Beiyang 1917

Chapter 207

[Text] Chapter [-] The West Route Army Conquers Two Cities


"Blind chicken - nonsense! You guys want to sit in the train and make a living target for the old man? A few guerrillas buried you on the roadbed and immediately detonated you to get on the dirt plane! I practiced hard The police soldiers who come out can't take such a risk!

The Superintendent said, we are not in a hurry to grab time, it is right to be a camping training, winning three points in the Far East depends on military affairs and seven points depends on politics!Your regiment hastened to set up camp and burn my feet, finish setting up the police and quit sleeping!Before the lights out, your group sings "Three Great Disciplines - Nine Points for Discipline" three times!Or tomorrow I will switch to the first group and the second group! "

"Hey! Brigadier, don't we sing it all the time? Should we get some water and chop firewood for the fellow Russians?" Zhang Zhihai laughed and quarreled with his building

"I'll say it three times! What nonsense, if anyone in the whole brigade loses his chain and violates military discipline in the Far East, I'll skin him!" Zhang Zhijiang raised his foot to kick him, but Zhang Zhihai hurriedly hid Passed over, and then stood at attention with a click, "I obey my orders!"

On the day of February 1918, 2, the Chinese Model Army for Participating in the War officially launched the Eastern Front Campaign to defend the 28th and regain the country. 18 km from the town of Bosbiceco. Lin's 49st Brigade stayed in Pogranicny Town, while Jiang Dengxuan's 5th Brigade advanced to Wuyi Town. The entire division formed a long snake formation along the 51 kilometers of railways and highways. The station and the station were all under the control of the 50th Division. Xu Tu's strategy of slowing down and improving everything was Wang Gengding's main tone.

The participating army came to recover the land of the Far East, and they did not intend to give up every inch of the land, so it was not just a Qingqi rush to take the city and it was over. In addition to materials and fuel, food is the most transported.

Tomorrow morning, all the towns and stations along the way occupied by the Chinese army in the Far East will be opened by the logistics troops of the participating army to open warehouses and distribute food. Each household is limited to one ration per day!The railways and stations will temporarily enter the state of military control.Along the way, the original Tsarist Russian towns and villages and other administrative agencies and civil servants will be retained, and will continue to be responsible for maintaining local order.

The first entry notice of the participating troops is to ensure the safety of the lives and properties of local residents from being violated. The second article prohibits the participating army officers and soldiers from trespassing on private houses, and the participating army officers and soldiers are not even allowed to enter privately unless they are required to perform their tasks. local village.

In addition to Zhang Zuoxiang's No.17 Division, Wang Tingzhen's Seventh Division also crossed the border after the Seventeenth Division. The first brigade was the 20th brigade of the Seventh Division. The Seventh Division is a meritorious force that regained the Middle East Railway. In the early days, it was reorganized from the No.16 Division of the direct lineage.

Therefore, Wang Tingzhen's Seventh Division moved north faster than the No.17 Division who was one step ahead. On February 2th, the Guozhigang Brigade left Suifenhe at 28 am, and by 10 pm, this guy had already advanced to the small town of Spassk Darini!A full advance of 120 kilometers.

In addition to the armored reconnaissance battalion advancing along the main road, the Guozhigang Brigade also directly adjusted the locomotive to advance along the railway line. However, only one battalion was sent to attack the front station on this railway line, and the rest of the troops departed half an hour later. , On the third train.

The military strategy of the participating troops in the Far East is what Wang Geng said about three points in the military and seven points in politics. According to prior reconnaissance and intelligence, the main force of the Tsarist Russian Far East Military Region is more than 10000 people in the Khabarovsk headquarters, and Shuangchengzi has a regiment of 3000 people. There is a brigade of 6000 people in Vladivostok, and 8000 people in Chita.

The No. 17 Division of the 6th Division of the Participating Army has [-] mixed brigades with a total of [-] elites, plus the follow-up road guard troops and logistics depot troops. It is not a problem to win Shuangchengzi and Vladivostok. Haba, the base camp and capital of the Far East of Tsarist Russia Rovsk will take a little more trouble. The city has complete fortifications and fortifications, which are said to be as strong as the Lushun Fortress back then.

During the Japanese-Russian War, 6 Russian troops were surrounded by the Japanese army and held Lushun for a full year. The Japanese army besieged by superior forces launched four meat-bomb offensives, with [-] casualties and failed to capture them. In the end, the Russian army Fang Lushun commander-in-chief Anatoly; Mikhailovich; Lieutenant General Stessel, considering that the main position was lost and reinforcements were hopeless, and further fighting would be a massacre, they announced their surrender.

For the two divisions on the eastern front of the participating army, the only tough battle may come from Khabarovsk. If the Russian army is smart, they should give up their troops and retreat from Vladivostok and Shuangchengzi, and concentrate their troops to the down payment of Khabarovsk in the north. If you advance, you can concentrate your forces to defend Khabarovsk, and if you retreat, you can strategically retreat westward to Chita.

As for the Cossack leader Semyonov who led a group of rabble back to Siberia earlier, he would not have any other positive meaning other than being a puppet. For Wang Geng, the activity area designated for Semyonov was north of Lake Baikal. The place where the birds don't shit belongs to Russia, and it doesn't matter how it goes. For the area that belongs to China delineated in the Nerchinsk Treaty, the participating troops do not need any puppet regime.

Wang Geng even persuaded the Prime Minister and the Undersecretary of the Army that China has plenty of people and lacks farmland. The old Maozi residents in the Far East welcome those who are willing to stay, and welcome those who are willing to go west to Russia. Anyway, you can’t take the land with you. Walk!

The Chinese soldiers who participated in the war crossed the border singing the three major disciplines and the nine points of attention. This does not mean that the war will be bloodless. The military uniform is still only carrying a shotgun. Anyone who dares to shoot the first shot at the participating army will have to fire the second shot, and then the third shot, and drive the enemy like a rabbit to nowhere to escape!

On February 1918, 2, Li Mingzhong's Ninth Division of the participating army on the western section of the Eastern Front also crossed the border from Manzhouli. A battalion stationed by the Russian customs on the opposite side put down its weapons and surrendered. In just one day, Borja, a highway and railway hub 28 kilometers away from Manzhouli, was occupied. An infantry regiment of the Tsarist Russian defenders resisted and refused to lay down their weapons. They were surrounded and wiped out by Li Mingzhong's vanguard brigade!

A mixed brigade of the participating army was armed to the teeth with nearly [-] people attacking a Tsarist Russian infantry regiment with only a few artillery pieces and a dozen Maxim machine guns. For the first time, there were planes from the participating army in the sky. tactics.

More than 2000 Russian prisoners were directly transported back to Qiqihar by train to serve hard labor in the coal mines. More than 1000 Tsarist Russian captives were wiped out cleanly and as many as 2000. The casualties were only a few dozen people. Wang Geng was more excited about the victory in this battle on the western front than the progress on the eastern front. This was the first battle in which the participating troops fully utilized the firepower infantry coordination and air-ground coordination!

In fact, when the infantry charged with the armored battalion chariot rushed to Lao Maozi's position, Lao Maozi, who was swept away by the artillery and plane bombing of the participating army, put down his weapons immediately. The difference in the strength and firepower of the two sides was too great. Well, the Russian army in the Far East has never seen such a powerful firepower, this battle is impossible to fight!

This battle was all thanks to the Borja garrison, and the head of the Tsarist Russian colonel Bisov Nislaki looked down on the squadron!This guy was still a big soldier when he followed the Eight-Power Allied Forces into Beijing to grab a big shot. He escaped disaster during the Russo-Japanese War and became a platoon leader. By 1918, he was already an infantry colonel. In his concept* Except for the lack of braids on the back of the head, the *team is still at the level of Manqing in other aspects.

Due to this guy's blind arrogance and wrong judgment, it was the lives of more than 1000 Tsarist Russian soldiers who were buried for him!Among them, 90 died from the large-scale shelling and bombing of the participating troops!

Li Mingzhong used troops quite boldly. He sent a brigade to Borja, 100 kilometers northwest of Manzhouli, and another brigade went directly north to capture Krasnokamensk, an important town 80 kilometers away.

In the words of the brigade commander of the First Division, Wang Geng, who was the supervisor of the war, he often taught him that it is impossible to allow others to sleep soundly on the side of the couch. Krasnokamensk in the north was taken, otherwise it would pose too much threat to the Ninth Division's flank.

With 920 people, this place was the largest uranium mine in Russia in the future, and it was the second largest city in the former Chita State in 1918.

Less than 2 kilometers away from the city is a labor camp in Tsarist Russia, which housed more than 1000 prisoners exiled to Siberia during the Tsarist era, most of whom were political prisoners!

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