Beiyang 1917

Chapter 307 Arrangements for Prisoners of War

!indivual. .I still have 5 artillery companies that can be used in pursuit, and the air force of the coalition can also help us! "Kolchak's cabinet prime minister and army general blushed. If it weren't for the coalition forces in Ufa, the Ufa White Guards had won two consecutive victories, and he was required to lead two White Guard infantry divisions and two temporary formations. The Ufa Volunteer Division went to chase the opponent's five infantry divisions and one cavalry division, which is simply a fantasy!

"Your Excellency, Army General, but we have an advantage in the southeast defense line. Why don't I let my cavalry division lead three infantry divisions to chase down the fourth army of the other side? They have at most 25000 people left." Team, my infantry and cavalry add up to four divisions, but there are nearly 40000 people! And the number of cannons of the Field Artillery Wing on the high ground far exceeds that of the opponent!"

Seeing that Pepelyaev was stopped by Utsunomiya Taro, Petrovich couldn't help standing up and saying.

"Your Excellency Petrovich, don't let the victory go to your head. You have 4 divisions. When you attack, the two divisions of the opponent's Second Army can stand by and wait for you to beat Rzhevsky The three understaffed infantry divisions? You have cavalry divisions, so why can’t the cavalry divisions of the First Army be reinforced by the Fourth Army?" Wu Peifu, deputy chief of staff of the coalition forces, commander of the Third Army of the Chinese Army, and general Wu Peifu was opposite Said coldly.

"Well, I have no doubts about the courage and courage of the commander of the Ufa White Guards and all the soldiers. In fact, if we launch a pursuit, we may indeed gain a little more results, but it will also add uncertainty to the battle and leave the established position. However, the field combat capability of the White Guard Infantry Division may not be stronger than that of the opposite Red Army!

The Ufa Volunteer Division is definitely worse. What's more, even if the opponent has been frustrated, their combined strength still has an advantage. It's really urgent. Tukhachevsky will jump over the wall and try another crowd tactics!If the time comes to fight in the open field, maybe his crowd tactics will be really successful! "Wang Geng took a sip of champagne and said unhurriedly.

"However, the more important reason why I gave the order not to pursue is to slow down Tukhachevsky's retreat and give him a little more fantasy. Of course, the burden of the 14000 Red Army casualties in the southeast battlefield has to be let down logically." With the Fourth Army, Rzhevski has 25000 soldiers left, and if he takes another 14000 lightly or severely wounded, then he will not be able to run even if he wants to run!"

Wang Geng played with the crystal wine glass in his hand, and looked at the generals in the meeting room with a smile. -

"Sodisney! Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, I admire your foresight and foresight, please!" Utsunomiya Taro raised his glass to Wang Geng without losing the opportunity, and the two smiled at each other, and each took a sip of champagne.

"Your Excellency Pepelyaev, Your Excellency Petrovich, although Tukhachevsky's southern group has nearly 10 divisions left, at least half of its artillery has been lost, and there are not many shells left. With the burden of 2 lightly and seriously wounded, lack of medical care and food, unless he can make up his mind to abandon the wounded and his luggage and retreat westward, I think his southern group will be doomed!"

Wu Peifu, the deputy chief of staff of the coalition forces, raised his glass to congratulate Kolchak's cabinet prime minister and Petrovich and Sergey, who made a big splash in World War I today. champagne.

"Everyone, General Kolchak, the Supreme Consul, sent a congratulatory message to the Ufa Front Headquarters, congratulating the Ufa defenders on their major victory in defending Ufa under the support and leadership of the coalition forces. In the name of the highest consul of zhengfu, he was awarded the Order of St. Nicholas to B. Pepelyaev, commander of the Ufa garrison and general of the army. At the same time, he was promoted to deputy commander of the Ufa garrison, commander of the [-]th Ural Cavalry Division, and Lieutenant General of the Cavalry. Petrovich is the general of the army, Major General Sergei Mikhainovich is the lieutenant general of the cavalry, and at the same time awarded the two generals a second-class St. Nicholas medal!"

Tian Jun, the director of the coalition war room, knocked on the door outside the meeting room, whispered a few words beside Wang Geng, and handed the telegram to Wang Geng. After reading it, Wang Geng read the telegram in public with a spring face content.

The three Russian generals who had been commended and promoted by the supreme consul of the interim government of all Russia stood up and stood at attention, all of them were overjoyed. The smiling eyes of Petrovich and Sergey, who were in the military ranks, were bent into crescents!

The generals of the coalition army and the division commanders of the White Guards in the meeting room applauded collectively to congratulate the three honors.

"The telegram is not over yet. The other commanders of the Ufa White Guards and the Volunteer Division who participated in the battle each received a third-class St. Nicholas medal. Your Excellency Kolchak is not authentic. Why didn't our coalition generals issue medals?" Wang Wang Geng laughed and joked.

"Hey! Your Excellency Commander-in-Chief, I guess His Excellency Kolchak followed your instructions not to expose the appearance and strength of the coalition forces in Ufa with great fanfare. That's why he is so low-key. After all, in the Kazan headquarters, who knows if there are any Bolsheviks?" Eyes and ears and eyeliners!" B. Pepelyaev rolled his eyes and hurriedly explained for Kolchak.

Utsunomiya Taro and Wu Peifu, the two deputy chiefs of staff of the coalition forces, looked at each other and laughed secretly. How much is Kolchak's medal worth?Do you think we are really rare?

"Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, how will we arrange our next battle plan? Can't we just let the Soviet Red Army retreat all the way?" Petrovich's chief of staff, Lieutenant General Sergey, couldn't help asking.

"What about the more than 14000 Bolshevik prisoners? There are more than 4000 lightly or severely wounded! Do you want to rush all of them to the Belaya River to eat dumplings?" b. Pepelyaev also eagerly asked.

Today, nearly 6000 people from the Fourth Army of Rzhevsky were captured in the defensive operations on the southeastern line of defense. In addition, the Soviet-Russian mixed cavalry division was defeated on the highland east of the Ural River, and nearly 2000 people were captured. They were completely wiped out in the northeast of Ufa. The 4000st Cavalry Division of the Fourth Soviet Russian Army, which made a sneak attack, captured nearly 10000 people. At this moment, there were [-] Red Army prisoners of war in the prisoner-of-war camp in Ufa City.

In addition, these two cavalry divisions each had nearly 2000 lightly and severely wounded soldiers who were abandoned on the battlefield and became prisoners. No one came to pick them up and return to their own troops east of the Ural River. The coalition forces released these wounded soldiers. If they eat less and there is no first aid, most of them will die in the wild.

"The coalition forces treat prisoners preferentially. This sentence is by no means just words! Your Excellency Pepelyaev, I hope you and your troops will always keep this in mind, not to mention that these prisoners of war are all your Russian compatriots, and many of them are just Poor people who have been blinded by the Bolshevik propaganda! Any abuse or even killing of captives will be regarded as a challenge to the coalition forces!" Wang Geng's words were not high-pitched, but he exuded an irresistible dominance.

"Send someone to send a letter to Tukhachevsky, telling him to send a medical team and stretchers to pick up his wounded tomorrow. We can't support those people for the Soviet Red Army!" Utsunomiya Taro suggested from the side.

"Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, some wounded are unwilling to go back to Soviet Russia, what should we do?" Sergey grinned and said.

"Don't let them go back? Is it because they are afraid that they won't be full? It's okay, put a baked potato in each of them, and it will last half a day!" Wu Peifu joked rarely.

"It's not just because of fear of lack of food. Some Red Army wounded families were not from poor and hired farmers. Because of their family status, they were soldiers under surveillance and hostility in the Soviet Red Army. It has been suppressed by the local Soviet, so they are willing to defect to the White Guards...can we keep them?" Sergey said seriously.

"This can't be careless. Maybe many people are Bolsheviks planning to sneak into our team. Who knows if the stories he told are true or not?" a bearded White Guard infantry division commander muttered.

"This is how to deal with the issue of prisoners. Send someone to send a message to Tukhachevsky, asking him to send someone to pick up the lightly or severely wounded who are willing to go back to the Soviet Red Army tomorrow morning. Just as Deputy Chief of Staff Wu said, Put a baked potato in each wounded person’s pocket, and it can take care of the hunger for half a day.” Wang Geng made a decision with a wave of his hand, he was determined to let Tukhachevsky carry the burden of the wounded, one more wounded If you open your mouth more, the Su Onan cluster will be more hesitant to withdraw, and even if it withdraws, it will not go quickly.

What's more, the repeated release of the wounded can not only expand the publicity of the tall image of the Ufa White Guards' preferential treatment of prisoners, establish the image of the White Guards and the coalition forces in the future, but also make these wounded soldiers affect his soldiers when they go back in the future, making it impossible for the Red Army to fight the White Guards to the death. The will to the end, but in all fairness, in Russia in 191, the deep hatred between the red and white sides could not be resolved by releasing the wounded a few times, everything can only be done slowly and imperceptibly.

"Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, what about the 1 uninjured prisoners of war? Can you screen them on the spot and select fighters who are willing to defect to Russia to supplement our infantry division?" Qi, the commander of the White Guards on the southeastern defense line, was speaking. Movsky, this guy's division lost nearly 2000 people in one day's battle. He saw among the prisoners of war those demobilized soldiers who had previously participated in the Tsarist Russian army and the former prisoners of war who joined the army after being repatriated from Germany.

"Well, we can't do that for the time being. It's easy to tell them to lay down their weapons, but it's a bit difficult to tell them to turn their guns and shoot at their previous battles. We don't lack these soldiers. These more than 10000 Red Army prisoners passed through the train overnight. Transshipment to the east of the Ural Mountains, the coal mines and roads in West Siberia are short of strong laborers, first let them work as coolies to earn their daily rations, we don’t feed people who eat for free!” Wang Geng made a smile. Decide.

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