Beiyang 1917

Chapter 178 The Engine Is Critical

As early as the end of September 1917, in addition to adding a new batch of aircraft purchase orders to the United Kingdom, Wang Geng also sought to introduce and authorize the production of the Eagle aircraft engine design drawings designed by Ross-Royce. Both the dh.9 reconnaissance bomber and the Handley Page 4 aircraft use the Eagle VII and VIII water-cooled engines of the Rolls-Royce Company. The Eagle VII has a strong horsepower of 0400hp and is the best of this era. One of the liquid cooled engines!

Rolls-Royce produces not only the best automobile engines, but also the best aircraft engines. In fact, his later translated name - Rolls-Royce may be more impressive.

Although the aviation talents Wang Zhu and Bayuzao under Wang Geng were the chief engineers of Boeing and Wright Aircraft Company in the United States, in 1917 when the U.S. military announced its participation in the war, the U.S. military had almost no military aircraft of its own available. Among the more than 6000 military aircraft on the Western Front, French military aircraft accounted for more than 5000. Of course, the best military aircraft manufacturers of this era are all in Britain, France and Germany.

If he could get Mercedes engines and planes, Wang Geng would not necessarily choose Rolls-Royce, but at this moment, besides the rich aircraft production capacity in the UK, who else could he count on?The French planes are not enough for their own use and to equip the U.S. Air Force.

For this reason, Wang Geng, in addition to the US$1172 million purchase order for the second batch of British aircraft, transferred the full set of design drawings and production licenses of the Eagle VII engine from Rolls-Royce in the name of Manhattan Industrial Bank in New York, at a price of 300 million US dollars, with 100 sets of assembled parts.

It is hard to understand that the stubborn British seem to think that the transfer of aircraft technology patents and production drawings and licenses to an American bank is completely feasible without any obstacles, while the transfer to China, which may cause friction with Japan in the future, makes people feel Deep doubts, a typical ostrich policy, obviously the Japanese-British alliance has brought a much heavier burden on the Britons than imagined at this moment!

As far as Wang Zhu and Bayuzao came back from the United States, they felt that the 300 million US dollars was spent too much. If Wang Geng was willing to give them more time, such as one to two years, they could use their own knowledge , to imitate the Eagle VII and VIII engines!

Wang Zhu even patted his chest and said to Wang Geng that if there is enough time, a domestic water-cooled engine can be developed on the basis of the Dodge engine production drawings and authorized patents that Wang Geng will introduce!In fact, most of the early piston aircraft engines of this era were reborn from automobile engines.

At the end of September, Wang Geng also used his influence in the United States and the background of the Morgan family to transfer the production drawings and authorized patents of the v9 and v6 Dodge automobile engines from the Dodge Company through the Manhattan Industrial Bank in New York. The price he paid was 8 yuan. Ten thousand U.S. dollars.

Dodge Motor Company followed Wang Geng’s American aid purchase orders and orders from the U.S. Army. In 1917, its output exceeded 10 vehicles. Ford Motor Company has always used engines and chassis produced by Dodge Company, and even the founder of Dodge Company. The Dodge Brothers are also shareholders and partners of Ford Motor. In the previous life, the Dodge Brothers did not leave Ford until 1919 to go it alone.

Looking back at Sino-US Petroleum and Renqiu Oilfield, the high-yield crude oil produced by the Chinese in Renqiu has not only changed the history of oil exploration, but also made the little Japan next door very sad and envious, so the little devil spent a lot of manpower and material resources in Bohai Bay. It is the coastal beaches of the Liaodong Peninsula who drilled desperately, but found nothing.

If it wasn't for the fact that Ren Qiu was still more than 100 kilometers away from Tanggu in Tianjin, and fortunately Wang Geng didn't go to drill wells in Dagang, Tianjin, otherwise the little devil might really provoke a conflict to grab oil.

The development of the Renqiu Oilfield by Sino-American Petroleum Corporation allowed the Chinese to use domestically produced kerosene on a large scale for the first time. Kerosene is actually the most commonly used by ordinary people in urban and rural areas when power supply and lighting are only privileged in big cities such as Beijing, Tianjin and households. In fact, until the 80s and [-]s in the previous life, many villages in China still lived with kerosene at night.

October 1917 was a very important month. The drama of Feng Guozhang and Duan Qirui joining hands in Zhiwan seemed to have deterred all those local forces with ulterior motives. On the surface, Cao Kun, who was born in the direct line, was in charge of Henan. Wu Peifu, who was born in the direct lineage, was in charge of Suiyuan, and Cai Chengxun, the commander of the first division of the direct lineage, became the deputy chief of staff of the participating army. After going to the Northeast, there are still 10 supplementary brigades to follow up in half a month.

Of course, the thousands of tons of high-quality crude oil ejected from the first well of China American Petroleum Co., Ltd. every day makes people happy. The manpower of the 4 supplementary brigades, as well as those of China Iron and Steel, Sino-US Petroleum, and Xuanhua No. [-] Arsenal have done their best in this strategic base.

The entire project is expected to be successfully completed before the end of the year, and Sino-US Petroleum Xuanhua 50-ton oil refinery will also enter trial production at the end of November. The Rockefeller oil exploration team began to drill the second oil well in Renqiu. Based on experience, senior US oil exploration experts quickly selected the location of the second well according to the topography.

Although Wang Geng couldn't remember where the 5000-ton-per-day crude oil well was located in his previous life, but looking at the well location chosen by Rockefeller and the others, this time it might be the same, but he couldn't get the 5000-ton-per-day well Well, with a daily output of 1000 tons, it is estimated that no one will run away!

During this period, the service quality and word-of-mouth evaluation of China Airlines continued to improve. Wang Zhu and Bayuzao found ways to improve the airtightness of the cabin of the Handley Page 0400 aircraft, although it was not strictly pressurized. However, the ride comfort has been greatly improved. The thinness of the air at an altitude of 0400 meters at 3000 flight has been greatly improved after using the airtight cabin.

In the construction of the Xuanhua mining area, Han Yeping, one of the shareholders of China Iron and Steel, played a huge role. As the largest and most advanced iron and steel complex in China, Han Yeping felt extremely happy to be able to catch the ride of the Prime Minister and the war supervisor. This means that China Iron and Steel will become a partner rather than a competitor. Although Han Yeping has a long history and advanced technology, he can't stand the relationship between Wang Geng and the Yankee Japanese. Whether it is a Japanese steel factory or an American steel factory When he came to China, Han Yeping thought that he might not be better than others technically.

500 of the first batch of 300 trainees of Nanyuan Aviation under the participating army have completed their first solo flight, and those who were the best and earliest to fly solo have long been leased to China Airlines along with their aircraft, and 36 of them have been put into operation Each crew of the 0400 modified civil airliner in operation has 4 members, plus the spare crew, there are nearly 180 pilot students who are leased to China Airlines.

The first dh4 reconnaissance bomber squadron was assigned to the third division of Wu Peifu in Suiyuan, the second dh4 reconnaissance bomber squadron was assigned to Rehe Chengde, and the third dh4 reconnaissance bomber squadron was assigned to Kaifeng, with two mixed brigades After obtaining the right to use the third dh4 reconnaissance bomber squadron, Cao Kun, who was equipped with American equipment, came to Beijing to meet Feng Guozhang and Duan Qirui in person. The division is also formally trained to become a member of the participating army.

In fact, although the Third Flying Squadron was assigned to Kaifeng, Henan, it still accepted the command of the headquarters of the Nanyuan Air Force. The brigade headquarters is the real first-level commander.All the missions issued by the warlords to the squadrons can only be carried out after the air force headquarters has been authorized!

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