Beiyang 1917

Chapter 322 Trotsky's Compromise

"But what about the Urals? What if the Ural enemy attacks in the direction of Samara and Syzran and cuts off the retreat of the Southern Group? We don't even know what part of the Ural enemy is and how many troops it has. How can we abandon it rashly? Ignore it?" Trotsky said uncompromisingly

"The Urals can be handed over to the Southern Army. The Southern Army severely damaged the Krasnov and Denikin bandits in the North Caucasus in the last Tsaritsyn battle. You can ask Joseph to send the Eighth Army from the Southern Army to march northeast to recover the Urals and then Then turn to Samara in the northwest direction to protect the Volga River ferry. Besides, didn’t Yegorov leave a division of the Ninth Army stationed on the line between Syzran and Samara?” Ulyanov obviously has a good memory

"Slavin also left a division to garrison in Tetyushi. I don't think there is any need to discuss the retreat of the southern group. After they join forces with the fifth and ninth armies, they will have a strength of more than 23. Whether it is Gore Chak’s main force in Kazan is still the Ufa coalition army and the White Guards. It is simply a fantasy to eat up 23 people in one bite. How long does it take to catch and kill 23 pigs? How many troops are enough? There is an old Chinese saying called Surrounded by ten, is it possible for the coalition forces to have so many troops west of the Ural Mountains? It is completely impossible."

Sdrviyov added on the sidelines, this guy has obviously entered the kind of rehearsal of the imperial envoy coming to the front to command the army, with a hint of complacency and arrogance in his uneasiness, in order to show that he can also become a military expert, this guy even used Using 23 pigs as an example, it shows that the situation in the Southern Cluster is far less dire than Trotsky feared

"How much food and ammunition do 23 troops need to meet the needs of logistical support? The villages and towns hundreds of kilometers on the right bank of the Volga River are almost empty. The food on the Ufa front line is only enough for the 23 troops to feed for two weeks after the division is joined. Comrade Viyov"

Trotsky lost his composure and yelled at his deputy. Although everyone in the central committee knew that Sdrviyov was Comrade Ulyanov's most loyal and closest comrade-in-arms, at this moment Trotsky Lotsky is really on fire

"You can ask Comrade Joseph to think of a way from the direction of Tsaritsyn. There is really no surplus food near Moscow at the moment. The food collected with great difficulty last time has been supplied to the southern group."

Kamenev grinned and said that he was a little disappointed to be robbed of the position of imperial envoy by Sdrviyov, but he also realized from Trotsky's words that he was now going to the Ufa front to command 23 Wan Dajun is not such a relaxed job, maybe he is wading in muddy water, and if he is not allowed to go, he will not be dragged down

"Kamenev, Zinoviev, the logistics support still depends on your food requisition team, Dzerzhinsky's Cheka will cooperate with you, I don't care what you think, within half a month, you must Prepare enough food for 23 people for at least one month for Sdrviyov's troops on the front line. The workers at the arsenal in Nizhny Novgorod have to work overtime to produce bullets and shells to meet the needs of the front line. This is a relationship. to the life and death of the Bolshevik regime"

Ulyanov ignored the dispute between Trotsky and Sderviyov, and turned his head to add burdens to Kamenev and Zinoviev, while Dzerzhinsky had to continue to let Che cards come into play

"Comrade Ulyanov, I have no objection to Sdrviyov going to the front to personally command the Southern Group, but I think we must create a reliable environment and conditions for the Southern Group. Victory does not only depend on our courage and courage. it also requires logistical support and intelligence gathering

If everyone decides that the Southern Group will continue to attack in the direction of Ufa, then I suggest that the Tenth Army of the Southern Front Army be transferred northward to Syzran and Samara to protect the rear of the Southern Group. If the law is well established, the enemies of the Urals will not occupy themselves in the future, and now we have to do everything for the Eastern Front." Trotsky gritted his teeth and made his own choice

"Ah, that's right, my Comrade Trotsky. Confidence and courage are our two most precious weapons. I agree with you. Our slogan is all for the Eastern Front. The Southern Cluster is on the Ufa River Volga We must win the title of the main front army. If the coalition forces come today with one division and 50 planes to scare away our main force of 20 to 500, then tomorrow the coalition forces will come with ten divisions and [-] planes, right? Want to surrender without a fight? Today we only need to show a little cowardice, and tomorrow no one will stand up to defend the Soviets."

Ulyanov obviously expressed his sincere appreciation to Trotsky for having figured it out. At this time, he never wanted to split with the founder of his Red Army. Youism and the weakness of the petty bourgeoisie, when it is time to beat and fight, you have to fight and beat a few times

"In addition, can the Zhongyang Committee consider whether we can obtain anti-aircraft weapons or even combat aircraft from Germany? The sky over Russia does not belong to our Soviet Red Army at all now, or we can urgently purchase a batch of aircraft from Germany, and then let them give We train some pilots? Without air cover ground troops suffer heavy casualties from bombing and sweeping by enemy planes, and the impact on morale is also very large”

Trotsky saw that his compromise had won Ulyanov's approval, and in a blink of an eye he began to make plans for the Red Army he created by himself.

"That's a good idea, but the air force of the Germans is much smaller than that of the Allies, and the planes they produce can't keep up with the damage and consumption. I think it's difficult. We can ask them for some anti-aircraft weapons. In the end Why don’t you give us back some of the anti-aircraft guns captured by the Tsarist Russian army a few years ago?” Ulyanov scratched his head, and at the moment he enjoyed the Van Er who became the leader, especially when Trotsky bowed his head and give in now

"In my opinion, food can be bought from Ukraine and Belarus. Since we acquiesce in the du li of the other party, then they should also return one or two in return. Air defense weapons, on the one hand, they can buy part of it from the Allies, and on the other hand, they can let Nizhny Novak Rhodes' arsenal refitted the Maxim heavy machine gun. It is said that as long as the high-speed gun mount is replaced, it can become an air defense machine gun. Of course, it can only hit aircraft at an altitude of 2500 meters, but the enemy's bombing and sweeping heights are definitely not high enough. It’s that high, it should work.”

Kamenev came up with ideas from the side, and Sdrviyov smiled when he heard that. He knew that Kamenev also wanted to go to the front to command a front army. Help with ideas, sdrviyov is grateful

"So, it's settled? Comrade Trotsky, in the name of the Supreme Revolutionary Military Council, issues the following order to the front:

1. Due to ineffective command of frontline operations, Tukhachevsky was dismissed from the post of commander of the Southern Group of the Eastern Front Army

2. Sdrviyov, member of the central yang and military commissar of the Supreme Revolutionary Military Council, was the commander of the southern group of the Eastern Front Army, and unified command of all Red Army troops on the right bank of the Volga River. Before Sdrviyov took office, the commander of the Second Army Commander Ma Xin Acting Commander of the South Group

3. Order the South Group to return to Ufa with bold actions after rejoining the Fifth and Ninth Army Groups, open the enemy's encirclement, rescue 3 people from the Rzhevsky Group, and then decide on the next direction of operations

4. Order the Southern Front Army under the leadership of Kamenev, Zinoviev and Dzerzhinsky to collect food for 23 people for a month as soon as possible, and send the Tenth Army to escort the food, no later than ten Delivered to Syzran and Samara within [-] day

5. Order the southern front to mobilize powerful troops to eliminate the enemies who fled and occupied the Urals

Our slogan: All for the Eastern Front”

Under the leadership of Ulyanov, Moscow made a desperate attempt to defend the glory of the Soviet Red Army and the Soviet regime by inflicting heavy setbacks on the Ufa battlefield to the Allied forces and the White Guards.

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