has obviously been greatly affected.

As far as the southern party is concerned, Zhang Taiyan, Tan Renfeng, Liao Zhongkai, Ma Junwu, and Zhu Zhixin followed Sun Dapao and opposed China's participation in the war, while Zhang Ji, Wu Jinglian, Gu Zhongxiu, etc. of Yiyou Society, Political Society, Wang Jingwei, Hu Hanmin, and Wang Chonghui advocated join the war.

Wang Jingwei believes that China "in order to maintain its own dignity, should do its utmost to resist." Hu Hanmin believes that "China has been in a passive position so far, and now is the time to take the initiative." Wang Chonghui believes that if China maintains neutrality now, in the future "it will surely I have received all kinds of blame.... Therefore, I should come out resolutely now and formally declare war with Germany."

Others did not make a clear statement, but tended to and supported the war, such as Cai Yuanpei, who finally expressed his support for the government and the cabinet's decision after China entered the war!

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