Beiyang 1917

Chapter 329 Waiting For You To Enter The Urn

~ri period:~month 2ri~

Jiang Hongyu led the 4nd Mixed Armored Brigade of the [-]st Armored Division and set off from Almetyevsk early in the morning. After marching for half a day, they successfully arrived at the scheduled ambush location [-] kilometers southwest of Chistopol. This is the place where three rivers meet. Although the small river is not too deep and not too wide, it is not easy to swim across it if you don't know how to swim. ***

For Jiang Hongyu, it was not easy to seize command of the detour troops on the North Route from the position of chief of staff of the coalition forces. Fortunately, Wang Geng agreed to his request and allocated the Second Mixed Armored Brigade under Sun Liangcheng's First Armored Division. , the Second Division of the Ural Cavalry and the Seventh Cavalry Wing of the Seventh Division of Japan, a total of 5000 troops were commanded by him.

The whole army took the train north from Ufa to Cherny on the Kamala River, and then marched mechanized to Zainsk in the southwest. They barked overnight and swooped in to take Almetyevsk the next day. With little effort, Almetyevsk was guarded by only one battalion of the First Army of the Soviet Russian Red Army, and none of them escaped.

For the mechanized troops, fuel is the key. Fortunately, the coalition has already established an oil warehouse in Cherny, an important town on the Kamala River, and the coalition command has specially organized a transport convoy. Transportation of oil and logistics supplies in Yevsk.

For the mixed armored brigade of the participating army, the fuel carried by the vehicle itself can be used by the whole brigade for a long-distance trek of one kilometer, while the fuel loaded by the baggage unit can meet the troop’s next trek of one kilometer. After that, fuel must be replenished to continue moving forward .

The coalition logistics force accompanied Jiang Hongyu's troops forward, only half a day away, that is, [-] kilometers away. When Jiang Hongyu's troops captured Almetyevsk, this place became a place for oil and materials to be hoarded and transferred. Military base camp.

Jiang Hongyu left an armored battalion to guard Almetyevsk, and the main force of the Second Mixed Armored Brigade moved to the scheduled ambush site on the afternoon of July 9th.

According to the enemy's report from the Hawkeye pre-alert plane, the three infantry divisions of the Soviet Russian Fifth Army that occupied Chistopol only barked for less than half a day, and went straight to Almedi along the road of chasing the Cossack cavalry battalion in the morning. Yevsk came, and the marching speed was not fast, only five kilometers in an hour. {friend upload update}

After making gestures on the one-fifty-thousandth military map, it was obvious that the opponent planned to march straight to Almetyevsk at night. It was 4 kilometers away, and the opponent could reach it by marching until midnight.

"Chief of Staff! If it's a night battle, the air force's bombing effect will be much worse, and distinguishing between the enemy and the enemy is also a problem!" The speaker was Hu Zongduo, the brigade commander of the Second Armored Brigade, from Huangmei, Hunan, and the infantry department of the fourth batch of Baoding Military Academy. After graduation, he followed Bai Chongxi from Guangxi to the north to join the war army, and now he is the brigade commander of the second armored brigade.

"What are you afraid of? Without the aviation team, we can't fight the war? If I say that without the planes to add chaos, we can fight more happily. We don't need air-ground coordination and coordination, just focus on firing on the opposite side!" Jiang Hongyu glared at Hu Zongduo road.

"Afraid? I voted for the war army, but I have never seen how to write fear! But the chief of staff, I heard that the enemy on the opposite side has three divisions. I am not afraid of the black lights. This is the place where three rivers meet. When the time comes, the opponent will be scattered." It's not easy for us to chase after him!" Hu Zongduo, the commander of the Second Armored Brigade, rubbed his head and said with a smile.

"The three rivers just block the opponent's way of retreating. Let's not open fire until they cross the river. I'll keep my mouth shut. Whoever adjusts the chain at that time will kill Ma Di with tears!" Jiang Hongyu said sternly.

"Yes! Don't worry, chief of staff, you can sit in the headquarters and watch our second brigade clean up each other. Don't talk about fighting each other. With the level of weapons and equipment of the Soviet Russian Red Army, it is no problem for us to fight five by one. The Ural cavalry behind us The division doesn't need to come here to claim credit at all, let alone the cavalry regiment in Japan!" Hu Zongduo said confidently.

Jiang Hongyu set up a pocket formation five kilometers southeast of the confluence of the three rivers. Two wheeled armored vehicles in one armor group formed a crescent-shaped defensive position, like two 2mm large-caliber heavy machine guns. The firepower density reaches one armored combat vehicle every 2 meters, and this guy uses one armored regiment to form a 27-kilometer-long defense line.

All the vehicle-mounted infantry of the First Armored Regiment got out of their cars and entered the position. There were eight people in a squad, and a 97 field manual rifle. On average, one person guarded the 6-meter line of defense. The trenches were almost ready to be dug in the afternoon.

The three armored battalions of the armored regiment are three battalion mortar companies with 6 guns of caliber, which can attack a mortar group with a maximum range of 2 kilometers. Mortars, the whole regiment adds up to 2 platoon mortars, which can attack targets within meters.


Two kilometers behind the position of the first armored regiment, Jiang Hongyu deployed the brigade artillery regiment of the second armored brigade. Two 75-caliber field artillery battalions governed four 4-type field artillery with a maximum range of 5 meters. The Caliber Mountain Cannon Battalion has 75 24-type mountain cannons with a maximum range of 7 meters.

The second armored regiment was arranged on the left side of the first regiment's position, and the third armored regiment was arranged on the right side of the first regiment's position. The artillery companies of these two regiments and the artillery company of the first regiment were strengthened together at the position of the artillery group of the entire brigade. The armored reconnaissance battalion belonging to the brigade has become a mobile force and reserve team!

The bottom of Jiang Hongyu's net is 6 kilometers wide, and the two sides extend 4 kilometers. The entire combat position is as high as 4 kilometers. Triple the enemy.

Of course, Jiang Hongyu was full of confidence. The artillery of his armored mixed brigade was equivalent to the artillery of a group army of the Soviet Russian Red Army. There were 5 artillery companies with 9 cannons, not counting 9 mortars!Not counting the 4 fd7ii wheeled armored vehicles and the new 27 large-caliber heavy machine guns on the rotating turret!

Armed to the teeth, the Second Armored Brigade of the Chinese Participating Army opened its mouth wide and bared its fangs at the three infantry divisions of the Northern Route Army of the Soviet Russian Fifth Army!

The three infantry divisions of the North Route Army of the Fifth Army of the Soviet Russian Eastern Front consisted of the First Smolensk Infantry Division, the Fourth Petrograd Infantry Division and the 25th Infantry Division of the Simbirsk Iron Army. The commander of the former enemy is the chief of staff of the Fifth Army, Eh. This guy is Slavin's right-hand man and a member of the Military Committee of the Fifth Army's former enemy. It is from this guy's idea that the Fifth Army will be divided into two groups to reinforce Ufa. .

To say that these three divisions are really the main force of the Fifth Army, most of them were veterans of the February Revolution and the October Revolution, and the Bolsheviks were absolutely dominant among the soldiers. Each division had a Maxim heavy machine gun battalion, Each division had two batteries of artillery, and this detachment crossed the Volga from Tetyushi, had no bark at Bolgar, and the whole army traveled the kilometer to Chistopol in two days at a rapid march.

The Chief of Staff of the Fifth Army, Eich, did not expect that his Northern Route Army would encounter the Cavalry of the White Guards in Chistopol. Although there was only one battalion of troops, he soon gave up resistance after discovering the arrival of the Soviet Red Army Brigade. Withdrew from Chistopol, but Eich did not dare to neglect. While sending the vanguard brigade of the 4th Petrograd Infantry Division to pursue along the direction of the opponent's retreat, he sent a telegram to the headquarters of the Fifth Army, reporting himself and Please ask for the next action plan for the situation encountered by the White Guard cavalry.

Not long after, that is, around two o'clock in the afternoon on July 9, 7, the North Route Army, which Wang had rested in Chistopol for two hours, received a call back from Army Commander Slavin:

, The coalition forces have officially entered the war, and Ufa found that at least one reinforced armored regiment of the enemy entered the battle and wiped out the cavalry division of the Fourth Army with the cooperation of the coalition air force.

2. It is not safe for your troops to be alone in the north, because you should leave Chistopol as soon as possible and move closer to the main force of the Army Group. It is expected that the South Route Army of the Fifth Army will arrive at the Brigoma and Bavley line tomorrow evening, and the main force of the Ninth Army Rendezvous, your troops can take the method of marching at night and resting in concealment during the day along the way, so as to avoid the sight of the coalition reconnaissance planes in the sky.

Here, Aihe did not dare to neglect after receiving the telegram. While ordering the whole army to take a break, he decided to set off at 4 pm, and strive to arrive at Briguma tomorrow evening to join the main force of the group army!

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