Beiyang 1917

Chapter 193 Nothing Is Impossible, The Ice Is Melting

[Text] Chapter 190 There is nothing impossible, the ice is melting


The Chinese Model Army for Participating in the War is a brand-new team. Wang Geng uses the iron discipline-three major disciplines-nine points of discipline to standardize military discipline, and equips the minds of the officers and men of the participating army with treatment and honors that exceed twice the average income level of the society. The ideal Wang Geng instilled in the officers and soldiers of the participating troops was to unify China and build a democratic, prosperous and strong

The nationalization of the army is Wang Geng's goal. Although the current army is only a young team, Wang Geng does not want soldiers to be loyal to any general. They only need to be loyal to the country and the people. As for what to do? The ability to judge right from wrong needs to be nurtured and cultivated by the general environment of the army, but the three major disciplines and nine points of attention and the military songs of the 16th mixed brigade earlier are obviously the most likely to become the guiding direction engraved in my heart!

Although the thirteen reorganized divisions of the participating army governed the establishment of 39 mixed brigades, what Wang Geng practiced was the unified command and leadership of the staff headquarters of the participating army headquarters. Get in touch with the headquarters in Nanyuan. From garrison to mobilization, the division commanders have no right to issue orders alone. They must be approved by the staff headquarters. This is iron discipline!

The reason why the governors of the provinces can command their own divisions is because they also serve as the commanders of the reorganized divisions of the participating army. The brigade commanders accept the orders of the division headquarters and division commanders, not the commanders. In the words of Wang Geng, the supervisor of the war , only the participating army can command the participating army, and only orders approved by the General Staff Headquarters can be executed.

Of course, after the launch of the battle and during the battle, the division commander or the command of the front army can have the command authority of the campaign plan and framework. It is just that there must be a plan in advance. If it is too late, it will be reported and summarized as soon as possible afterwards. This also makes The headquarters of the participating army kept track of the dynamics of the entire army at any time, and although Wang Geng's headquarters leapfrogged to the brigade, although it was not common, it was a precedent that actually happened.

Any division commander who wants to rebel or falsely transmit military orders will be reflected on the command map of the Nanyuan Army Staff Headquarters within a day, and each brigade's actions will be carried out after sending a report to the Staff Headquarters.

It must be said that the division commanders and brigade commanders of the thirteen reorganized divisions of the participating army, including the governors of those provinces, were often infiltrated and wooed by various factions in the country. In general, Wang Geng and the participating army showed a broad stage for them, especially after Zhao Ti in Henan was unlucky in the riots, and after the participating army won the victory and regained Outer Mongolia and the Middle East Road,

The great honor and feats brought Wang Geng's long-term cultivation of military honor and dignity to the fullest. This team is in the early stage of vigorous growth, and its morale and loyalty are always high under the support of military honor. None of the military officers who had small calculations in their hearts felt the need to betray the leader and the country at this time!

In their view, the participating army and the government are one, and they are both representatives of the country and the people!

On January 1918, 1, Wang Geng, the supervisor of the war, was awarded the title of general of the army, general of Longwei, and promoted to the tour envoy of Rechasui. In fact, he was originally the governor of these three provinces.

In order to take precautions to improve people's livelihood and stabilize social order, and to fight against the "Land Law" that was already in use in Soviet Russia, in early January 1918, when the new land law had not yet been issued, the government decided to launch it in the three provinces of Rechasui and Wang Geng. The "Arable Land 1 Rent Reduction Regulations" has effectively reduced the burden on tenant farmers.

The regulations stipulated the upper limit of the landlord's income, that is, the rent of arable land should not exceed 370 per thousand of the total annual harvest of the main crops.In addition, it also curbs all kinds of inequalities caused by bad rules between landlords and tenants, such as short leases, landlords can seize tenants at will, mortgage rent, advance rent collection, iron rents that need to be paid when crops fail, subsidy Product rent, etc.

The government of the three provinces of Recha and Sui also established the [-] Tenancy Committee to arbitrate disputes between the two parties.

The promulgation of this regulation has significantly improved the lives of tenant farmers. The purpose is to reduce the burden on farmers. Of course, the landlords are naturally opposed, but the landlords of this era are not all bullies as advertised in previous lives. I have also heard about the situation there, and I hate Lao Maozi's decree that deprives landlords of land and distributes it to farmers without compensation, so I am dissatisfied, but I don't have the guts to rebel.

The majority of tenant farmers are rejoicing. As a result of the loss to landlords caused by the "Regulations on the [-] Rent Reduction of Arable Land", the governments of the three provinces of Recha and Sui have issued a unified reduction and exemption of all agricultural-related surtaxes except for the regular land tax. The land tax of the year is halved.

At the same time, the central yang government exempted all provincial surcharges and various contributions other than the formal land tax in Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang, and Jilin!The expenditure budgets of the provincial and county governments are all allocated by the central government, but the income and expenditure are separated, and the land tax of the above six provinces must be turned over to the central government.

Trial policies to stabilize and improve people's livelihood are being carried out step by step. For people of insight, if the Russian land law appears in China, it will definitely become a scourge!Therefore, the policies introduced by the government in batches in the six northern provinces have received an overwhelming response and overwhelming support from public opinion and intellectual elites across the country!

The reason why the four major provinces of Zhili, Shanxi, Henan, and Shandong did not try out such a policy is because these are large agricultural and populous provinces, and the opposition from landlords may be relatively large. The provinces controlled by the warring forces border on each other, and stability prevails.So we have to slow down and wait for the six northern provinces to gain successful experience, and then implement it one after another.

Since the northern provinces are all under the actual control of the participating army, the warlords and division commanders in these provinces are all provided with food and salaries in full by the central yang. The edification and restraint of all officers and soldiers, and the ruthless military police's law enforcement in the army make it obvious that the corrupt black sheep really have no courage to jump out and risk the disgrace of the world. There has been a significant improvement.

In early 1918, it was evident that the northern provinces under the control of the participating armies were gradually becoming a place of life and vitality.

According to Wang Geng’s estimation in front of the Prime Minister and Xu Shuzheng, with the reduction of land tax and land rent in the north, it will effectively attract farmers from the southern provinces to immigrate to those provinces that have implemented rent reduction and talent reduction. The Ministry of Communications specifically ordered that the stations under the railway bureaus provide special tickets for farmers immigrating to the north, and the price is 20 yuan for ordinary third-class carriages.

At the same time, the Congress formally elected 30 members from each of the Senate and House of Representatives, as well as the undersecretaries of the cabinet, to form the Constitution Amendment Drafting Committee. After the completion of the reelection of members of the House of Representatives in August, formal preparations will be made to amend the Constitution.

With China's series of achievements under the leadership of Duan Qirui's cabinet in 1917, coupled with the honeymoon period of the direct-anhui alliance, and the effective control of the ten northern provinces by the participating troops, plus the provinces in the Yangtze River Basin controlled by the original Anhui and Zhili , the whole of China presents an incredible unity, balance and harmony.

Under the promotion of Wang Geng, Sun Dapao, the leader of the Southern Party who lived in the south, was appointed by the Prime Minister as the supervisor of the Southern Railway of the Ministry of Communications, responsible for the planning, construction and management of the national railways south of the Yangtze River. Picking up the plan to build 10 kilometers of railways to serve the country when I stepped down from the interim president to serve as the national railway supervisor a few years ago, I personally led a railway exploration team to start investigations and explorations in the southern provinces.

This can also be regarded as a test of the domestic political situation after the alliance between Zhiwan and Anhui, and the North and the South. Obviously, in 1917, there was no restoration and law-protection movement, and China’s international status and image and military and economic strength were actually improved. With the sovereignty of the Middle East Road being taken back, the leaders of the Southern Party are also thinking about China's future!

In the case that the northern army participating in the war is stronger than Yuan Shikai's Beiyang, it is obvious that there is no way out for Shi Chuwuming to choose armed resistance, not to mention that China has the support and arming of the United States, Britain, Japan and France on the issue of joining the Allied Powers and participating in the war. The only way out should be Maintaining the Southern majority in the House of Representatives in the House of Representatives elections due in August, although that no longer looks nearly impossible.

The remaining opportunity is to win the support of Japan. However, with the participating troops and the Beijing government supported by the United States, Britain and France, will they still be afraid of the local forces supported by Japan?Especially when Japan may not be willing to do this!

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