Beiyang 1917

Chapter 260

On April 1918, 4, China and Japan officially signed the "Sino-Japanese Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance".

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The two parties of the contracting parties confirmed that the sovereignty of the South Manchuria Railway and its affiliated areas, Kantung Prefecture (the land leased by Luda), Jiaozhou Bay, Qingdao, and Taiwan completely belong to China. From the day the treaty takes effect, all Japanese troops and police will formally withdraw from the above-mentioned areas. At the same time, the administrative management power was transferred to the Chinese side, and all previous cession or lease agreements or treaties signed between Japan and the Qing Dynasty, Japan and the Republic of China related to the above-mentioned regions were all abolished.


The two contracting parties guarantee that this treaty of alliance is not aimed at any specific third party and its allies. Once any of the contracting parties is attacked by any third party or a country allied with a third party and thus is in a state of war, the other contracting party will use its best to provide military assistance. and other assistance.

Article 3

The two sides also declared their willingness to participate in all international activities aimed at ensuring world peace and security with a spirit of loyalty and cooperation, and to fully contribute their strength to the rapid realization of this purpose.The two contracting parties undertake to agree with each other that they will remain consistent with the other Allied Powers during the European War and share the responsibilities and obligations of the Allied Powers.

Article 4

Neither contracting state shall enter into any alliance against each other, nor participate in any group or any action or measure against each other.

The fifth

In accordance with the interests of consolidating peace and general security, the two contracting parties will consult with each other on all major international issues concerning the common interests of China and Japan.

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The two contracting parties undertake to develop and consolidate economic and cultural relations between China and Japan in a spirit of friendship and cooperation, and in accordance with the principles of equality, mutual benefit, mutual respect for national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and non-interference in each other's internal affairs, and to give each other all possible opportunities economic assistance and necessary economic cooperation.

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This treaty will enter into force immediately after being ratified by both parties, and the instruments of ratification will be exchanged in Beijing.

The validity period of this treaty is ten years. If no contracting party expresses its willingness to abolish it one year before the expiration, it will be extended for five years, and it will be extended in accordance with this law.

It was signed in Beijing on April 1918, 4, in two copies, each written in Chinese and Japanese, and the provisions in both languages ​​have the same effect.

In addition to the formal treaty, China and Japan also signed a secret agreement of friendship and alliance. In the secret agreement, China recognized Japan's right to protect North Korea, recognized Japan's sovereignty over Sakhalin Island, and confirmed that Japan would support Japan's acquisition of West Siberia Stewardship and Conservation Rights of the Great Plains. Japan, on the other hand, recognized in the secret agreement that the land occupied by Tsarist Russia since the "Sino-Soviet Treaty of Nibuchu" withdrawn by China is China's inherent territory. The command unites command and provides logistical support.

The "Sino-Japanese Treaty of Friendship, Mutual Assistance and Alliance" caused a thousand waves with one stone, and caused huge waves all over the world. The next day, the headlines of newspapers in various countries were all news and comments about the signing of the "Sino-Japanese Treaty of Friendship, Mutual Assistance and Alliance".

The Allies, China, the United States, Britain and France were notified by China and Japan in advance and acquiesced, so the official reactions of the governments of the United States, Britain and France were very simple or somewhat lonely. They were nothing more than happy to see China and Japan join hands to contribute more to the well-being of the Asian people. At the same time, I did not forget to point out to the national media that the Sino-Japanese Alliance emphasizes that it does not target any third party and its allies, so it will not have a negative impact on the country in the future.

In China, huge parades were held in almost all cities across the country to celebrate the victory of this government without a fight, and to take back the South Manchuria Railway, Guandong Prefecture, and Jiaozhou Bay that were occupied by Japan in one fell swoop. , Qingdao, and Taiwan, which has been far away from China for 23 years, the Chinese people in the above-mentioned Ri area could not restrain their inner joy and almost stayed up all night parading in the streets and squares to celebrate.

After recovering the land lost since the Sino-Russian Treaty of Nerchinsk in Outer Mongolia, the Middle East Road, and the Sino-Russian Treaty of Nerchinsk, Zheng Fu Duan Qirui once again won a great victory in the diplomatic and international political arena, and presented a generous gift to the Chinese people. Under the propaganda of the news and entertainment under Xu Shuzheng's single-handed control, the promotion of Japan's image as an aggressor gradually shifted to appreciation of Japan's image. The government made the right choice and wrote a new chapter for the friendship between the Chinese and Japanese people.

The most disappointed of course is the right-wing forces in Japan. Many fanatical young soldiers and some veterans of the Sino-Japanese War went to the palace and the prime minister's office to demonstrate. A parade organized by the Federation of Veterans, waving the military flag and roaring to fight to the death, was dispersed by the Japanese government.

Of course, more insightful people in the news and public opinion circles of the political, financial, and industrial circles have published articles praising the Japanese government for finally making a responsible diplomatic strategic shift. This is the first time that Japan has discovered or begun to admit that It turns out that China has never posed a threat to Japan. The unhappiness between China and Japan is caused by those guys with inflated selfish desires, the Empress Dowager Cixi and Li Hongzhang who established the Beiyang Navy and the stimulation of the armed parades in Japan. . <Xia Zhijiao finally made a strategic transaction that seemed unbelievable at the time but was practical and win-win for both parties. Japan got a comprehensive commitment from its largest and nearest neighbor.

At the signing scene, Wang Geng even whispered in this man's ear when he was holding the newly appointed Foreign Minister Goto Shinpei, "Once the alliance is established, China and Japan will be close partners who rely on each other. In the future, there will be no major earthquakes or Typhoon or something, the Japanese people don’t have to worry about having nowhere to go, when the time comes, we will expand the seaport directly from West Siberia to the Black Sea!”

On the second day after the signing of the "Treaty of Friendship, Mutual Assistance and Alliance between China and Japan", the representatives of China, the United States, Britain, France and Japan and the Kolchak government in China signed the "Notice on the Abolition of the Xin Chou Treaty" in Beijing, officially announcing that the United States, Britain, France, Japan and Russia The governments of the five countries announced the abolition of the implementation of the "Xin Chou Treaty" originally signed with the Qing government, and the sovereignty of Hong Kong was officially handed over to China on May 1918, 5.Announce and declare that the sovereignty over the concessions of the above five countries in all cities in China will be returned to China, and foreign nationals will no longer enjoy privileges!

On the evening of April 1918, 4, the Chinese government and the Portuguese government officially announced that the sovereignty of Macao and its affiliated islands and regions were handed over to China for recovery.

The Chinese people were kept awake at night by waves of great news of recovering lost land. In fact, the establishment of the Sino-Japanese Alliance and Japan's return of all occupied Chinese territories forced the Japanese Empire, which was mired in the quagmire of the European War Take the initiative to negotiate with China on the return of Hong Kong's sovereignty. Under the condition that China - zheng fu promises to gradually and fully open all coastal and riverside large and medium-sized cities as foreign-related commercial ports, and China promises to enjoy equal rights to trade, expatriates and businessmen from all countries Under such circumstances, the great powers can only wisely choose cooperation rather than confrontation.

The United States behind China is naturally the biggest instigator and beneficiary of this policy of opening the door and sharing interests. It is wise for Britain to choose to return Hong Kong when the Sino-Japanese alliance is irreversible. In fact, this is what Wang Geng advocated to establish as soon as possible Part of the huge rewards brought by the Sino-Japanese alliance has long been in the planning of this guy, but because Zhu Erdian has spent almost longer in China than in the UK, and has a very deep relationship with China, so he is in close contact with China When the merchants established the alliance, this guy got Wang Gengtou's bottom and began to talk to his own government about returning Hong Kong.

As for Portugal, Wang Geng was very happy to use Portugal as a sacrificial knife, but he couldn't help being well-informed. Seeing that Britain and Japan bowed their heads and smiled with China, how dare they say no?Therefore, it took less than a week to negotiate before the first and second visits, and the two sides of China and Portugal finalized that Portugal would return the sovereignty of Macau immediately after the United Kingdom.

The Sino-Japanese Alliance, the envoys of the five countries announced the abolition of the Xin Chou Treaty, Britain returned Hong Kong, Portugal returned Macau, and China gradually opened up all coastal and riverside city ports as commercial ports.After a series of round-trip negotiations and bargaining throughout April, the series of diplomatic activities for the recovery of the sovereignty of all the concessions in China finally borne fruitful results in these two days at the end of April!

The end of April in 1918 was the most elated day for Chinese people in 4 years!

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