Beiyang 1917

Chapter 213 The Allied Powers with Mixed Joy and Sadness

There are actually differences within China-Zheng Fu regarding the participation of the Allied Powers in interfering in the Russian situation. In the eyes of many people, taking advantage of the Russian civil strife to take back Outer Mongolia and the Middle East Road is already a remarkable achievement, and it is a bit uncomfortable to go forward. According to its capabilities, the model army participating in the war will be able to create a new army consisting of 50 reorganized divisions and [-] people.

But firstly, China has not yet been truly unified, and secondly, how dare to go north to provoke Lao Maozi with only 50 troops in 150 divisions?Outer Mongolia and the Middle East Road are both Chinese territories, and it makes sense to risk your life to take them back, except for the [-] million square kilometers of land ceded since the Nerchinsk Treaty.

Can Russia spit it out honestly?Leaving aside the icy and snow-covered wilderness of Siberia, let’s talk about the Far East. The land from Vladivostok to Boli is as fat and oily as Heilongjiang. The Russian base has been operating for almost 80 years, and it can be popular in Mongolia and Mongolia. Give up so easily on the Middle East Road?

The Russo-Japanese War in 1905 is still fresh in the memory of many people. Japan is so domineering, but wouldn't it be a shame in front of Lao Maozi?In the Russo-Japanese War, the Russians only used 50 people, and the 40 Japanese army was disgraced. Japan won, but it created a miracle that the defeated country did not pay compensation or cede territory.

what reason?Isn't it because Japan was scared by the Russians?Today, after losing the Lushun leased land in Dalian and the entire Middle East Road, can the Russians easily give up the Far East and return it to China?I don't believe it!

Lao Maozi is the master who can fight against Germany and Austria in Europe. I heard that more than 150 million people can be mobilized in a single battle. After fighting for several years, the number of Russian prisoners in German prison camps alone is no less than a few million. China How can such a backward country beat Russia, which is so confident?

Let’s not talk about the fact that the parliament and the Southern Party think it’s a fantasy for China to recover the 200-year-old border. Even the voices of the Anhui faction are endless. It’s just that China’s national strength is too weak and its army is too small to fight a war. Well, even if all the 50 troops who participated in the war went to Siberia to fight the Russians, they might not be able to gain the upper hand over the old man.

China-zheng fu must remember not to be led by the nose by the Allied Powers and the United Kingdom and the United States. Judging from the experience of the European War until now, an army of only 50 people will definitely not change the course of the war. Mobilized millions of troops?Wang Geng is taking risks with the model army that participated in the war, and taking risks with China's national fortune!

There is no hope of winning at all, and if you lose, you will be out of control!There are not a few people who are waiting to see the jokes of Duan Qirui zheng fu and the war supervisor. Although many of them are concerned about the country and the people, they may not be aimed at Duan Qirui and Wang Geng personally, but they all obviously think that the Chinese zheng fu is making a big gamble .

In private, the Premier of the State actually had doubts about Wang Geng’s attack on the western front of Kyakhtu in Outer Mongolia. From his and Xu Shuzheng’s point of view, it’s far-fetched to say that Lake Baikal in the north of Outer Mongolia is China’s land. It can be traced back to the Yuan and Ming Dynasties, from the northern end of Lake Baikal all the way east to the mouth of Heilongjiang, a land called Wala in the Ming Dynasty.

According to Wang Geng’s explanation to the Prime Minister and Xu Shuzheng, recovering the Chinese territory originally demarcated by the “Sino-Russian Treaty of Nerchinsk” is the bottom line for China to participate in the intervention of the Allied Powers in Russia’s military operations this time. China’s main goal is of course the East However, the western front will be used as a bargaining chip in the future.

In the territory drawn by Wang Geng, a pro-Allied puppet Russia is supported in the west of Lake Baikal, and the sloppy places north of Lake Baikal can be given to Japan. China will first move the northern end of Lake Baikal eastward to the sea. Take it down.

"Actually, we are just restoring the northern boundary between the Ming Dynasty and Wala, and we are still far away from restoring the territory of the Yuan Dynasty! We haven't had time to go to so many places in the north and west of Xinjiang!" Wang Geng was full of confidence. There was a hint of melancholy in his tone.

Obviously, the unity and prosperity of the country cannot be achieved overnight. If the industrialization is not completed, the economy does not develop, the heavy industry does not go up, the overall strength of the country does not improve, and the achievement of regional hegemony through foreign borrowing is a daydream!

The progress of the Chinese army's cross-border operations on the first day made the entire country's ruling and opposition people immersed in a conflicted mood of anxiety and joy. The Prime Minister and the cabinet were of course very happy. President Feng Guozhang also laughed from ear to ear. The Seventh Division advanced faster than others in the Far East on the first day!

Of course, Zhang Zuolin, the new chief of staff of the Chinese war army, is also very happy. After all, Zhang Zuoxiang, the brother who is leading the battle, Cao Kun, the chief of staff of the presidential palace, is also happy. miracle!

As for Wang Geng, there is nothing to say. As the founder of the participating army, he enjoys the joy brought by all the victories of the participating army with peace of mind!

The United States, Britain, and France have mixed opinions on the progress made by the Chinese and Japanese forces in interfering in the Russian situation. In particular, the two countries, Britain and France, unilaterally announced to China that they would respond to the Soviet-Russian government’s declaration, that is, they would immediately recover all information from the “China-Russia” The land ceded since the signing of the Treaty of Nerchinsk is actually full of doubts.

What Britain thinks is whether China will take back Hong Kong Island in the future? **The Sino-Indian border over there is even more messy.Does the line drawn by McMahon four years ago count as the Sino-Indian boundary line?

The McMahon Line was in 1914. British and Indian Minister of Foreign Affairs McMahon conceived a boundary line between India and Tibet, using the line connecting the Himalayan ridge watershed as the boundary. With the representatives of the Beiyang Zhengfu of China, they made an exchange of demarcation notes.

At that time, China's Zheng Fu, which had sovereignty over Taiwan, didn't know anything about it. The Dalai Lama and the Gasha regime did not authorize their representatives to participate in the Simla Conference. Later, Gasha learned about the situation. The regime does not recognize the line drawn by McMahon!

With the rise of the Chinese army participating in the war and the strength of Duan Qirui's government, the exhausted Britain dragged by the quagmire of the European War will of course not take the initiative to mention the McMahon Line, but the hidden worries in the future are lingering Go, as for Hong Kong Island, it is just a window for China to open up to the outside world.

China wants to take back Hong Kong Island, militarily it can be won every minute and every second. In Wang Geng's previous life, when Japan went south, Hong Kong fell much faster than the British army retreated. Now that China has promised Before the end of the European War, the status quo will be maintained. Since Japan occupies South Manchuria, Kanto Prefecture, Jiaozhou Bay and Qingdao, Britain does not worry about the safety of Hong Kong.

However, Britain and France, which are beyond their reach at the moment in Asia, are obviously full of worries about the benefits China and Japan have gained from this sick polar bear in Russia.

The idea of ​​the United States is different. Americans believe in an open door and the sharing of interests, while Zheng Fu Duan Qirui fully understands and approves of the US policy toward China, not to mention that Wang Geng, the supervisor of the war, has thousands of connections between the US government and the opposition. Thousands of entanglements.

Whether it is the United States itself or its partners in other Allied countries, Wang Geng is now taken for granted as an agent of the interests of the United States in China, and the participating troops are supported and armed by the United States to defend the relationship between China and the United States. Guards of the common good!

After the negotiations between the Soviet Union and the Russian government broke down with Germany, the slow-paced but huge and solid polar bear in the camp of the Allied Powers became the target of everyone going down the mountain to pick peaches. , And while forming the Soviet Russian Red Army, while striding back and retreating from the front line, it is difficult to figure out.

But the United States, Britain, France and Germany and Austria know very well that the final decisive battle must still be on the western front. That's all!

If Germany and Austria get the Ukrainian steel industry base, they will get Donets in the southeast of Ukraine, the largest steel base in Russia in the economic zone along the Dnieper River. The production of pig iron, steel and steel products in this place account for 45%, 37% and 38% of the country's production respectively. , coupled with the oil from the Caucasus, and if Romania’s oil production resumes, and if Germany and Austria can support a few so-called pro-German countries, then Germany and Austria may finally win the war in Europe. possible.

As U.S. President Woodrow Wilson said, the purpose of the U.S. joining the war is to end this meaningless war. At this moment, neither side in the war in Europe has justice or injustice. The U.S. war is just to end this human tragedy as soon as possible. !

Therefore, at the moment of cutting the flesh from the sick Russian polar bear, the attention of Britain, the United States and France can only be limited to Europe and the Western Front, the Eastern Front and the Far East of Asia, and they must rely on the strength of Japan and China, although the two countries in the Allies The Asian brothers are also deeply suspicious and worried about each other, but the big family of the Allied Powers has to push China and Japan to join hands to interfere in Russia's domestic situation.

For the Allied Powers, it is best for China and Japan to control the vast area east of the Ural Mountains, and to arm and support the provisional government and Constituent Assembly sympathizers as soon as possible with the Anglo-American law to establish The establishment of a pro-Western Russian puppet force within the framework of the Allied Powers is the basic goal of the Allied Powers to initiate this intervention!

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