Beiyang 1917

Chapter 337 The Burning Ninth Army

~ri period:~month 6ri~

Several political commissars and their army commanders looked at each other in blank dismay. When they thought that the Ninth Army was escorting the urgently needed food and ammunition of the Southern Group, everyone couldn't help but gasped. Damn, if the coalition forces blow up the food and ammunition, What do 2 people eat on the right bank of the Volga River, where even ordinary people can hardly find it?How can we fight this battle?

After a while, the communications staff came back in a hurry and reported out of breath:

"Report, Comrade Commander, a warning telegram from the Chernigovka Fourth Army Rzhevsky, a large fleet of coalition forces is coming to our side, asking us to pay attention to air defense and concealment. In addition, Rzhev Ski asked for instructions on the next move, if the main force doesn't go to Ufa to make a rescue, he will have to kill his horses to satisfy his hunger!"

"This Lezhevsky, what is he doing? The enemy planes have all left, and his warning telegram is long overdue. If you expect him to warn, the day lily is cold!" Tukhachevsky muttered dissatisfied. road. (_)

"I didn't expect the air force of the coalition to have such a large scale. How can we fight this battle? We have almost kerosene and any anti-aircraft weapons and equipment. In the eyes of the enemy's aircraft, we are lambs to be slaughtered! I propose to convene an emergency military committee of the Southern Group Front Meeting to discuss the next move of the cluster!" Ma Xin, the acting commander of the cluster, who had been hesitant about withdrawing westward or aiding the east, finally made a preliminary decision.

Among the bombers of the coalition air force, the Handley Page 4 is the slowest flying type, with a speed of 57 kilometers per hour. The distance from Milner to Bavley is about 4 km, and the Handley Page 6 heavy bomber flies the slowest. Three formations of [-] twin-engine heavy bombers flew at the end of the formation, and above them were two squadrons of new Chinese fighter-bombers escorting them.

And the six flying squadrons, including Se5 and D4, whose flying speed reached **** kilometers per hour, took the lead and rushed towards the line from October Town to Buffy. (_)

Half an hour later, the Ninth Army on the front line of Bavley was attacked by 96 fighter jets and light bombers from six squadrons of the coalition forces and mopped up. All the villages, forests, and trenches within a five-kilometer radius were baptized by blood and fire. Such an order to disperse and hide is simply a dream for the Ninth Army that escorted the long convoy of grain and grass.

The weather is so clear, and the field is so open and unobstructed. Centered on Bavley, almost all the nearby villages stationed with infantry divisions have suffered air raids. The carts in a circle and the grain stacks in the middle have been bombed. A raging fire ignited as it fell apart.In addition to the horizontal bombing, the coalition fighters and bombers dived and swept all the machine gun fire points on the ground that dared to fight back.

For the soldiers of the Ninth Army, many Red Army soldiers saw planes for the first time in their lives, and even more saw so many planes in the sky for the first time. Countless soldiers from poor and hired peasants had experienced wars in Eastern Russia, Germany and Austria. The baptism of the frontline battlefield is the first time for them. The power of plane sweeping and bombing has caused many soldiers to panic and run around. When the plane dives, the roar of the engine is like the whimpering and roaring of demons in hell. .

However, se5 and d4 took turns sweeping all the active or firing targets on the ground after dropping the bombs, causing huge casualties to the Red Army troops on the ground. Nearly a hundred enemy planes in the sky are rare for veterans of the former Tsarist Russian army who participated in the Eastern Front Campaign.

Of course, Yegorov's Ninth Army is the elite of the Soviet Union's Southern Front Army. The anti-air Maxim machine gun air defense position organized hastily was destroyed by the opponent's hot bombing and sweeping. The se5 fighter jet of the coalition air force that was too low was shot down, and before the pilot had time to parachute, he and his plane collided with the opponent's machine gun position and ignited a huge fireball.

In addition, in this first wave of air strikes, another three aircraft of the coalition forces were injured, and all the anti-aircraft machine gun positions that dared to fire were completely plowed up!

Before encountering the opponent’s air power, the fighter jets of the coalition are more temporarily undertaking the mission of ground attack aircraft. Of course, the design of installing bulletproof armor on the belly of the engine and cockpit will have to wait until China’s next real mission of ground attack It will only be realized after the attack aircraft is developed.

The first wave of 96 fighter planes of the coalition air force achieved great results in the attack on the Ninth Army of the Soviet Russian Southern Front Army on the front line of Bavley. The Soviet Red Army on the ground did not have sufficient and effective anti-aircraft weapons. Suffered a huge loss.

This is not over yet. Within half an hour, the remaining 95 fighter planes in this attack by the coalition forces have almost finished shooting all the machine gun bullets, dropped all the bombs and started to return. They ran out of cover to fight fires and rescue the wounded. The soldiers of the Ninth Army who were burning grain piles ushered in another dark cloud in the sky that was long overdue.


In contrast, the Chinese FR fighter-bombers escorting the Handley Page 4 aircraft did not obtain permission to sweep the ground before departure. Wang Geng did not intend to take the risk of the new aircraft being shot down by the enemy. The "Excellent" fighter-bomber was just aggrieved and also in the 24-meter hollow, followed by 5 Handley Page 6s, pouring the aerial bombs it carried on all the squirming targets on the ground.

As a newly developed and put into use all-metal single-wing single-casing two-seat fighter-bomber, fr Excellence has a maximum flight speed of 26 kilometers per hour and an approved bomb load of 75 kg. It can carry either a 4-kg aerial bomb or a 75 bombs of the [-]kg class.

This time the FR Excellence carried a 75-kilogram bomb. The last 92 single bombs weighing 75 kg would completely make the Soviet Ninth Army on the ground cry, if it wasn't for the Army Command If they retreated so fast, they would probably be razed to the ground along with the entire center of Barvely Town.

Yegorov is a wise and courageous general of the Southern Front Army of the Soviet Union. In other words, if the Eastern Front Army has a master like Tukhachevsky, then the representative of the outstanding generals of the Southern Front Army is Yegorov. In 2 minutes, we got a warning from the south cluster in the east, but it was not easy to evacuate the mountainous food and ammunition. In fact, if it was not for the rush to evacuate food and ammunition, Yegorov's six divisions scattered in these 2 minutes. If we moved in the wilderness, away from the crowds, woods, and villages, the two waves of air strikes by the coalition air force might not have dealt such a huge blow to the Ninth Army.

During the bombing and sweeping of the area near Bavley by the coalition air force for nearly an hour, the coalition forces dropped nearly 9 aerial bombs, and the explosion power of the 25 kg aerial bombs was even greater than that of 5 heavy howitzer shells. Power, the Ninth Army was seriously injured by such a blow. It took more than an hour after the coalition planes returned, before the Ninth Army counted the losses and casualties:

The six infantry divisions of the Ninth Army assembled in Bafrey had more than 6 people killed and more than 2 people were injured. Each division lost almost one-third of its troops and the same proportion of artillery companies. More than half of the food, grass and ammunition were burned in the intensive air strikes, and almost all the villages near Bavley were burned.

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