Beiyang 1917

Chapter 291

"Dear Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Forces, my cavalry division in the southeast group has rested for a whole day. I suggest that tonight, taking advantage of the great opportunity of the Soviet Red Army's lack of energy and frustration, let me lead the cavalry division to attack the opponent's camp at night, even if you can't Defeating the opponent in one fell swoop can also achieve greater results and further damage the morale of the opponent, what do you think?"

The former enemy commander of the Southeast Group, the deputy commander of the Ufa garrison, and the commander of the [-]th Ural Cavalry Division Alexander Petrovich was the first to stand up and ask for a battle. During the day, his cavalry divisions were hiding in the camp behind the high ground looking for fighters. Unfortunately, the opponent's The infantry didn't come up at all, and when the heavy machine gun battalion retreated, the muzzle was pointed at the back, so that Petrovic didn't find a fighter

"Alexander Petrovich's idea is good, Your Excellency Commander-in-Chief. I didn't realize until today that the Soviet Red Army on the opposite side is also a flesh and blood body with a nose and two eyes. Under Maxim and artillery fire, they will still be defeated. Petrovic The cavalry division is brave and good at fighting, and the morale of the army is available, how about sending him to lead the cavalry division to attack in the dark?"

The former enemy commander of the Northwest Cluster, B. Pepelyaev, completely put himself in the position of the former enemy commander on the battlefield at this time, rather than Kolchak, the prime minister of the All-Russian interim government, who is directly ignored in the eyes of the coalition forces. on the title

In fact, the temporary all-Russian government originally headquartered in Ufa has been moved to Omsk, east of the Ural Mountains, along with the people fleeing westward and the relocated factory equipment. Russia's temporary zheng fu, only soldiers and volunteers, is completely under the theater management system of the coalition forces

"Your Excellency Taro, what do you think of the Lieutenant General's suggestion?" Wang Geng turned to ask Utsunomiya Taro, the deputy chief of staff of the coalition forces and the commander of the Japanese Third Army.

"Well, it's a good idea, but I heard that the commander of the [-]th Army of the Soviet Russian Eastern Front opposite the southeastern defense line is not ordinary. What is his name? Yes, Lezhevsky. This guy is the Russian god of war. Brusilov trained him. We can think of things that he may not have thought of. Seeing how cautious he was when he attacked this afternoon, I doubt whether it is a wise choice to sneak attack on his camp at night."

Utsunomiya Taro actually recognized the courage of the Cossack cavalry division commander, but he did not think that Lieutenant General Petrovich was the opponent of Rzhevsky on the opposite side. There is a cavalry division on the opposite side, and the other side is formed by six infantry divisions. Yingpan, Hei waits for the blind to rush in, but may not be able to retreat completely

Alexander Petrovich grinned. This guy didn't like the arrogant Japanese army general named Utsunomiya on the opposite side. He looked arrogant all day long, as if the White Guards and Cossacks were not at all. Opponents of the Japanese army, don't even think about who beat your Japanese army to the ground in Lushun and Vladivostok back then.

But to be honest, the main force of the Tsarist Russian army fought against Germany and Austria on the Eastern Front for four full years. At this moment, the elite troops have long been exhausted. They either died in battle or entered a German prisoner-of-war camp and released them. Most of them were Bolsheviks who joined the opposite Soviet Red Army. Therefore, at this moment in 1918, the White Guards and Cossacks in various places were at best the main players in the later conscription and demobilization. there is a big difference

Seeing Lieutenant General Petrovich glaring at the Japanese army general here, Wang Geng couldn't help but smiled and said,

"I have no doubts about the courage and courage of the Ural Cavalry Division, but Lieutenant General Petrovich, in the Ufa battle, the 10,000+ enemies in front of us are not our ultimate goal, so our main purpose is to hurt them at the beginning. If Your cavalry is too tough. A charge in the middle of the night scared them away. If you leave the Ufa line and let the White Guards and Volunteer Infantry Division chase them again, then our advantage in fighting on the ground will be weakened, but it is not worth it. "

Wang Geng's tone was gentle and firm, but his eyes were friendly. Although he also opposed the idea of ​​the Cossack cavalry division going out to attack in the middle of the night, it sounded much more comfortable. Lieutenant General Petrovic was overjoyed and nodded road,

"Your Excellency Kolchak's telegram stated that you are fully in command of the Ufa campaign. I, Alexander Petrovich, and my division are at your disposal at any time. Of course, there are also instructions from His Excellency Prime Minister Pepelyaev. "

As a result, Sergey who was next to him quietly stabbed his teacher, and the fellow came back to his senses and added, "Of course, there is also the order of His Excellency Kolchak. In a word, we will fight wherever you point. Being chased by the Soviet Fourth Army all the way from Orenburg is terrible, now it's our turn to take revenge."

"The one next to you is the lieutenant general's chief of staff, Sergey. Can you tell me why you ordered the White Guard infantry divisions on the front line to withdraw before engaging in battle?" Wang Geng saw the southeast group in the telescope in the afternoon How to play on the defensive line, I can't help but ask now

"Major General of the Cavalry Sergey Mikhainovich salutes His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief." Sergey stood up, stood at attention, and saluted. He looked thin, but quite capable, and his military uniform was straight.

"Please sit down and talk, sit down and talk, the chief of staff and I saw it at the headquarters on the church bell tower. I thought it was the first-line White Guard infantry division that was scared away by the enemy's horse-drawn machine guns. Later, my staff shot After asking on the phone, I found out that you ordered the withdrawal of the second line of defense, can you talk about your considerations at that time?" Wang Geng said with a smile

Sergey breathed a sigh of relief, sat down, straightened his back, and explained,

"At that time, I saw that the opponent was going to use a concentrated heavy machine gun battalion to break through. If he was on the front line of ten kilometers, the firepower of our front-line machine guns was almost equal, but the commander of the opponent concentrated 120 machine gun carriages in different places. When the two-kilometer platoon charged forward, there were only 20 machine guns in the defense area of ​​our first-line position. The difference in firepower was too great to be defended by infantry alone. "Retreat Transfer"

The two elegant mustaches on Sergey's upper lip are extraordinarily energetic at the moment. His command in the afternoon obviously not only aroused the curiosity of the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, but also did not expose the basket. The results of the battle were appreciated by the superiors, which made the chief of staff of the Cossack cavalry division and the actual commander of the southeastern group defense line feel very happy

"If this is the consideration, Major General Sergey, didn't you use the mountain cannon to repel the impact of the opponent's 120 horse-drawn machine guns? If this is the case, why bother to retreat the infantry in front of you?" General Wu Peifu, commander of the Third Army, said with a smile

"Your Excellency, General, in fact, the performance of the mountain artillery company is a bit beyond my imagination. Of course, we are higher than them on the terrain, so the field of vision is wide and the range is far. Originally, I was mentally prepared to let the opponent's 120 carriages rush to the front of the position. of

So I retreated the infantry and machine guns that were attacking the two kilometers in front of the opponent to the two sides. In this way, the firepower of the machine guns on both sides of the front line was strengthened. At the same time, it also prevents the front-line infantry from suffering unnecessary casualties under the cover of the enemy's heavy machine gun bullets."

"Ha, Your Excellency Sergey, it turns out that you don't have that much confidence in your artillery, but your artillery is pretty good. Eighteen artillery pieces killed nearly 30 horse-drawn machine guns. The results are quite amazing." Wang Geng hehe smiled

Sergey blushed, and said slightly coyly, "That's taking advantage of the terrain. The opponent's artillery can't even reach the front line of positions because they look up, and our artillery hides on the high ground behind the position. With the protection of the iron shield of the mountain cannon, you can fight against the heavy machine gun on the opposite side. If you can't hit the carriage that is rushing vertically at a distance of about 1000 meters, then how can you call it artillery?"

"Tukhachevsky will not admit defeat so easily. He has twice as many troops as us, and his artillery is not much worse. Moreover, his artillery will arrive one after another tonight. Tomorrow's battle may be very difficult. How about it, do the White Guards and Volunteer Infantry Division have the confidence to hold their positions?" Wang Geng asked Pepelyaev and Petrovich

"Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, please rest assured. With today's battle at the bottom, the morale of the infantry divisions has improved. Our terrain is strong. Besides, with the unified command and support of you and the coalition forces, there is definitely great hope for us to win the Battle of Ufa." "Kolchak's cabinet minister, Pepelyaev, first stood up and expressed his opinion.

Here, Petrovich stood up in a hurry, but hesitated again, and said to Wang Geng, "Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, are we really not going to sneak attack the enemy on the opposite side tonight? This will give them a good night's sleep for nothing."

Wang Geng laughed loudly when he heard the words, stood up and leaned on the table with both hands, and said, "Don't worry, my lieutenant general, you will win the battle. Your cavalry division should hurry up and rest tonight. Lax, I guess the enemy will not come again in the middle of the night to harass, even if they come, don’t bother, just use machine gun fire to sweep the opponent back, there is no need to chase, the big battle is still to come.”

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