Beiyang 1917

Chapter 317 The Desperate Lezhevski

Lezhevsky took a long time to ask roughly from the wounded cavalry division that was released. The armored troops dispatched by the opponent in the battle yesterday had 110130 vehicles, and then came from the northwest with about 4 to 50 vehicles. Fowski has generally heard about the formation of the coalition forces. At most, the opponent dispatched only a reinforced armored regiment. He didn't expect his own cavalry division to chase after ducks. sharp?How many ground troops did they dispatch into Ufa?

Before Lezhevsky figured out what the opponent's next move would be, what kind of mystery was he playing with the allied planes circling in the sky threatening him without launching an attack?

Immediately afterwards, the troublesome machine gunner on the Red Army's position pulled the trigger on a coalition fighter jet flying overhead from low altitude. As a result, the mutton was not eaten, but it caused a mess. All directions rushed to the machine gun fire point and the nearby trenches. In just ten minutes, the troops of a battalion guarding the 800-meter trench were wiped out by enemy planes sweeping and bombing. Six Maxim heavy machine guns were deployed on the position. also vanished

The price of blood and the reality in front of them made the Soviet and Russian infantry on the entire position shudder. Since there were not many planes invested in Germany and Austria on the Eastern Front, even those veterans who returned from the prisoner-of-war camps seldom had a close look. When it comes to how much damage a well-trained air strike can cause to the ground troops, it is a completely unequal battle to keep fighting like this. At least the Red Army soldiers of the Fourth Army have not yet achieved the miracle of shooting down a plane with a rifle such good luck and good fortune


However, the eight aerial bombs weighing 4 kilograms each dropped by each dh25 reconnaissance bomber gave the Soviet Russian Red Army fighters a taste of what aerial bombing is. The Delipet 0400 can carry 0400 kg of aerial bombs. When the 906 performs ground bombing missions, it generally carries 0400 aerial bombs of 32 kg or 25 aerial bombs of 16 kg. The nightmare of the Soviet Russian ground forces lacking anti-aircraft weapons

The retaliatory air strike that Rzhevski's troops encountered was nothing more than a small test by the coalition air force

Although the Soviet Red Army soldiers on the entire Chernigovka position were shocked by the overbearing air bombing of the coalition forces, fortunately, the coalition air force was only for revenge rather than for a full-scale attack or to annihilate all the troops on the position. The purpose of the Soviet and Russian troops, plus Lezhevsky's urgent ban on actively firing at coalition aircraft in the air, so the situation finally calmed down after half an hour.

For Lezhevski, there is no question of whether to fight or go. The coalition forces sent an air force to hover over their positions, obviously mostly for surveillance purposes. Just now, a battalion was completely destroyed in the course of more than ten minutes. The process taught the Red Army officers and soldiers in every position a lesson, that is, don't act rashly

Not long after that, a group of coalition wheeled armored vehicles drove over majestically along the main road from the direction of Ufa. The large-caliber machine guns could make people feel the cold light flickering from the muzzle of the guns one kilometer away. The staff and the armored reconnaissance battalion came to reconnaissance and draw Rzhevski's position configuration

Although there were only 40 wheeled armored vehicles, they raised dust all over the sky. The machine gunners leaning out from the turrets of the armored vehicles did not pay attention to the nearly two divisions of the Soviet Red Army on the circular defensive position. Two lines passed by both sides of the Fourth Army's position in Chernigovka and began to circle around the position. At this time, the coalition reconnaissance planes and fighter jets in the sky consciously lowered their flight altitudes, and there was a burst of rain and wind on the entire position. The posture of the building

"The coalition army facing Comrade Commander is only 40 armored vehicles. Let me lead the cavalry regiment to rush out and destroy them. It would be great if they can capture a few of them."

Dandinov, the commander of the cavalry regiment left behind by the First Army, was eager to try. This guy is one of Chabayev's men. Seeing that the other party has few people and cars, and is swaggering a bit contemptuous of others, I can't help but get angry and want to take the cavalry regiment out to encircle and wipe out the opponent

In the past, Rzhevsky would have asked this guy to take the cavalry regiment out to test the reality of the opponent's armored troops, but at this moment he felt that it was completely unnecessary. The first cavalry division led by Lezhevsky was the ace main division in Lezhevski's hands. Yesterday, he was wiped out by a wheeled armored vehicle of a reinforced regiment. This Dandinov has only one regiment in his hands, so there is no need to go out to find death

If there were no coalition planes circling and watching, maybe Rzhevski would let him go out to gamble. At this moment, he stayed honestly and annoyed the coalition air force in the sky. There are more than 3 people here I don't know how many of them will still be able to see the sun tomorrow morning. Lezhevski felt extremely depressed for a while. This is really not a heavyweight contest. When did the heroic Fourth Army of the Eastern Front fall into such a bleak situation?

Dandinov's courage and recklessness were not affirmed by the deputy commander of the group and the commander of the Fourth Army Rzhevsky. He hid somewhere sullen and sullen, and the wheeled armored vehicles of the coalition forces outside the position had not yet Disappeared, and a long convoy of military trucks came along the main road from the direction of Ufa. It seemed that there was no end in sight. The trucks drove to a distance of 1500 meters in front of the position before stopping at the side of the road.

Countless Ufa White Guards jumped out of the truck compartment. It was Wang Geng who mobilized the logistics transport convoy of the coalition to transfer Pepelyaev's Ufa Second Army to the front line in batches, a total of four hundred A Dodge one-and-a-half-ton military truck transported troops from Ufa to Chernihivka, 20 kilometers away, in just half an hour.

A Dodge one-and-a-half-ton truck transported two fully armed squads of 24 infantry soldiers. The coalition logistics used 400 Dodge military trucks to transport the entire infantry division of the Ufa Second Army to the front line at one time. The entire convoy stretched over 2 Kilometers, this section of the road is in good condition, and the transportation is fast

A 20-kilometer journey would take more than three and a half hours on armed cross-country walks, but in less than two hours now, Pepelyaev's Ufa Second Army has arrived around Chernigovka, rounding up the opponent's positions surrounded

Four White Guard infantry divisions with a total of 4 people began to build a line of defense and dig trenches at a distance of 1500 meters from Lezhevsky's line of defense. It looked like an exercise without even the necessary precautions. Of course, you can also It is understood that the coalition air force in the sky is on duty for them, and the coalition air force planes above the position have come and gone and come and kept the number of two squadrons. Obviously, the airport must not be far from the front line

This time, no Lengtouqing dared to easily fire at the White Guard infantry division 1500 meters away. The Maxim heavy machine guns deployed by the opponent on the position may have exceeded 200, and at least five artillery companies were dispatched to accompany them. The atmosphere on the positions of the Russian Fourth Army was extremely depressing. Many of the lightly wounded who had been released had dropped their weapons and were crying in the trenches with their heads in their hands. The atmosphere of despair shrouded every surrounded Soviet Russia. Heart of a Red Army soldier

"Comrade Commander, what kind of tricks is the enemy doing? The soldiers are almost crushed." The one who rushed over was Savier, the commander of the Uralsk Infantry Division who followed Rzhevsky in the Fourth Army. wich

"Comrade Commander, you must calm down. The glorious Fourth Army must not be defeated before a battle. As a division-level senior commander, you must calm down." Lezhevski's face was livid, and he shouted in a low voice

"I don't think the situation is good, Comrade Rzhevsky. Before the enemy has completely encircled and the fortifications have just begun to be repaired, I will take the lead with the whole division and kill a bloody road. Let Dandinov lead the cavalry regiment to protect you." And the headquarters are following the breakout." Savievic's sense of smell is not slow, and the White Guards on the opposite side obviously look determined to eat himself. Everyone has seen the power of the coalition air force just now, and this will be delayed. , the annihilation of the entire army is likely to be the only ending for the more than 3 Soviet Russian Red Army soldiers here

"You bastard, I want to run away and stay with you? Our only mission is to protect the wounded and stand by for help. Who dares to say another word to shake the morale of the army? Don't blame me, Rzhevsky, for not being sympathetic. From the commander to the ordinary soldier Shoot them all." Rzhevsky put his hand on the holster around his waist, frightening his division commander Savievic staggered and almost fell down.

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