Beiyang 1917

Chapter 285 Machine Gun Battle Mountain Cannon

~ri date:~October 10ri~

"So that's how it is.. That's how it is.. ≤Your Excellency, Commander.. You are really the reincarnated Zhou Yu! Taro has been taught!" Utsunomiya Taro immediately pushed the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces as a heavenly being, and his 57-year-old eldest is not too young. Suddenly, the king of China, who was as young as Hata Junroku, became an idol.

"Well, the commander of the Fourth Army in the south is not easy. Deputy Chief of Staff, you see, although that army has six infantry divisions and one cavalry division in name, its actual strength is only in the early [-]s? You see, he is not willing to give up. What kind of human aviation technique are you doing? It seems that you want to use firepower to suppress Petrovich's defense line, and look for opportunities to break through! Tian Jun, is that commander a guy who was born as a Tsarist Russian general?"

Wang Geng looked at the southeast line of defense through the binoculars while chatting with Utsunomiya Taro about the battle situation, and at the same time asked the staff officer and think tank behind him, former Japanese Army General Sahata Shunroku, today's Director of the Operations Office of the Allied Command, Chinese Army Major General Tian Jun .

"Your Excellency, Commander, the commander of the Fourth Ground Army on the opposite side of Petrovich's line of defense is Lezhevsky, who was born as a Tsarist Russian general. He was the division commander under their invincible god of war, Alexey Brusilov. A brave and resourceful general, he followed Brusilov to serve the Soviets after the October Revolution, and in the Eastern Front, he was considered a general of Trotsky's faction!"

Major General Tian Jun replied in a familiar manner, and then whispered, "Your Excellency Commander-in-Chief, the reply from Hawkeye 3 has arrived. The main force of Vatzetis' Fifth Army is still at the Tetyushi Ferry, and there are only two people crossing the river now." Division, the movement is progressing slowly. At this speed, they may not be able to cross the river in two days. The Volga River fleet is currently located between the two ferry crossings of Setherland and Tetyuzen, and it seems to be heading north to Kazan. direction!"

"Well, call back and ask Hawkeye 3 to keep an eye on the movement of the Fifth Army, and report the information to His Excellency Kolchak in Kazan, and tell him to prepare, at least five divisions of mobile troops, waiting for me As soon as the signal is issued, we will attack from Kazan to the west! Of course, it is not so fast, and I estimate that it will take two to three days!" Wang Geng observed the enemy's mobilization and offensive in the southeast, while looking at the enemy behind him. The director of the war room said.

"Where are the Chief of Staff Jiang and the right army? How is the heavy artillery prepared by Deputy Chief of Staff Wu?" Wang Geng continued to ask.

"The Right Route Army led by Chief of Staff Chiang has taken the train along the Siberian Railway to the city of Cherny on the Kamala River, and the heavy artillery brigade under the personal command of Deputy Chief of Staff Wu has already arrived at Xiong's Bank on the Belaya River in Ufa City. The two highlands of the lower jaw are ready to be deployed! An attack can be launched at any time!" The director of the war room replied quickly.

The three divisional heavy artillery regiments of the Chinese Third Army in the coalition army were temporarily combined into a heavy artillery brigade by Wang Geng. Each of the three heavy artillery regiments had 54 Ri-style 150-caliber heavy howitzers. The deputy chief of staff of the coalition army and the third army Commander, Wu Peifu, who was the commander of the artillery regiment of Cao Kun's third division, personally sat in the artillery position and commanded the battle of the three heavy artillery groups, with a total of 162 150-caliber heavy howitzers.

The 150-caliber heavy howitzer deployed by the heavy artillery regiment of the Chinese participating army was originally a Japanese-style heavy artillery. Although it was not as good as the German large-caliber heavy howitzer in 1918, it was much more advanced than the large-caliber heavy howitzers in Britain and France with many models and old styles. .

The standard 150-caliber heavy howitzer equipped by the Chinese participating army is actually the Japanese Taisho 4th year 150mm field howitzer. The specific performance indicators are as follows:

Taisho 4th year 150mm field howitzer

Service Year: 1915

Caliber: 149.1mm

Barrel length: (14.7)

Weight: 2800 kg

Types of ammunition used: grenades, arson bombs, chemical bombs

Gun pitch angle: -5to+65.0 degrees

Projectile weight: 36kg

Projectile muzzle velocity: 389msec

Maximum range: 8800m

The heavy artillery group concealed by the coalition forces on the high ground by the Belaya River can cover almost 16 kilometers of the left and right fronts. km location.

Of course, this is only the heavy artillery of the Chinese Third Army. The 150 heavy howitzers of the ** Field Heavy Artillery Wing under the jurisdiction of the three divisions of the Japanese Third Army have also been integrated into a ** Field Artillery Brigade for use. Of course, A Japanese field heavy artillery wing has only 24 150-caliber heavy artillery.The three field artillery regiments added up to only 72 heavy artillery pieces, which became the fourth heavy artillery group on the banks of the Ufa Belaya River, and were unified under the command and dispatch of Wu Peifu, deputy chief of staff of the coalition forces.

To say that Rzhevsky, the commander of the Fourth Army of the Southern Group of the Eastern Front of the Soviet Union, is really a wise and courageous general. , but the defenders on the opposite side have at least 4 divisions of troops, so he won't be so stupid as to use the whole army to overwhelm the human aviation as Tukhachevsky said.

The Fourth Army's losses in the last battle to defend Tsaritsyn, which assisted the Southern Front Army, have not yet been replenished. Each infantry division has more than 8000 people. This guy is not willing to do it without artillery preparation and fire support. He rashly launched an offensive.

After Lezhevsky returned to his position, he ordered the concentration of the divisional Mara heavy machine gun battalions of the five divisions that had already rushed to the front line to form two Maxim heavy machine gun firepower groups. The artillery of the Fourth Army had only 10 There are two artillery companies, but the division's heavy machine gun battalion is fully staffed. One heavy machine gun battalion governs four heavy machine gun companies, and one heavy machine gun company governs six horse-drawn Maxim water-cooled heavy machine guns. On the one-kilometer-wide front, Maxim, who gathered to cover the infantry's attack, reached 4, which is quite a good firepower density.

In the binoculars, this guy had already seen the barbed wire fence and the deer village 200 meters in front of the White Guards position, so he did not launch an offensive for a long time. He waited until the first two artillery companies arrived, and waited for the artillery positions to expand and start firing. In preparation, the Fourth Army started its tentative attack. Such a delay made the Fourth Army in the southeast launch its attack 1 minutes later than the First Army in the northwest.

On the first-line position of the southeast cluster of the White Guards opposite Lezhevski, the density of Maxim machine guns was 100 meters apart, while the attacking side Lezhevski's heavy machine guns were densely packed to a density of almost 10 meters apart.

Sergei Mikhainovich, who was in charge of the command on the high ground, had seen it clearly through the telescope. It is obviously not the way to strengthen the machine guns at the front line at this time. Sergey had a brainstorm. The order he issued was really simple enough. He directly ordered all the White Guard infantry divisions defending on the first line to evacuate to the second line, and let go of the first line to allow the opponent to attack. Otherwise, his own machine guns on the first line would fire They were so outnumbered that they couldn't lift their heads up and get beaten!

Of course, Chief of Staff Sergey is not easy to get along with. He concentrated the firepower of six artillery companies and was ready to knock down the heavy machine gun battalion that the opponent was slowly advancing. Don't you want to compare machine guns with me? , I use cannons against your machine guns.

According to the artillery parameters and distance measured in advance before the start of the battle, the artillery shells fired from the artillery position in the opposite grove, the opponent's 76 mm caliber mountain artillery can only hit the barbed wire fence of the front line position. To the White Guards defense line, you have to leave the grove and move forward.Due to the different heights of the terrain, the range of the White Guard's 76-caliber mountain cannon can be 300 meters longer than that of the opponent's mountain cannon of the same model. How can it not be taken advantage of?

Here, the 120 Maxim machine guns of the Fourth Army of the Southern Group of the Eastern Front of the Soviet Union had just moved forward and hadn't fired yet. Lezhevsky saw through the binoculars the originally dark heads and machine gun fire points on the opposite White Guards position. It disappeared in a blink of an eye, apparently hiding in a trench, maybe retreated in fright?

120 horse-drawn heavy machine guns rushed forward to seize the shooting position, and the two artillery companies behind each had six mountain guns. The Soviet Red Army was equipped with the old-fashioned 1904-style 76 mountain guns, the largest The range is 5500 meters.

1904 76mm mountain gun

Year of production and service: 1904

Caliber: 76.2mm

Barrel length: 1.014m (13.3 times the caliber

Up and down angle: -5 degrees to +35 degrees

Horizontal sheath angle: 2.5 degrees

Projectile weight: 6.5kg

Ammunition muzzle velocity: 290msec

Weight: 327kg

Maximum range: 5500m

The artillery in the grove even tried to shoot and found that they couldn't reach the trenches of the White Guards' first line of defense. Because they were shooting upwards, the point of impact was nearly [-] meters away from the opponent's barbed wire, so they had to put away their artillery and turn the carriage to get ready. Keep up with the five heavy machine gun battalions that have rushed up, and rearrange the artillery positions.

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