Beiyang 1917

Chapter 332

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But what happened next made the Soviet Russian Fifth Army Chief of Staff Ekh's heart sink. He saw that after his artillery group adjusted the world, before the second wave of artillery shells had time to fire, there was a thunderous sound from behind the opposite enemy's position. The sound of artillery, the artillery of at least 5 artillery companies opened fire 2 kilometers behind the position, and nearly a hundred shells whizzed past their heads, and then exploded on the artillery positions of their six artillery companies three kilometers away. With just such a face-to-face meeting, the artillery of the Northern Route Army, which had six companies, no longer existed. On average, each artillery was at least hit by the opponent's shells.

This is not over yet, the heavy machine gun battalion on my side has not finished firing half of the ammunition belt, and the stormy bullet rain from the large-caliber heavy machine guns fired back by the opponent has almost plowed the heavy machine gun battalion, the man and the carriage into pieces, and When the rain of Maxim bullets of one's own bloomed near the firepower point of the opponent's heavy machine gun, there were crackling sparks, and then the opponent's mortar shells followed like a shadow, and completely sent the remaining Maxim machine guns on the Red Army's side to the sky.

At this time, gunshots like fried beans came from the left and right wings behind Aihe's position. After a while, several orderlies galloped over panting on horses. After jumping off their horses, they said in horror,

"Report to the Chief of Staff, the troops we outflanked from the two flanks were blocked by the enemy's machine gun fire. The firepower was so fierce that we couldn't rush through! The entire division has been repulsed by the enemy. The division commander asked the Chief of Staff to retreat quickly and get out of the battlefield!" At this time, the wired phone was in a hurry. There is no fight between them, and the order depends on the orderly riding back and forth on the line of fire.

At this time, after the artillery group of at least 5 artillery companies behind the opponent's position completely killed Aihe's artillery group with two waves of bullet rain, they actually began to extend their shooting, and the shells fell like rain into Sisi on both sides of the road three kilometers behind. The ranks of the 24st Morlensk Infantry Division and the [-]th Division of the Simbirsk Iron Army set off a bloodbath.

At the same time, raging fires suddenly ignited one kilometer behind the opponent's position, because the terrain was just on a shallow hillside, so the Soviet Red Army could see three fires forming three huge fires. Arrows made of flames point to the main road and the two sides.

"Chief of Staff! Hurry up and order the withdrawal. The enemy on the opposite side has obviously ambushed here for a long time. The firepower on both sides is no worse than that in the front. We may have encountered at least one army of the other side! This battle cannot be fought like this again!" Kodzic He and Zenifsky both persuaded their chief of staff.

"Pass my order! The Petrograd division stayed behind, and the Smolensk and Simbirsk divisions retreated to the northwest, retreating quickly!" Eich was also panicked at this time, the opponent's firepower was so fierce, and the artillery scale It is so huge, and the shells wantonly trampled on the infantry group as if they had eyes. This battle is really impossible to fight!

Before the guy ordered the retreat, the sound of rumbling aircraft engines came from the sky. Under the misty moonlight, nearly thirty bombers from two squadrons rumbled over Eicher's head, and the screaming bombs began to pour down. Next, each d4 reconnaissance bomber dropped a 25-kilogram aerial bomb, and each Handley Page 4 dropped two 2-kilogram aerial bombs, and 25 52-kilogram aerial bombs fell from the sky. The three infantry divisions were completely enveloped in bloody wind and massacre!

The damage and power of an aerial bomb of less than a ton is so astonishing. On the one hand, because of the narrow battlefield, the troops of the three divisions are running back and forth in a panic, and the obstacles of the three small rivers behind make people instinctively think of going to the main road. After crossing the bridge, many people were directly squeezed into the river. The two-and-a-half-meter-deep and twenty-meter-wide river was a greater threat to Soviet Red Army soldiers who could not swim in the dark than aerial bombs falling from the sky.

It should be said that the bombing of the coalition air force achieved huge and brilliant results. The three Soviet and Russian infantry divisions below completely collapsed under such a huge and powerful blow. Dead bodies and wounded were left everywhere.

Aihe was wrapped up by his own guard battalion and ran wildly, trampling to death and injuring countless of his own people along the way, but Jiang Hongyu accidentally injured his ground troops due to the bombing of the air force, so he hesitated in his pursuit , After the plane above the head finished dropping its bombs and pulled up, the guy gave the order to attack across the board.

Such a delay, coupled with the fact that the Heidengxiahuo position was full of bullet craters, the pursuit of the wheeled armored vehicles of the three armored regiments was delayed. The enemy's corpses were strewn all over the field, and there were pits everywhere, so this guy simply ordered a group to give up the pursuit and stay to clean up the battlefield.

Aihe was a life-threatening guy, and a guard battalion beside him almost suffered all casualties, but he finally rushed out on his horse desperately. After running for about ten kilometers, this guy stopped to organize his troops. The Le division was almost wiped out, the political commissar Zenevsky was killed, and the division commander Kodzic was captured.

More than half of the Smolensk Infantry Division and more than half of the Simbirsk Infantry Division suffered casualties. The combined remnants of the three divisions were less than [-] people. Almost all the lightly and seriously wounded were left on the battlefield. Many people ran empty-handed and panicked. .

In fact, the small river at the confluence of the three rivers drowned many Soviet Red Army soldiers who were squeezed into the river to swim in the dark, and objectively blocked the pursuit of Jiang Hongyu's armored brigade. Aihe commanded the engineering company to blow up the blast, and it took time to build a pontoon bridge to cross the river in the dark night, so that the remnants of Aihe's three divisions retreated across the river and ran for more than ten kilometers after crossing the bridge with a breath of breath.

Although Jiang Hongyu was a little annoyed, in order to avoid accidental injury during the bombing of the coalition air force, it was still the right decision to encircle the armored battalion Wang from both wings outside the bombing range of the plane. In his opinion, the defeated Soviet Russian infantry on the opposite side The division lost almost all artillery and heavy machine gun battalions after this disastrous defeat. How could it run past its own four-wheeled armored vehicle with just two feet, not to mention the second Ural Cavalry Division and the Japanese Cavalry Wing in the back road Waiting to make dumplings.

The cavalry is more limited in night battles in the field. Unless they are on the main road, they will detour in the swamps and rivers. If they are not careful, they will stumble. This is why the Ural Second Cavalry Division arrived an hour later than the scheduled time. The reason for specifying the location.Fortunately, the outflanking position designated by Jiang Hongyu was [-] kilometers northwest of the battlefield, so at any rate, the Ural cavalry division and the [-] cavalry of the Japanese cavalry regiment surrounded the exhausted remnants of the Aihe North Route Army .

At 4 o'clock in the morning, when the sky was getting bright, the remnants of Aihe, who were already tired and could no longer walk, had to stop and rest. From the departure yesterday morning to this morning, the team only rested for more than an hour yesterday afternoon in 24 hours. It is not an exaggeration to describe the remnants of Aihe as throwing away armor and armor and defeating the future.

"Chief of Staff, the soldiers can no longer run, so they can only stop and fight each other. We still have the strength of a division, and it is not so easy to eat us!" The commander of the Smolensk Infantry Division has been killed. Now it was Bozikov, the division political commissar who was wounded and wrapped in gauze, who was speaking.

"Chief of Staff, I can't run anymore, stop and fight! Here is a small highland, and there is a river beside it, it can withstand it for a while!" Pinsky, the commander of the 25th Division of the Simbirsk Iron Army, sat down on his buttocks. typical.

Aihe's mount was exhausted and died a few miles away. At this moment, the three division-level cadres were all on foot, and there were not many guards left around them.

"Hey...—some water...♀ battle...fucking useless...pass my order, the whole army is on alert, and rest on the spot for 10 minutes!" Aihe sat down on the ground, feeling sad Incomparably, if it weren't for the remnants of these tens of thousands of people counting on him to lead a way out, I'm afraid these fellows would even have the intention of committing suicide.

After the team stopped, the whole army fell to the ground like bones falling apart. Many people were stunned, and some even began to whimper and cry. A teacher collapsed!

After a while, Shomolov, the commander of the 25st brigade of the [-]th Division of the Simbirsk Iron Army who was in charge of the rear, caught up and said, out of breath,

"Chief of Staff, you must not stop. Enemy armored troops have already appeared on the road three kilometers behind. It seems that they have crossed the river and chased them up. We have to keep running! We are waiting to die!" As he said this, the guy wiped off his sweat, grabbed a ladle of water from the guard at the side, and poured it up with a gurgle. The guy's brigade has relatively more strength, and there is still more than one regiment of troops left.

"Run? Run there? Can you run on two legs with four wheels! The guns are gone, and it is almost dawn, and the opponent's air team may come again soon. Comrade Brigadier, I order, your brigade is here Establish a blocking position in the rear of the entire army! Protect the rear wings of the entire army! We fought against each other! I have to die to understand, and told the soldiers that death in battle is better than death from exhaustion! There are 4 people!" Eich gritted his teeth.

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