Beiyang 1917

Chapter 315

"Reporting a call from the headquarters of the Second Ural Cavalry Army, the tentative attack launched by the Seventh Brigade of Petrovich's Cavalry Division to the Soviet Russian Red Army position in Chernigovka was repelled by the opponent, and our casualties were nearly 300. According to reports It is estimated that the Red Army on the opposite position has about two divisions of troops, but the density of Maxim heavy machine guns is very high. There have been at least 100 heavy machine guns in the five-kilometer circular position. Petrovich asked the Ufa artillery to support "Ufa The tentative attack of the Second Cavalry Army obviously hit the iron plate - book_)

"Do you want to send out the air force to bomb?" Utsunomiya Taro cheered up, and rushed to suggest that it would be difficult to hear the gunshots 20 kilometers away in Ufa, and apparently Petrovich's cavalry division Qingqi sent out and did not bring it. cannon


"Not in a hurry, order the two cavalry divisions of Petrovich and Sergei to dispatch, outflank and surround the enemy behind Chernigovka, and send scout cavalry to scout westward for the main force of the Tukhachevsky Southern Group. Movement, order Pepelyaev to lead all four divisions of the Ufa Second Army to dispatch to encircle the enemy in Chernigovka from the east, but do not launch an attack, just dig a trench and surround the enemy." Wang Geng's side Looking at the map, I gave orders without looking back

"Isn't the Field Artillery Squad going? Petrovich said that there are a lot of heavy machine guns on the opponent's ground." Taro Utsunomiya said anxiously.

"The three mountain artillery companies of the First Ufa Army and the remaining two mountain artillery companies of the Second Army can go with Pepelyaev. The Russian field artillery is heavy and clumsy, so there is no need to drag it to the front for now. Trouble, Major General Tian Jun took the armored reconnaissance battalion to give me a review of the terrain around Chernigovka, and then reorganized a war chess deduction plan for encirclement and reinforcements. The focus is to predict the direction of the opponent's attack and retreat. , and the best position of our artillery position, it’s not real enough just by looking at it from a reconnaissance plane.”

After issuing a series of orders, Wang Geng thought about it again, fearing that Pepelyaev's Ufa Second Army would not be able to encircle him and let the opponent break through, so he continued, "Order the aviation team to dispatch a squadron of SE5 fighter jets." And a dh4 reconnaissance bomber squadron over Chernigovka to monitor the movement of the Soviet Red Army on the ground. If the opponent tries to break out, they will strike from the air and resolutely destroy them.”

"Then the other party doesn't break through? How about we use the air force to destroy the heavy machine gun on his position?" Utsunomiya Taro obviously felt a little unsatisfactory. How much does the air force burn for every minute it stays in the sky? Aviation fuel, it’s always good to save a little bit. What’s more, when the air force was attacking the opponent’s cavalry division in the air yesterday, it was a joy to hear Hata Junroku say that it’s called chopping melons and vegetables.

Wang Geng glanced at Utsunomiya Taro, and thought to himself that you are 57 years old, why are you so restless like a 27-year-old boy, anyway, you are also the commander of the front line of the Japanese army, shouting and killing all day long I don't even have the consciousness of a commander-in-chief

"Don't be in a hurry to attack, just monitor. The wounded army left behind by Tukhachevsky is just the bait for us to continue to catch the Soviet Red Army. If you rely on him to support the guard position Even if the machine guns are knocked out, how can they still be determined to defend, once the opponent chooses to break through, then our one-man show will not be able to continue." Wang Geng comforted Utsunomiya Taro with a smile

Wu Peifu, who had been meditating in front of the battle map, turned around at this time, and said hesitantly, "Commander-in-chief, we only have a team of 5000 people from Jiang Hongyu's troops on the north road. If we want to encircle and detour to Jieqiuxi and Xin If Birsk cuts off the opponent's retreat, will the troops be a little thin?"

Speaking of which, Wu Peifu walked to the map, drew a circle at Brigoma, Babre, and October Town, and continued,

"Three divisions of the opponent's Fifth Army, six divisions of the Ninth Army, plus the remaining ten divisions of the main force of the southern group that Tukhachevsky withdrew, a team of nearly 20 people, we detoured on the southern line They have 5000 troops, but there are only 5000 on the northern front. Even if they can eat up the three infantry divisions of the Fifth Army on the northern front at Chistopol, I'm afraid it will be a bit overwhelming "

"Are you worried that Tukhachevsky will jump over the wall and not break out to the west and south, but to the north? To the north is the wide Kamala River, and on the other side is the White Guard of Kazan Kolchak. This guy is heading north. It’s not worth it to go face to face.” Wang Geng frowned slightly and said

"Even if he breaks out to the west, if we want to defend the 200-kilometer river bank of Tetyushi, the opposite bank of Simbirsk, Setherland and Samara, such a small force seems insufficient." Wu Peifu insisted on his own opinion

Wang Geng shook his head and thought to himself, Nima, from the right bank of the Volga River to the Great Plain of Ufa, Kolchak's bottles and jars will be in the future. Who said that I will stick to one city and one place?It is the strategic goal of the coalition to eliminate as many active forces as possible of the Soviet Russian Eastern Front and Southern Front before winter comes.

But after thinking about it, Jiang Hongyu's detour on the north road is full of mobile troops dominated by cavalry, and it is really far from worthwhile to use cavalry troops for defense and consumption. Thinking of this, Wang Geng said thoughtfully, "Yeah According to what you mean, send another detour to the north? Who will you send?"

"I'm taking a brigade"

"I'll take an armored regiment"

Utsunomiya Taro and Wu Peifu shouted scramblingly. If Hata Shunroku hadn't led his staff and led the armored reconnaissance battalion to Chernigovka, Zhunbao would have raised his hand to rush to go.

Wang Geng thought for a while, shook his head and said, "You two are my deputy, the headquarters wants to direct the overall situation, Ishihara and Itagaki have gone out to lead the troops, and even Tian Jun slips out from time to time. The picture is to command the troops of a division quickly

In this way, the 60th Mixed Brigade of the Xiong Shihui Division, the 13th Infantry Brigade of the [-]th Division, and a White Guard Infantry Division from the Ufa Second Army were transferred as the second echelon of the North Road detour. How about this arrangement? ? "

"Who will the commander send?" Wu Peifu and Utsunomiya Taro said in unison

"Xiong Shihui or Fujii can do it, anyway, you two just can't do it" Wang Geng said with a smile

Wu Peifu and Utsunomiya Taro refused to give in to each other. In the end, they drew lots. Wu Peifu was a little luckier, and won the position of commander of the second echelon of the North Road detour for Xiong Shihui. Xiong Shihui, who heard the news and rushed to the war room, was very happy The commander of the group army who jumped up and hugged him was like a bear hug, and beside him were the helpless and disappointed eyes of the commander of the seventh division, Fujii Yukatsuki and Utsunomiya, who also rushed over.

The total strength of the second echelon on the North Road detour is more than 7000 people. The 60th mixed brigade of the Chinese participating army is the main force. It governs three infantry regiments, an artillery regiment, an armored reconnaissance battalion, an engineering battalion and a supply battalion. The whole brigade is about 10000 People, the 13th Infantry Brigade of the Seventh Division of Japan has about 7200 people in two infantry regiments, and about 10000 people in a White Guard infantry division of the Ufa Second Army

The detour troops were personally commanded by Xiong Shihui, commander of the No.20 Division of the Allied Chinese Third Group Army. They set off from Ufa in the morning and transported them along the railway line to Cherny on the Kamala River. The detour route of Jiang Hongyu's troops is moving to the southwest

It is expected to arrive in Zainsk later that night and Almetyevsk tomorrow evening, closing the gap left by Jiang Hongyu's westward advance

In this way, by July 1918, 7, the two detour troops on the southern line of the coalition added up to 10 people, and the total number of detour troops on the northern line would reach 5000. Govka and the coalition forces used the four divisions of the Ufa Second Army with a total of 2000 troops to encircle the 4 troops left behind by the Southern Group of the Soviet Russian Eastern Front Army. division and a cavalry regiment of 3000 men

Surrounded by the superior forces of the Ufa White Guards, Rzhevski had been psychologically prepared. What surprised him was that dozens of coalition fighters and bombers showing off their might appeared in the sky, and a machine gun flew overhead from the Red Army position. One of the fighter jets fired, and the result was good. The opponent's plane was not shot down. With this machine gun as the center, the trenches and firepower points around 500 meters were completely destroyed by the opponent's torrential air strike retaliation.

Almost all the troops of a battalion of the infantry division of the Red Army defending this position were killed. This forced Lezhevski to urgently order that unless the opponent's plane launched an attack, any ground weapons were strictly prohibited from shooting into the air and anyone who dared to violate the order would be shot.

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