Beiyang 1917

Chapter 180 Recovering Outer Mongolia

November 1917 was a very important moment for the whole world. The Western Front of the European War was still at the end of the third Battle of Ypres. The Eastern Front of the European War finally collapsed after the German army occupied Riga two months earlier. , The Russian Provisional Government, which has changed five times since the February Revolution earlier this year, finally fell before the little mentor and the October Revolution led by him.

On the evening of November 1917, 11 (October 7 in the Russian calendar), the October Revolution broke out in Russia. Soldiers in Petrograd and the Red Guards under the leadership of the Bolsheviks launched an uprising and captured the Winter Palace in charge of the cadets. The ministers captured Kerensky, the Prime Minister of the Provisional Government. Seeing that the situation was not good, Kerensky lied to the ministers at noon on October 10, saying that he "decided to meet the reinforcements from Kailai himself". He escaped early in the car of the American embassy.

November 1917, 11, Second Petrograd Soviet Conference: Members of the Mensheviks and representatives of the Right Socialist Revolutionary Party abruptly leave in protest of previous events.The meeting approved the transfer of state power to the Soviets, all powers belonged to Soviet representatives of workers, soldiers and peasants, the abolition of the death penalty was announced, the peace decree and land decree were issued, the establishment of the Bolshevik government and the People's Deputies-Congress representing the whole of Russia was announced, and the little mentor was elected the chairman.

The changes in the situation in Russia have always been the heart of the Allied Powers that will fall sooner or later. The impact of the October Revolution itself on major countries in the world was not as great as expected. After all, Russia has experienced many demonstrations and protests this year. revolution.

What is terrible is the establishment of the Soviet Russian government and the peace decree and land decree announced the next day. The peace decree is the first important foreign policy decree issued by the Soviet Russian government. It was drafted by the little mentor himself, on November 1917, 11 , The All-Russian Workers, Peasants and Soldiers Soviets 8nd Congress adopted and promulgated.

The decree exposes and denounces the predatory aims of the belligerents in the First World War as well as the imperialist nature of the war and the guilt of the war.Suggest to all the governments and peoples of the belligerent countries to "immediately conclude an armistice agreement", "immediately start negotiations on a just and democratic peace treaty", and immediately realize the "non-ceasement (-that is, no occupation of other countries' territories, no forced merger of other nationalities) and no compensation Peace".

Opposed to annexation or occupation of other countries' territories, it is clearly pointed out: "If it violates the wishes of this nation", forcing it to stay within the territory of other countries is annexation, that is, an act of occupation and violence.

The Soviet government abolished secret diplomacy, and immediately proceeded to announce all secret treaties concluded and ratified by the Russian landowner and capitalist government from February to October 1917, 2 (Russian calendar), "immediately and unconditionally abolishing all the provisions of these treaties."

Do not offer peace terms to belligerent governments in the form of ultimatums.He also suggested to the people of the belligerent countries, and especially appealed to the working class of Britain, France, and Germany, "Help us to carry out the cause of peace and the cause of freeing the exploited and working people from all slavery and all exploitation effectively to the end."

If the peace decree was that Soviet Russia was eager to express its position to Germany and Austria to make peace and to withdraw from the war, then the land decree promulgated on the same day pushed the new Soviet Russian government to the opposite of the major capitalist countries in the world.

The "Land Decree" passed and promulgated by the Soviet Russian government and the Peace Decree on the same day stipulated that the landlord's land should be immediately confiscated without compensation, and the landlord's farm and all lands belonging to the royal family, monasteries, and churches, together with livestock, farm tools, manor buildings, and all appendages, should be confiscated immediately. , shall be at the disposal of the township land committees and the county Soviets of Peasants' Deputies.

The decree announced the nationalization of land, forests, mineral deposits, water and other resources.Permanently abolish the private ownership of land, and prohibit the sale, lease, and mortgage of land.All lands and treasures beneath are the property of the people.The land is used equally, and the land is distributed to laborers according to labor quotas and consumption quotas.

All major countries in the world are moving from an agricultural society to an industrial society, but private ownership of land and the sanctity of private property were deeply rooted concepts of almost everyone at that time. When the land law was promulgated, the whole world was stunned. Revolution is obviously no longer just a Russia's own affairs.

The October Revolution in Russia in November 1917, the establishment of the Soviet Russian government, and the promulgation of the peace decree and land decree were nothing more than a thunderbolt to the Allied Powers. In the name of self-government, the princes and ministers of Outer Mongolia were at a loss under the control of Tsarist Russia. .

Obviously, after the Russian tsar stepped down, the Russian provisional government and bourgeois ministers could not protect themselves, and the order of the entire society would be overturned. To be honest, for the feudal princes and ministers of Outer Mongolia, the country is the king and the country. A master like Tsarist Russia obviously I can't rely on it anymore.Who knows if some Soviet will be established in Outer Mongolia tomorrow to seize and occupy the ranches, lands and houses of princes and ministers without compensation?

Wu Peifu’s two brigades of the third division at the Second Company Advance Base led by the armored regiment. On November 2, nearly 11 people in the whole army quietly crossed from the Second Company Advance Base into Outer Mongolia, which had been away from the embrace of the motherland for six years. , The dh.9 reconnaissance bomber is responsible for uninterrupted forward reconnaissance.

At the same time, Duan Qirui's cabinet ordered Chen Yi, the guardian envoy stationed in Kulun, to send a note directly to the princes and ministers of Outer Mongolia on behalf of the Central Committee, requesting that Outer Mongolia cancel its autonomy, while formally announcing that the participating troops would enter Kulun.

Wu Peifu's [-] elite men and women slept in the open air and rushed forward. The troops of the princes and nobles of Outer Mongolia along the way did not dare to stop them because of the disparity in strength. The aircraft reconnaissance ensured the smoothness and safety of the road ahead to the greatest extent. The only one who dared to fight the participating army It was the cavalry unit of Tsarist Russia stationed in Mongolia. After the almost fully mechanized wheeled armored vehicles opened the way, and the third division of the participating army covered by planes overhead, the Tsarist Russian army stationed in Mongolia was also defeated with one touch.

Although the Third Division of the participating army strictly abides by the three disciplines and the nine points of attention engraved in the bones of every soldier, and does not abuse or slaughter prisoners, but for the Mongolian nobles who dared to resist, Wu Peifu waved his hand and said, "It's okay What are the captives doing? All those who dare to resist will be wiped out! All those who don’t recognize themselves as Chinese will be wiped out!”

On November 1917, 11, Wu Peifu's third division stepped into the territory of Outer Mongolia, and broke through all obstacles along the way to advance with light cavalry. Five days later, the soldiers came to the city of Kulun. Abolish the two factions of autonomy and independence, while the Tsarist Russian Cavalry Corps is trying to hold hostage and force Outer Mongolia to become independent!

After a day of rest under the city of Kulun, on November 1917, 11, Wu Peifu's third division handed over an ultimatum to Kulun, if they did not lay down their weapons before noon!Open the door and surrender at your own peril!

As a result, when two squadrons of 24 Handley Page 0400 heavy bombers of the two squadrons took off from the Second Company's forward base at noon and covered the sky above Kulun, the Mongolian No. The Eighth Jebtsundamba Mongolian Living Buddha finally ordered to lay down his arms and stop resisting under the urging of several patriotic princes.

The two brigades of the Mongolian army put down their weapons and drove out of the city to wait for reorganization. Wu Peifu’s third division marched into Kulun in a mighty manner. own headquarters.

At the same time, the engineering battalion rushed to repair the field airfield in Kulun. Three days later, Wang Geng, the war supervisor, and Xia Yiting, the foreign minister, arrived in Kulun on the Handley Page 0400 plane. After formal bilateral negotiations, the princes and nobles of Outer Mongolia reached an agreement. Cancel the autonomy of Outer Mongolia and return to the embrace of the motherland of China.

When Outer Mongolia submitted a letter to the central government to abolish autonomy, the whole country celebrated and the people all over the country rejoiced. Wu Peifu, the third division of the participating army and its commander, became a national hero that everyone focused on. The meritorious service of Wang Geng, the commander-in-chief of the participating army, who formulated and arranged the action plan for the third division to enter and recover Outer Mongolia in advance!

On November 1917, 11, Outer Mongolia, which had been separated from the motherland for 20 years after the Revolution of 6, returned to the embrace of the motherland!

Immediately after receiving reinforcements from the two brigades of Wang Chengbin's [-]th Division, the participating troops quickly occupied Maimaicheng, Uliasutai, Khobdo, Tangnu Ulianghai, etc. land, expelled the remnants of the Tsarist Russian army, and made Outer Mongolia completely return to the embrace of China!

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