Beiyang 1917

Chapter 269 Aerial Reconnaissance and Military Conference

~ri date:~October 10ri~

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The director of the war room of Wang Geng's coalition headquarters seems to be the sixth commander of Rimoto Hata Jun. Of course, at this moment, this fellow is wearing the military uniform of the Chinese participating army. He is a serious major general of the participating army. His Chinese name is Tian Jun, and his partner is Major Ishihara Waner, who just graduated from the 2th term of the Japanese Army University as No.30, and the partner of the young and energetic Major Ishihara is Major Ita-Gaki Seishiro, who graduated from the 1916th term of the University of Japan in 28.

Wang Geng’s chief of staff of the Allied Forces was the former commander of the Second Division of the participating army. Wang Geng went to the 16th Mixed Brigade a year ago to take up the post of chief of staff Jiang Hongyu when he was the brigade commander. Warlord, after thinking about it, Wang Geng finally transferred Zhili Military Affairs Assistant and Commander of the Second Division of the Participating Army Jiang Hongyu to do his old job, and made himself the chief of staff, while the position of commander of the Second Division of the Participating Army was reserved for him. It was given to Li Chun, who was transferred from the Jiangsu Governor in Nanjing to Nanyuan as the chief of staff.

As one of the symbols of the unity of the New Beiyang, Xu Shuzheng's position as the governor of Zhili was also handed over to Li Chun, the new commander of the second division, who moved Feng Guozhang and his immediate family so much that they wanted to hug Wang Geng to the sky Throw!

Of course, the Second Division of the Participating Army is the most qualified reorganization division. If Li Chun, the airborne division commander, is mischievous, don't blame the division commander for not being able to command the three brigade commanders below. As a balance of political power, Wang Geng When he went north to Omsk, he gave Xu Shuzheng the position of commander of the First Division, which he had been serving concurrently, as a precautionary measure. Of course Xu Shuzheng knew that Wang Geng had handed over the command of the Guards to him in case he needed to .

In less than half an hour, the entire war room was full, including 4 division commanders of the Chinese participating army, 3 division commanders of the Japanese Army, the commander of the Russian Ural Cavalry Army, Wu Peifu, the deputy chief of staff of the coalition army and the commander of the Chinese Third Army, and the deputy commander of the coalition army. Utsunomiya Taro, Chief of Staff and Commander of Japan's Third Army, together with Tian Jun, Director of the Allied Forces War Room, and his two Japanese partners, Ishihara and Major Itagaki, Wang Geng's left hand is Chief of Staff Jiang Hongyu, and his right hand is regarded as a guest Kolchak, the Supreme Consul of Russia.

"Major General Tian, ​​please tell us the situation and position of the enemy and us first." Seeing that everyone was present, Wang Geng pointed to Tian Jun briefly to explain the basic situation on the big hanging map.

On the left side of the meeting table is the general of Japan, on the right is the general of China, and the Russians are at the end of the opposite table. The first one on the left hand is Utsunomiya Taro, the commander of the Japanese Third Army. One of the "Santaros of the Army" in the Meiji era, he has been engaged in intelligence work for a long time. When the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded China in 1900, Zhang Zhidong, the governor of Huguang, sought his help for his advice when he plotted to become king himself.

He was Akashi Motojiro's assistant during the Russo-Japanese War, and he made Lao Maozi miserable when he was a military attache in the UK.He concealed the truth of the massacre in Jeam-ri when he was the commander of the Korean army. Although this guy is 57 years old this year, he is a top-ranking military expert in Japan. His disciples and grandchildren have been to India, England and Sweden, and they are quite proficient in Chinese and English.

There are so many Japanese generals in the conference room, and almost none of them can understand Chinese. Except for Utsunomiya Taro, it goes without saying that Chai Goro is a Chinese expert. Oba Jiro also hangs out in Manchuria and Kanto Prefecture when he is doing staff drills In a few years, the Chinese is a clear family. Because the Seventh Division has been stationed in Kanto Prefecture for a long time, the Chinese of the division head Fujii Yukizuki is also quite good.

As for the staff of the war room, Shao Zuo Ishihara, although he has just graduated from the Japanese mainland, before he entered the mainland and after Lu Shi graduated, he has been in many places in China for plainclothes investigations all over the world. The level of Chinese is authentic, that is to change clothes It's just a small Chinese commoner, still inconspicuous.

Ban-Yuan was called a China hand by his class before and after he entered the mainland, and he was very authentic in beijing.

Although China and Japan have an alliance, although the coalition forces are established, the sparks between the soldiers of the two sides continue. He is definitely not his opponent in wrestling, and his marksmanship is probably not good. He really doubts whether the Chinese can hold on to the blood flow.

From the perspective of the participating army, apart from the fact that the Japanese army is not afraid of death and yelling all day long, the basic skills of the artillery are better, and the equipment and firepower are in a mess. In a real fight, a brigade of the Chinese participating army can overwhelm a division of him. As for the quality of individual soldiers, don't forget that Wu Peifu's third division is the second most experienced reorganization division of the 16th mixed brigade!

In addition, Wu Peifu himself is a genius-level general who trains and leads troops. In terms of individual quality, the Third Army will never take Japan's Third Army seriously. The soldiers participating in the battle are a circle larger than the opponent just because of their size and burly. There are not a few soldiers from Hebei and Shandong who come from the hometown of martial arts. If you really practice alone, you will never be afraid of the half-legged warriors in Japan.

The guns I have let go in my life are not as much as the recruits of the Third Army in a month. Isn’t marksmanship just relying on bullets? 1 Garland’s semi-automatic rifle will be the best semi-automatic rifle in 20 years. What's more, in 1918, when the birds don't shit.

As the world's first semi-automatic rifle, if the eight-round semi-automatic Garand rifle is matched with the five-round hand-bolted [-] cover, the [-] shooter can't even raise his head to shoot the second shot. Was knocked down by the opponent's intensive firepower!

"According to the aircraft reconnaissance, on the other side of the Volga River in Kazan is the Eastern Front Army of Soviet Russia. This Front Army is the earliest front army established in Soviet Russia. It has five armies under its jurisdiction. It is distributed from south to north for a fan attack of 1 kilometers. In the area, the southernmost is the 16st Army. The combat effectiveness of this army is almost the strongest in the Eastern Front. Now there are six infantry divisions, plus a cavalry division and 75 artillery companies. The Soviet Red Army is very strange. Their artillery is Taking the artillery company as the basic unit, each company has six 75mm mountain guns, and individual [-]mm field guns are all dragged by horses."

Major General Tian Jun, the director of the Allied War Room, spoke eloquently, and his Chinese was quite idiomatic. At this time, all the Chinese who went to Japan to study for non-commissioned officers could speak fluent Japanese. Most of the soldiers in this country can speak Chinese.Of course, if Tian Jun dared to speak Japanese at this moment, the teacup in Wu Peifu's hand on the opposite side would fly over and hit this guy in the face first.

As for Sergey, the commander of the Russian cavalry group army, Wang Geng assigned him a staff officer in the war room who could understand Chinese, Japanese, Russian and Mongolian. Such a talent was one of the few in Japan's former Kanto Prefecture garrison.

Kolchak's Chinese and Japanese were both so-so in the past. In fact, his German, French and English skills are good. The naval generals of the Tsarist Russian Empire were all nobles in that era, and language was a basic skill for them since childhood. .

Of course, Major General Tian Jun's Russian is also absolutely useful, but as long as Wang Geng is present, almost all the generals and staff members of the coalition headquarters can only speak Chinese, although Wang Geng is actually proficient in English, Russian, and Japanese. French is also said to be proficient enough, but unless it is on a diplomatic occasion, the king of China only speaks Chinese. If you don’t understand, you can find a way to go. Who said this is in China?

Major General Tian Jun explained on the battle map with a long baton, while the two major commanders, Ishihara and Ban-Yuan, kept inserting small flags symbolizing the deployment of troops on the map. Five infantry divisions and one cavalry division of an army were marked near Simbirsk across the Volga, and even the small flags marking artillery were marked as two artillery groups to the south and north of Simbirsk.

It is obvious that the assignments on the pictures of the top students in the mainland of Japan are quite familiar with pediatrics.

"Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, may I ask if all this information was obtained by aircraft reconnaissance?" Kolchak leaned over and whispered in Wang Geng's ear. to such an extent.

"Dear Your Excellency Kolchak, air reconnaissance is only part of it. Of course, there is also ground reconnaissance, as well as intelligence synthesis and analysis in many aspects. In the past half month, our reconnaissance team has dropped many times across the Volga River." Under Wang Geng's gesture, Major General Tian Jun explained the source of the information with a smile.

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