Beiyang 1917

Chapter 210

[Text] Chapter 210 The Kurume Division has a bad start


As partners in the Allied Powers, China and Japan undertook the obligation to send troops to intervene in the Russian Far East, but the banner of the Chinese participating troops was to launch a military operation to "defend the 18th and regain lost ground". As a partner, Japan, What was played was the old-fashioned banner "protect the lives and property safety of Japanese nationals in the Far East".Read novels please keep in mind

For this reason, Japan organized the headquarters of the Vladivostok Expeditionary Army, led by the No.12 Division of the Japanese Army. On February 1918, 2, while the Chinese participating troops attacked in three ways, the Japanese Vladivostok Expeditionary Army also launched a landing. battle.

The No.12 Division of the Japanese Army was the famous Kurume Division in Wang Geng’s previous life. This 12th Division was established in 1898. It is mainly composed of people from Fukuoka, Saga, and Nagasaki (northern Kyushu, including Oita Prefecture) ) of officers and soldiers.

Fukuoka has had economic and cultural exchanges with China and North Korea since ancient times. Fukuoka people are considered to be very open and humane.Among them, Saga County used to be the Nabeshima Domain, and the samurai of the Nabeshima Domain have always been known for their loyalty to the monarch.

In addition, in Japan, there is a proverb that "where the Saga samurai walked, no grass grows", which symbolizes the thoroughness of the Saga people in doing things.

While Nagasaki had extensive economic and cultural exchanges with China and the Netherlands at the end of the Shogunate.

At this moment in 1918, the No.12 Division was under the jurisdiction of:

12th Infantry Brigade, 14th Infantry Regiment, 47th Infantry Regiment)

24th Infantry Brigade, 24th Infantry Regiment, 48th Infantry Regiment

Fortress Artillery Wing, 12th Cavalry Battalion

12th Artillery Brigade, 12th Engineer Brigade

The 12th Battalion of the Supplies

The entire division has about 24400 people, about the size of six regiments. In terms of number, it can only be regarded as a Type B division, but it is the elite of Japan's standing division. Lieutenant General Toshishibagoro.

Chai Goro is the earliest "China Hand" of the Japanese Army. When the Boxers rioted against foreigners in 1900, he was serving as the military attache of the Japanese Legation in the Qing Dynasty. With his understanding of the surrounding geography of Beijing, he was able to properly command the troops protecting the embassy. During the many days of "Fist Rebellion" when the boxers besieged the embassy area, this guy commanded a limited guard force to protect the safety of the ministers of various countries. Afterwards, he received medals issued by the governments of various countries.

This fellow graduated from the Artillery Department of the third phase of the Japanese Army Non-commissioned Officer Academy. He has served as military attache and staff headquarters of the Japanese Embassies in the Qing Dynasty and the United Kingdom for many times. On November 1905, he was promoted to major general.

Served as the commander of the Sasebo Fortress, concurrently head of the 2nd Heavy Artillery Brigade, attached to the General Staff Headquarters, head of the 1st Heavy Artillery Brigade, and commander of the Shimonoseki Fortress.He was promoted to lieutenant general in 1913 and served as the head of the 12th division. On May 1917, 5, he was awarded the first-class Ruibao medal.

If you want to say that such a character, his career in the army is not going well, the reason is that he has a bad background. This guy comes from the Aizu clan, the deadly enemy of the second clan of Sachang during the Meiji Restoration. Because of the feud, the leaders of the army are crowded out everywhere he.

Moreover, this guy did not graduate from the Army University, so he suffered from low education. He had served as the commander of the fortress twice, and his future was bleak. Fortunately, Emperor Meiji still missed him, and finally let him be the 12th Commander, this should be four years!

Lieutenant General Chai Goro gritted his teeth and wanted to repay Emperor Meiji's support and kindness. Japan's Vladivostok Dispatch Army was supposed to be composed of three divisions, but then the idiots in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs didn't know how to do it. The results of China's negotiations:

The southern part of the entire Far East from the Grabic River-Waixing'an Mountains is the land that China wants to take back from Tsarist Russia. The Japanese army can use it under consultation and guidance, but they are not allowed to stay and station. The area of ​​​​military operations is limited to the north of the Outer Xing'an Mountains, the temple street at the mouth of the Heilongjiang River in the east, and the north shore of Lake Baikal in the west!

This time, the Japanese military department exploded with anger. The cabinet and foreign ministers, including Lin Quanzhu, the minister in China, have all become traitors who betrayed Japan's interests in the Far East, and they all deserve to be killed!

The Japanese Army, which was gearing up to do a big job in the Far East, cut off two-thirds of the original three divisions of the Vladivostok Expeditionary Army, and the two selected divisions formed another Outer Xing'anling Expeditionary Army. Ready to ship directly to Temple Street to log in!Vladivostok's chicken ribs were kicked to Chai Goro and his No.12 Division, who were not welcomed by the big men of the military department.

Vladivostok is the largest port in the Far East of Tsarist Russia. After losing the Far East Fleet of Lushun in the Russo-Japanese War in 1905, it is the only seaport of Tsarist Russia in the Far East. There are five months of freezing in a year, usually from November to March. It turns out that this is the home port of the Vladivostok Squadron of the Tsarist Russian Far East Fleet.

After the Russo-Japanese War in 1905, Tsarist Russia's sea power in the Far East was almost negligible in front of the powerful Japanese navy. Although Nicholas II desperately wanted to restore the world's third largest naval power in the past, it was not until the outbreak of World War I. In the past, although the poor Tsarist Russian Black Sea Fleet and Baltic Fleet have recovered a little vitality, they are not the same as before.



The Pacific Squadron has only 9 submarines built in 04-06.

Since Vladivostok had not thawed at the end of February 1918, the Japanese Pacific First Squadron, which transported the Japanese Vladivostok dispatched army, was confidently preparing to let the No. 2 Division land on the ice.

The information from Vladivostok is that the nine old submarines of Tsarist Russia are all frozen on the military port dock, and it is impossible to pose a threat to the ships of the Japanese Navy.

But don’t forget, as the only military port reserved by Tsarist Russia in the Far East, fortresses and running platforms were built around Vladivostok Port to defend its own military port. The side of the port facing the sea is by no means a toothless tiger!People have claws, and the targets of the artillery battle of the fortress are the cannons on the battleships and cruisers at sea!

The weakness of Vladivostok lies in the land direction in the north. For Tsarist Russia, it was its own inland territory and backyard. The Russians always believed that the enemy could only come from the sea. Almost all fortresses and forts were built facing south, not north.

A Russian brigade of 6000 people stationed in Vladivostok is a fortress guard force. The Japanese landing fleet arrived in the sea from the dark south, and soon the two sides began to fight bombardment across the five-kilometer-wide ice surface. This is called a fight It was lively, because there was only half a month left before the thaw, and the entire ice surface had become thinner. The Japanese navy did not expect that the Russians would have the courage to fight.

Didn't the Chinese say that as soon as the plane dropped leaflets urging surrender, the old Maozi might surrender without a fight?How dare you resist!

Insufficient preparation for a while, the warships of the Japanese Navy suffered a loss. A landing ship hiding behind its own battleship was hit and sank by the Russian artillery fire from across the mountain. The No.12 Division lost a brigade in an instant. The strength of the soldiers, it is not so easy to be picked up after falling into the sea water near the freezing point, not many drowned, and many froze to death!

The Japanese fleet hastily withdrew its landing ships and destroyers to the southern seas, allowing its own battleships and cruisers to squeeze in and bombard the Russian fortress with heavy artillery, and clear the opponent's artillery positions at a fixed point!

To say that the Japanese navy is the strongest in Asia is not a vain name. Although it lacks heavy bombers to help out, the Japanese artillery calibrating planes have helped the Japanese navy's naval guns a lot. This artillery battle lasted for a long time. At around three o'clock in the afternoon, under the concentrated attack of the Japanese naval artillery, the Russian forts fell silent one by one. It seemed that the Japanese fleet finally controlled the situation!

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