Beiyang 1917

Chapter 264 Peace between Russia and Germany

In mid-May 1918, the Western Front of the European War fell into a stalemate. During the spring offensive of the German army in April, Britain and France, especially the British army, suffered huge casualties, but Germany failed to achieve its strategic goal, which was to win Paris in one go. This time Ruden Doffer learned his lesson, and once the Germans were on the defensive, they fell back to the Hindenburg Line. <The quarterly offensive caused nearly 5 casualties in the Allied Powers and Allies. As a result, in mid-May, it became a situation where everyone went back to each family to find their mothers. Of course, the main force of the US military was on the way to France, and there were nearly 4 troops every day. U.S. troops from the U.S. recruit battalion arrive at the French front.

The power of the Allied Powers on the Western Front was restored by the arrival of the U.S. military. However, after leaving the new barracks and bumping at sea for a week, the combat effectiveness of the U.S. troops who set foot on French soil for the first time made Britain and France deeply suspicious.

airplane? , no, borrowed from France, cannon?No, ask France, tanks?No, I have to ask France. Even the machine guns, the US military’s equipment is far from enough. Foch, the commander-in-chief of the British and French coalition forces, doesn’t know whether he is waiting for a savior or a beggar. The US troops on the French front line have no shortage of rifles and everything else. lack!

Before the next offensive was launched, it was clear that the hundreds of thousands of U.S. troops who arrived in France one after another not only did not become a viable force, but added a huge burden to logistical support. The American soldiers provoke, of course, sometimes it’s just what you want and what you want. The European War that lasted for nearly four years caused countless French families to lose their men.

At the same time, the problem facing German commander-in-chief Ludendorff is, accept the olive branch once again handed over by Comrade Ulyanov of Soviet Russia to restart the negotiations between Soviet Russia and Germany?Or sit back and watch the Soviet Russian regime be overthrown by the White Guards and the Chinese and Japanese coalition forces?

The efficiency of the intelligence system of the Germans is much higher than that of the Allied Powers. The content of the secret treaty between China and Japan was put on Ludendorff's desk in early May. The newly-emerged Chinese army has to be worried. The machine guns and artillery firepower of one division of the team built by the king of China is equal to that of three German divisions. If [-] such Chinese divisions come from the Eastern Front, something will happen. It will be difficult!

"My dear Erich, Russia's price is not low this time, do you think we are going to give the little guy a hand? Although the Bolsheviks' incitement to the workers is very troublesome, as long as they promise not to send money to areas outside Russia Export their doctrine, I think things can still be discussed!"

Hindenburg, the de facto supreme ruler of Germany and the third supreme chief of staff of the Army Command, was holding a cigar in his mouth and holding a glass of champagne.

"The Bolsheviks are a very stubborn group of people. Although Ulyanov is their leader, he can't cover the sky with one hand, and the problem now is that the reinforcements of the US military on the Western Front have exceeded the last offensive we gave to the British and French armies. In this case, we turned around and went to the Eastern Front to pull that Ulyanov and his comrades. This matter is a bit difficult, and the lack of troops is a big problem!"

Ludendorff frowned. The representatives of Soviet Russia had been waiting in Brest for two days. He and Hindenburg were still undecided. The Soviet Russian central yang offered that Soviet Russia could recognize Finland, Estonia, and Latvia. And Lithuania and Poland are du li countries, but they do not accept Belarus and Ukraine du li, nor give up the North Caucasus. Soviet Russia's asking price is to sign an armistice agreement, and Germany will provide food and arms, and at the same time release the Bolshevik prisoners in the prisoner-of-war camp , Let them return to the motherland to join the Red Army!

"Ulyanov is very energetic. You see, he has a good plan. There are 260 million Russian prisoners of war. They only want to repatriate nearly 80 prisoners of war who believe in the Bolsheviks. The other 180 million prisoners of war have to be raised by us!" Hindenburg grinned and said!

"Russia still has about 20 German prisoners of war in its hands. The Russians exchanged 20 for 80 Bolshevik prisoners of war, but we are at a disadvantage!" Ludendorff frowned.

The number of prisoners captured by the German army in the previous battles on the Eastern Front was not many, only one-tenth of the number captured by the Russian army. However, the Austro-Hungarian Empire was captured by the Russians a lot, at least about 50 people.

"The issue of prisoners of war is not a major issue. The key is whether we should help Russia or simply let him fend for himself. Anyway, we can support the non-Bolshevik regime that is pro-German!" Hindenburg pointed out the essence of the problem.

"The Kolchaks definitely left with the Allied Powers. The hatred caused by the three-and-a-half years of war between Russia and Germany in this regard cannot be resolved so easily. The enemies who killed you will join hands in a blink of an eye. Fighting the allies of the past is a bit difficult for the soldiers. Speaking of this, I really don’t understand what the Chinese and the Japanese think. The Japanese have invaded China for so many years, and they can put aside their past and join hands in the blink of an eye. ? Are people of the yellow race thinking differently from us?"

Ludendorff said thoughtfully, supporting another pro-German Russian regime will not succeed overnight. To put it bluntly, in places like Finland, Poland, and Belarus, as soon as the German troops retreat, the local so-called du The republic and regime can be overthrown by the Soviet Bolsheviks in less than a month. If Soviet Russia can agree not to export their Bolshevism, in fact, the small regime is still the first choice of Germany.

"My dear Erich, I think you are overcomplicating the issue. Let's put back the 80 Bolshevik prisoners of war, exchange them for 20 German boys, and ask Soviet Russia to recognize Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Russia. Du li in Poland, as for Belarus and Ukraine, anyway, there are German troops stationed now, Soviet Russia will not dare to subvert the local autonomous government for a while, and it will not be too late!"

Hindenburg obviously felt that if he could get Soviet Russia to recognize the du li in the above-mentioned places, he would have gained a lot. The Russian regime has been consolidated, don't let the Kolchaks rush to Moscow, the day lily is cold!

"In this way, as long as Soviet Russia recognizes the du li of Belarus and Ukraine, we promise to sign an armistice agreement and repatriate prisoners of war, and some of the captured Russian weapons can also be returned to them, provided that the Bolsheviks must withdraw from the above countries and regions and stop exporting them Do not talk about doctrines and revolutions! Paul, what do you think of this?"

Ludendorff made up his mind and first used Russian prisoners of war to resist the Sino-Japanese coalition forces that were about to advance westward. As for Kolchak, he didn't take it seriously. The White Guards in the direction of Kazan were only 20 dead, waiting for 80 Once the Bolshevik prisoners of war in Soviet Russia go back, plus the original local Red Army, there will be 100 million Red Army fighting 20 White Guards. If this cannot be won, what is the need for Ulyanov and his comrades to exist?

"They still want us to support food!" Hindenburg followed. He didn't want to repatriate 80 prisoners of war, but because they had nothing to eat, they went to the Kolchak White Guards on the opposite side!

"Food was bought by the Soviet Russian government. Aren't there a lot of treasures in the Kremlin in Petrograd and Moscow? Tell that Ulyanov to stop hiding it. After entering this village, there will be no such store, and all the gold in the treasury and the valuables in the palace will be brought over to exchange for food! Of course, the food produced in Ukraine and Belarus will be exchanged! Choose the worst and give it to them!”

Ludendorff gritted his teeth. The US military on the western front was oppressing his heart like a huge stone. For a moment he felt pale and powerless. No matter what happened to Germany and Austria, they would still suffer in terms of resources and resources to fight against the US, Britain and France. Insufficient manpower, for the Chinese and Japanese allied forces in the east, Ludendorff maintained vigilance against the Chinese squadron, but the calculation in his heart was that Russia has such a vast land, and the Chinese squadron of tens of 10 people just rushed through the Urals How much space can the mountain pass occupy?How to guarantee the logistics of the expedition?

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