Beiyang 1917

Chapter 294 Reinforcements Are Urgent

"Your Excellency Taro, the first battle of the coalition forces in Ufa west of the Ural Mountains. What I want is to encircle and annihilate the main force of the Soviet Russian Eastern Front Army, not just defeat it. The 33-strong Yegorov Ninth Army of the Southern Front went north to reinforce, if we wipe out the 8 main forces of Soviet Russia before winter arrives, then the entire right bank of the Volga River will be safe until next spring.”

Wang Geng once again emphasized his strategy to his two deputy chiefs of staff. In his opinion, Tukhachevsky's Southern Group was just a pocket thing, and what he wanted was to capture Tukhachevsky under the city of Ufa. Fowski stuck, and when he wanted to withdraw, the battalion of wounded soldiers was full of food and there was nowhere to run.

So if we want to hurt him, can we make him feel desperate about taking Ufa from the very beginning, but force him to ask Moscow for reinforcements, surround the Tukhachev group at that time, and then destroy the northern group that comes for reinforcements? The main force of the Fifth Army and the main force of the Ninth Army of the Southern Front

"What do you mean, even if the main force of the Soviet Russian Eastern Front is wiped out, we won't go all the way to Moscow?" Taro Utsunomiya asked doubtfully. Miyataro's own thinking, after encircling and annihilating the Eastern Front Army, he went straight to Moscow

"Russia is too big, Your Excellency Utsunomiya, and it will be very difficult when winter comes. As long as the opponent's vital forces are wiped out, those cities will be taken down sooner or later." Wu Peifu, deputy chief of staff of the coalition forces, obviously has a deep understanding of the thinking of his commander-in-chief , although he felt that Wang Geng was still too cautious in the deployment of the Battle of Ufa

"Whether you want to go to Moscow or not, let His Excellency Kolchak go worry about it. We just need to occupy the land east of the Volga River for him. The winter climate in the Kazakh steppe in the south will be warmer in the UK. At that time, we can consider going to Tsaritsyn to meet that little, big-nosed Comrade Joseph." Wang Geng revealed a little bit about the direction that the coalition might consider in winter.

"Commander-in-Chief, I think this Ufa battle is a rare training opportunity for all the soldiers of the coalition forces. Many battles in the future may be fought by hundreds of thousands against hundreds of thousands. Ufa is a rare time to wait for work step by step. During the process, can those regiments and generals of our coalition army go to the Ufa front in batches to observe this defensive operation?" Wu Peifu came up with an idea

"That's right, but don't gather together, come to observe in batches, we will fight at least two to three days of defensive operations under the city of Ufa, the first batch of Russian infantry divisions formed in Chelyabinsk is now in the barracks It’s been almost a month since the training? Tomorrow, we’ll take the train to Ufa in batches, and then the White Guard divisions who replace the front line will also go to the battle to train.”

In this battle of Ufa, in addition to using five infantry divisions of the Ufa White Guards, three Ufa volunteer divisions, and one Ural Fourth Cavalry Division to defend Ufa, the coalition headquarters mobilized in advance a total of 3 armored and combat troops from the Sun Liangcheng Ranger. Cavalry group, go east of the Ural Mountains to make a big roundabout, the goal is the Ural at the northern end of the Kazakh grassland, and then take Samara and Setherland to the northwest, closing the middle reaches of the Volga River

Secondly, after the Battle of Ufa started, the [-] cavalry group of Li Ming's Zhongnan Route Army detoured south along the western foot of the Ural Mountains. Territamak, Ishimbai, Salavat, and Merleuz went all the way south until Kumertau and Orenburg, and finally closed the pockets on the line between Orenburg and Kumetaur

The third route is Jiang Hongyu North Route Army, who took the train from Ufa to the north after the start of the peripheral battle in Ufa, an armored brigade, a Ural cavalry division and a Japanese cavalry regiment, between Ufa and Kazan Get off at Chelny on the Kamala River, an important town, and then outflank the road to the southwest from the north. This road is also an army of 5000 people

三支负责迂回和包抄的队伍都是高度装甲机械化以及骑兵部队,总兵力加起来足足8万人之多,剩下的就是联军临时用师属重炮团和du li野战炮兵联队组建的150mm重炮旅,当然ri军三个du li野战炮兵联队加起来也只有72门150mm重型榴弹炮而参战军一个重炮团就有54门150mm重榴弹炮

After dispatching these troops, the airport ten kilometers northwest of Ufa and the coalition front-line base camp also have a reserve force of 6 people from the Third Army Xiong Shihui Division and the Japanese Seventh Division. It can be seen that if so many troops are used, in the end it is only to defeat Tukhachevsky's southern group, then in the future, if we want to seize such an opportunity to catch them all, we don't know when we will have to wait.

Since the coalition forces rested well during the day, they ordered that in the first half of the night, the Seventh Field Artillery Regiment of the Seventh Division of the Japanese Army and an infantry brigade of the Seventh Division entered the 203 east of the Ural River in the southeast of Ufa in the first half of the night. Highland, here is across the river from Highland 201 on the west of the Ural River, less than five kilometers away. The strength of a regiment of the White Guard Infantry Division in Ufa City during the day was also sent to the highland by a troop transport truck of the coalition forces. At 1:8 midnight Before, a decent line of defense appeared on the high ground [-] kilometers south of Ufa City

At the same time, Wang Geng promised Petrovich that the No. 12 Field Artillery Regiment of the Japanese Army Field Artillery Regiment No. 12 Division also entered the defensive position of the southeast Ufa cluster that night, and Sergey suddenly had considerable With the artillery of 15 artillery companies, this guy is gearing up and waiting for the next day to teach the Fourth Army in front of him a big lesson

On the night of July 1918, 7, both the offensive and defensive sides of the Battle of Ufa were a sleepless night

Tukhachevsky, the commander of the Southern Group of the Soviet Eastern Front Army, sent a telegram to Moscow and the Front Army, reporting that the main force of the Southern Group had encircled Ufa. Of course, this encirclement was obviously exaggerated. It's not too late to start behind the Ufa defenders

Tukhachevsky's telegram not only reported the news that 14 divisions and 4 cavalry divisions of the Southern Group encircled the city of Ufa, but also claimed that the First and Fourth Armies of the Southern Group launched a tentative attack on the enemy's line of defense in the afternoon. Attacked, and figured out the enemy's position, troop deployment and firepower configuration. The soldiers of the southern group were united and confident that Ufa would be conquered in a short time.

The second paragraph of the telegram is Tukhachevsky's strong complaints about the slowness of the Fifth Army of the Eastern Front's northern group going south and the lack of reinforcements of the Southern Front's Ninth Army. The troops going up to the South Group have an absolute advantage

However, since the firepower density of the defenders in terms of artillery and machine guns is not weaker than that of the attackers at all, and the food in the southern cluster is only enough for another week, and the defensive positions of the Ufa defenders are quite complete and strong, while the northern Kazan The main force of Kolchak in the direction may go south by train for reinforcements at any time

Tukhachevsky proposed to Moscow that every effort must be made to allow the Fourth Army and the Ninth Army to reinforce the Ufa defense line at the fastest speed, especially to escort food. At the end of the telegram, Tukhachevsky Emphasized that the victory of the Ufa campaign, in addition to the brave fighting of all the soldiers of the Southern Group, is very important to win Ufa before the reinforcements of Kazan Kolchak and the coalition forces east of the Ural Mountains.

To achieve this, the rapid advance of the Fourth Army and the Ninth Army in the direction of Ufa will play a decisive role.

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